There is no doubt that my cousin got the championship trophy. The cousin who got the trophy was very happy. After the game, my cousin called us and invited us to have a meal to celebrate. Of course, we were happy to keep the appointment. We were also very happy to see that my cousin successfully won the championship trophy.

My cousin invited us to dinner in a high-end restaurant. When we went, my cousin was already waiting for us. Today's cousin is full of star style and famous brand clothes. To tell the truth, such a cousin gives me a sense of distance. Maybe it's my inferiority complex.

My cousin sat down with us and only got a few things. Then someone called her. After she answered the phone, she put on her sunglasses and mask and got up and left. She said she had checked out. We can rest assured. She left first if she had something to do.

After that, my cousin went out and got on a Porsche. I don't know who was on the car, but from these two Porsche, I can infer that the person on the car should be Zhao Jiale. Last time, Zhao Jiale drove this car to the recording site to send my cousin back.

But I think so. Zhao Jiale helped his cousin so much behind his back. No matter what she said, she was going to have dinner with Zhao Jiale. At least she had to say something.

We will go to the hotel after dinner. Now our cousin has achieved her wish and won the championship trophy. It's time for us to go back and continue our life. After staying here for so long, we don't have much money left.

We've already planned. We'll go back the day after tomorrow. We'll have a good day tomorrow and leave at that time.

After my cousin won the championship of the singing competition, people came to her every day to act for her. I was very busy. I had planned to get together with my cousin again, but I didn't bother her when I heard that my cousin was so busy on the phone.

She won the championship of the singing competition, and her cousin also won a lot of fans. For artists, fans are rice bowls, and her cousin has enough fans to gain a foothold in the entertainment industry.

Seeing my cousin being interviewed by the media on TV, the sense of distance is getting deeper and deeper in my heart. In the final analysis, distance does exist. My cousin is now a star. Of course, she is different from ordinary people like me, but if I choose, I would rather choose my cousin to be ordinary, so that I can have less sense of distance from her.

We were ready to pack up and go after a good day's play, but when I was packing in the evening, my cousin called me and asked me to go there.

My cousin and I made an appointment to meet in a restaurant. My cousin had been waiting for me for a long time. However, my cousin was wearing a mask and wrapped tightly. If she hadn't called my name, I hadn't found her yet. I sat down in front of my cousin. After drinking a glass of wine, my cousin looked at me and asked seriously, "cousin, what do you think of me now?"

"You're fine now. With such high popularity, it's too late for many people to envy to become famous overnight!" I looked at my cousin and smiled. In this materialistic society, many people want to be famous, but few people really want to become famous overnight like my cousin.

"I haven't been famous before. I want to be famous. After being famous, ha ha!", my cousin smiled bitterly and continued to drink.

Looking at my cousin, I think something unpleasant has happened recently. I asked my cousin what happened? My cousin told me the truth after she looked at me.

Cousin Zhao Jiale's secret help is indispensable for her fame. Cousin Zhao Jiale had dinner with Zhao Jiale several times, which is regarded as an expression of meaning. But last night, Zhao Jiale invited her to dinner and almost attacked her. If she hadn't reacted quickly at that time, Zhao Jiale would have succeeded.

But I can't hide for a while. My cousin's fame depends on Zhao Jiale's help. If my cousin doesn't contact Zhao Jiale in the future, Zhao Jiale will definitely try to figure out how to make my cousin collapse and be scolded by thousands of people. But my cousin continues to contact Zhao Jiale and is afraid of being infringed by Zhao Jiale. Now my cousin is in a dilemma, She didn't have a friend who could tell the truth, so she asked me to talk.

I'm not that hot headed teenager now. I can probably understand my cousin's difficulties, but in the final analysis, I'm not a person in the entertainment industry. I don't have any power in the entertainment industry. If I want to help my cousin, I'm willing but weak.

In addition to the comfort of words, I can't do anything for my cousin. After drinking two glasses of wine, my cousin seems to think of something, and then asks me what I do at ordinary times. I said I opened a billiard room. I usually sell things in the billiard room to settle accounts.

My cousin asked me how much money I could earn in a month. I said it was not much. It was just ordinary. My cousin nodded and looked at me and said, "I have a good job. You can try it. I can give you 10000 a month!"

I asked my cousin what she did. She looked at me and said, "it's not a troublesome job. It's just to be a bodyguard around me. Just protect my safety and maintain order. The brokerage company I signed up with recently is going to recruit some bodyguards for me. If you were my bodyguard, I would feel more secure. I don't believe others, and I only believe you!"

A great beauty like my cousin said such words to me. Of course I want to be a bodyguard, but I can't rest assured that Sister Li Xiangning steel teeth, but I don't want to see my cousin so sad all day. Finally, I decided that I can be a bodyguard for my cousin for three months, and I have to go back after three months.

My cousin nodded and said it was OK. Let me go to her agency for an interview tomorrow. Then she will let me pass.

After I nodded my head and promised, my cousin asked me to drink with her. I didn't care, but I was afraid that my drunken cousin would get drunk. My cousin waved and said it was all right. She has a good amount of wine now.

I opened my stomach to drink with my cousin. My cousin drank a lot of wine at one time. Before I drank much wine, my cousin fell drunk on the table. I woke up my cousin and asked her where she lived. In this case, I can only send my cousin back.

My cousin vaguely told me her address, so I helped her out to find a car and take her back. My cousin usually has a special car to pick her up, but today my cousin obviously sneaked out, so I took a special car to pick her up.

My cousin lives in a very luxurious apartment. If it weren't for my cousin, the security guard wouldn't let me in.

My cousin lives on the fifth floor. After I helped her up the elevator, I took the key from my cousin's pocket and opened the door to send her in. My cousin's apartment is really not generally large and the home is very complete.

I sent my cousin to her bedroom, took off her shoes, and then I took her to bed. Looking at my cousin lying on the bed, I couldn't help sighing that my cousin was still so beautiful. Although it has been so many years, my cousin is still as beautiful as before. The only change may be her ass and chest. Her chest seems to have become bigger, Your ass is warped, too. Physically more attractive.

Seeing my cousin who has fallen asleep, I thought of threatening my cousin with a small video. Now think about it, it was really reckless at the beginning, but to be honest, a beautiful woman like my cousin wants to do it once.

I saw my cousin this time, and then bad water came up in my heart. Anyway, my cousin is asleep now, and she is the only one in her family. Why don't I take this opportunity to get her directly? I'll find an excuse to say that I was drunk at that time, which was why I accidentally did something wrong. If I can't do it, I'll do it again and make a small video to threaten my cousin as before, So, hey hey! Cousin can only be obedient.

After thinking of these in my mind, I unconsciously held my cousin's small face in my hand, and then secretly kissed my cousin's lips, but when I was kissing dark and cool, my cousin opened her eyes and looked at me like this.

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