I protected the steel tooth sister and Li Xiangning behind me and rolled up my sleeves to prepare for the battle. Since we can't solve it peacefully, we can only rely on our inability to win or lose. Although I know we can't fight, this is the case. If we can't fight, we have to be tough.

The chicken head took the lead and hit me with a stick. I didn't dodge. I was directly hit on my arm with a stick. Pain was the best stimulation. After I was beaten, my fighting spirit broke out with my anger.

The chicken nest head was very responsive and flexible. Seeing that my face changed, he quickly stepped back and let others go.

They have many people, and the advantage is undoubtedly on their side. Before we started, they rushed up with wooden sticks and smashed them at us. My Jiangshan Liu Lang was kicked to the ground by them, lying on the ground and slapped by them with wooden sticks. The wooden stick fan made a slapping sound on our body, which was painful.

We wanted to stand up and resist, but they would give us a chance to stand up. Holding a wooden stick was like beating a disobedient child. I kept beating on us. My hand was slapped and my bones were rattled.

Pang Ge was surrounded and beaten by several people, but Pang GE's size decided that he was not a bully. Pang Ge grabbed a man's collar, put him down with a fist, picked up the stick in the man's hand and began to fight with these people.

Seeing that we were beaten on the ground, fat brother was like a crazy beast and roared: "fuck NIMA, dare to beat my brother, I won't agree!"

Fat brother said, and then he took a wooden stick and slapped those who beat us. Those people were a little afraid of fat brother. They beat fat brother crazily with a wooden stick. I saw that fat brother's arms were beaten out in several ways, but this did not affect his combat effectiveness.

I know that Pang's body must be very painful now. It's all blood. It's impossible to say that it doesn't hurt. Pang just has been enduring it. Pang wants to pull us up from the ground, but those people all go to siege Pang. Those wooden sticks slapped on Pang, and several wooden sticks were broken.

Seeing that brother Pang was beaten, we were also very uncomfortable. We had been together for a long time, and our relationship had long been brotherly. Seeing that brother Pang was beaten, we were also flustered, especially uncomfortable.

As soon as I was cruel, I kicked a man away with one foot, and then stood up against the beating of a wooden stick. I pulled out the dagger hidden in my waist and caught one who hit us the hardest just now. It was a knife.

My face was beaten by a wooden stick several times. My face was very painful and my facial expression was very stiff, but I could still make an angry expression on my face.

Those people didn't dare to act rashly when they saw the blood on the dagger in my hand. I took the opportunity to pull Jiangshan LIULANG up. After Jiangshan LIULANG stood up, the four of us endured the pain and fought against these enemies side by side.

Seeing that we were beaten, Li Xiangning was so frightened that she cried that she quickly called those people to go away and don't beat us.

I asked steel tooth sister to look at Li Xiangning. It's okay for me to be beaten. Men are thick skinned. I can't plan a meal. As long as Li Xiangning and steel tooth sister are fine, I'll be fine.

Seeing that we stood up, the earth leopard who had been watching the play next to us finally went to battle with a wooden stick. After the earth leopard started, his people also started to fight. Fat brother couldn't carry it and was directly knocked down on the ground, and we were also knocked down on the ground under the random stick.

We were bruised and injured all over by a mess of sticks, so we couldn't get up. The earth leopard threw the stick on the ground, then came to me, looked at me and said plainly: "You say you're from the green dragon club, right? I know the green dragon club has great power, but the strong dragon doesn't suppress the local snake. If you dare to run wild on my territory, I won't give you any good fruit!"

I lay on the ground and glared at the earth leopard. The earth leopard looked at me and took out my mobile phone from my pocket. He put the mobile phone in front of me and asked me to call my big brother in the green dragon club.

I just stared at him and didn't move. The earth leopard looked at me, pointed to Li Xiangning and said, "I heard that there are a lot of people in Qinglong. It seems true today, but you'd better cooperate, otherwise I won't be as simple as calling with your mobile phone. If you don't call, I'll take your mobile phone and take a picture of the woman."

No way. In order to protect Li Xiangning, I had to follow the instructions of the earth leopard and called my brother. The earth leopard answered the phone. After the phone was connected, the earth leopard said arrogantly: "Hey! Your little brother beat my man on my territory. Now I beat him. You are his big brother. What should you do about it?"

In order to show his prestige, the earth leopard also turned the phone into hands-free, turned the call sound to the maximum, and we can all hear the contents of the phone.

After the earth leopard finished, the voice of his brother came from the phone. The brother calmly asked the earth leopard's address. After learning the earth leopard's address, the brother said calmly on the phone: "My little brother beat your man, and now you beat him again. It's reasonable to say that this matter is settled, but I don't know whether they are seriously injured or not. It's still early to solve this matter.".

After thinking about it, my brother continued, "I remember there is a local snake nicknamed earth leopard over there. You can take my little brother to find him. Just tell him my name Guan Yilong. He will help me take care of my little brother for the time being. As for the gratitude and resentment between my little brother and you, I'll come and explain it to you tomorrow!"

After listening to his brother, the earth leopard asked tentatively, "is your name Guan Yilong?"

My brother gave a sound, and saw the earth leopard very excited and said to the phone: "ah long, it's me. I'm the earth leopard. I haven't seen it for several years. I can't hear your voice! Alas, it's really the flood that washed the Dragon King temple. The family doesn't know a family!"

"You are a leopard!" my brother's emotion is also hard to hide.

Look at this, the earth leopard and his brother know each other. The earth leopard talked with his brother on my phone for a long time. He asked his brother when he came out of the Bureau and how he got in at the beginning. It was something from the past.

After the conversation, my brother said that I was his own brother, and Jiangshan fat brother was a capable man under his hands. The earth leopard apologized again and again: "Aaron, I'm sorry. I thought your brother and they were bastards of the green dragon club. They asked me to have a beating. I'm really sorry."

My brother didn't investigate anything. He said it was all right. Just hit them. They have thick skin and have a little skin trauma. Just have a rest.

The earth leopard patted his chest on the phone and assured his brother that he would take good care of us here. He would take us to the hospital for treatment. The earth leopard promised so. His brother didn't say anything more. After saying a few polite words, he hung up the phone.

The earth leopard put his cell phone in my pocket, quickly asked someone to help us up, and asked someone to drive us to the hospital.

When I was in the car, the earth leopard kept apologizing to me, "I'm really sorry. If I knew you were Aaron's brother, I would do it there! I did it wrong. Please bear with me."

The earth leopard and his brother are brothers. It's reasonable for me to call him brother leopard. My brother didn't say anything about it. What can I say when I'm a brother.

"Brother leopard, it's all right. It's normal to get beaten for a few times, but your men do a good job. You have to invite us to have a tonic another day," I said with a smile as I watched the leopard.

"No problem, don't say it's a meal at that time. You can eat as many as you want!" when I saw that I was not angry, the earth leopard also smiled on his face.

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