Steel tooth sister also saw that Li Xiangning had woken up. Steel tooth sister looked at Li Xiangning and asked, "when did you wake up, Xiangning?"

Li Xiangning said that she was woken up. She felt that the bed was shaking, and there was a sound that was woken up. After listening to Li Xiangning, the steel tooth sister pinched hard on my ass and whispered to me that it was because I worked too hard to wake up Li Xiangning.

Li Xiangning looked at me and steel teeth and asked seriously, "why do you all take off your clothes? Still hold together like this?"

I was a little embarrassed and explained to Li Xiangning, "we just want to hold each other like this!". If we don't say so, would it be difficult to tell Li Xiangning that sister steel teeth and I are overlapping.

Li Xiangning looked at me and continued to ask, "hold it if you want, but why do you take off your clothes? Is it comfortable to hold it like this?"

I nodded and said yes. It's very comfortable to hold like this, and it's only comfortable to hold with me. It's very uncomfortable to hold with other men. The reason why I say this is also because I'm afraid that Li Xiangning will be taken advantage of by other ill intentioned men. Who makes Li Xiangning's intelligence like a child.

After Li Xiangning gave a sound, she wrapped her quilt and continued to prepare for sleep. I accelerated my action and wiped it with a paper towel for a few times. However, when I wiped it, Li Xiangning turned her head around again. When she saw me there, Li Xiangning stuffed her head into the quilt and looked at it. Then she got out of the quilt and pointed to me and asked, "what is this Dongdong?"

Li Xiangning's sudden question also embarrassed me. I didn't know how to explain to Li Xiangning, so I asked steel tooth sister and Li Xiangning to explain. Steel tooth sister didn't have the slightest taboo. She directly explained to Li Xiangning what mine was, saying that it was a sign of men and used to distinguish between men and women.

Steel teeth sister told Li Xiangning that the reason why Li Xiangning didn't have me was because she was a woman and I was a man. After explaining this, Li Xiangning understood a little. At this time, Li Xiangning was like a curious baby. After asking this, she asked steel teeth. What was I doing with her?

After thinking about it, the steel tooth sister said that my place was uncomfortable. If I did this, I would be more comfortable. But just after the steel tooth sister finished, Li Xiangning asked, is it really comfortable?

Steel teeth sister explained to her for a long time. Steel teeth sister was a little helpless one by one, but after the explanation, Li Xiangning didn't ask again and went to bed honestly.

I was sleepy after I finished, so I fell asleep with my steel tooth sister in my arms.

After playing with the earth leopard all night, their legs trembled. At first glance, they knew that they didn't play less women last night. The earth leopard took us everywhere in the next few days. It happened that we were not familiar with this side, so the earth leopard acted as our guide.

After playing for two days, it's the recording time of the singing competition. This is a competition. Only three people can stay. These three people will have the final finals next week, and the champion will be born.

During the competition, I specially invited the earth leopard to go with me. Anyway, my cousin could help us get tickets. At first, the earth leopard refused to go. He said it was meaningless for him to go to such a place, but in the end, the earth leopard went.

In this competition, my cousin marched into the top three without suspense. We all cheered and applauded for my cousin. Originally, I wanted to invite my cousin to dinner to celebrate, but when I was close, my cousin in the top three was more busy and had no leisure time at all, so I had to give it up.

When leaving, fat brother found the man in the audience, the man who has been chasing his cousin. Later, I also learned something about the man. The man's name is Zhao Jiale. He is a rich second generation. His family is relatively rich. He has played with countless women, including many young models.

His father is a man of the moment in the entertainment industry. Although his father has quit the entertainment industry, his influence should not be underestimated. Otherwise, his son Zhao Jiale would not hook up with so many young models.

Zhao Jiale's father has a very powerful entertainment company under his name. He has signed many artists. Several of them are still big names. Many artists will take the initiative to hook up with Zhao Jiale in order to be superior. However, Zhao Jiale is interested in his cousin. His cousin doesn't call him, but this increases Zhao Jiale's desire to conquer. He wants to conquer and refuses to obey his cousin.

Therefore, the reason why my cousin can advance into the top three so easily is of course that Zhao Jiale secretly helps. Otherwise, how could I have a good trip in the singing competition in the deep water. But when I know this, it's all later.

The reason why Zhao Jiale wants his cousin to win the championship of this competition is to make his cousin grateful to him. In this way, he will win his cousin. In fact, Zhao Jiale knows what he did behind his back, but she can only pretend not to know. Because she wants to be a leader, she has to accept Zhao Jiale's secret help.

Zhao Jiale secretly has been helping his cousin get more popularity and fans with the help of his father, so as to lay the foundation for her to win the championship.

People are always selfish. While pretending to accept the benefits given by Zhao Jiale without knowing it, my cousin is rejecting Zhao Jiale's overt kindness. I also understand why my cousin did this, but these practices will lay a curse for her in the future.

Before long, it was the last stage of the singing competition. This finals will determine the ranking of the remaining three singers and their future destiny.

Of course, the other two singers are not simple characters. They can't enter the top three without family background and power. Although many programs claim that they are fair competition and will never carry out black box operation, this is just a written word. Black box operation is not rare in this era.

Although the other two singers also have backgrounds, cousin Zhao Jiale is secretly helping. Who loses and who wins is also unknown.

The competition system of the finals has also been changed. It is no longer the audience voting, but let those famous singers make decisions. There are many famous singers in these famous singers.

If you want to win the championship of this competition, you should not only have singing skills, but also have a background. These big stars seem to be making a fair decision, but in fact, who is the champion has been decided from the beginning.

Of course, we came to the finals to cheer for our cousin. Cousin is the first singer to play. Her song sounds good. The judges invited on the stage have already scored well, but the score will be announced at the end. I don't know for the time being.

After singing, my cousin went to the other two singers to sing on the stage. To be honest, the other two singers sang well, but it was a competition in the end. The competition was cruel, and someone had to be out.

After all the singers sing, it's time to announce their scores. Cousin is number one, and so on.

I saw the host on the stage holding the counted hand card and said excitedly, "let's announce the score for everyone. Contestant No. 3, a total of 95 points! Contestant No. 2, a total of 98 points!". It was said that the host sold a pass and read the advertisement, which made people sweat for my cousin's score.

A total of ten guests were invited this time, with a full score of 10. Undoubtedly, the scores of No. 3 and No. 2 are already very high, which makes people more worried about the achievements of my cousin.

Zhao Jiale also came to the scene of the game. He sat in the back corner. If there was no light, I wouldn't find him. I saw Zhao Jiale looking at the stage with a smile on his face, and I probably guessed the result of the game.

"Let's announce the score of contestant No. 1. Contestant No. 1 has a total of 98.5 points! The highest score in the game! No doubt he has sat on our champion today!" the host said very excitedly. When the host said that, the whole audience was boiling and cheering for his cousin.

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