I dared to continue there and quickly stacked my mouth from my cousin's fragrant lips. However, my cousin seemed to just open her eyes. After yawning, she continued to close her eyes and sleep. She slept soundly, and her chest kept rising one after another.

Of course, I didn't dare to be a thief. I quickly left my cousin's residence and went back to the hotel. At that time, Li Xiangning had fallen asleep, while sister steel teeth sat on the bed waiting for me to come back.

I told sister steel teeth that I wanted to be a bodyguard for my cousin, but sister steel teeth didn't say anything. I said I would go back in a few months, and all the wages I received here would be on sister steel teeth card. Sister steel teeth nodded and asked me to pay attention to safety here. She would take good care of Li Xiangning, which reassured me.

I've always been very relieved of steel teeth. Steel teeth said that they would go back together tomorrow. When I go back, I'll call her first, and then she will come back to pick me up.

After saying this, I took advantage of Li Xiangning's sleep and made it with sister steel teeth again, and then I was willing to sleep.

The next day, I sent my steel teeth Sister Li Xiangning to Jiangshan and they got on the bus. They were the first bus in the morning. After seeing them off, I came to my cousin's brokerage company.

At that time, about a dozen people applied to be bodyguards, but in the end, only five people could stay, and the others had to be eliminated.

The candidates were all veterans or people from martial arts school. I was the most ordinary. During the interview, my cousin came and asked me in person. She said she was very relieved, so I was directly admitted. Then I selected four strong men. In this way, the five bodyguards were all together.

At noon, my cousin asked me to have dinner with her. When I had dinner, my cousin looked at me and asked me, "did you take advantage of me when I fell asleep when you sent me home last night?"

"I swear to God, I absolutely don't. how could I be that kind of person? I'm very honest!" I looked at my cousin's righteous words and said. Anyway, my cousin opened her eyes vaguely yesterday. I said that she would know whether it was true or not.

"Oh, you really think I'm unconscious. I saw it clearly last night. You secretly kissed me on the lips. If I hadn't found it, who knows what bad things your bad cousin would continue to do? Your stomach is full of bad water. I had learned it!" my cousin looked at me and joked, The smile with bright eyes and white teeth was like the spring breeze in March. Although it was laughed and scolded by my cousin, it was really itchy in my heart.

Today's cousin has a special feminine taste, and her dress is also very fresh and beautiful. Since my cousin found it last night, it's no use for me to argue. I looked at my cousin and said, "cousin, you can't blame me. You're so beautiful, and we're alone and widowed. I'm a normal man. If I don't have a little mind, it must be impossible!"

"Still want to flatter me, I tell you I don't eat your set," my cousin smiled at me. My cousin said so in her mouth, but she must accept my praise in her heart.

"Didn't I give you a chance before? You didn't seize the opportunity yourself! Now think I was really stupid. I thought it was stupid to give you my first time!" my cousin said to me while eating.

There is a saying that the past is called the past only when there is regret. How can we recall the past without regret.

I said that the past has passed, and the most important thing is to grasp the future. After laughing, my cousin continued to eat without saying anything.

In fact, the work content of bodyguards is very simple, that is, escorting cousins to participate in activities everywhere and protecting their personal safety. However, although it is simple, it is not easy to do it in practice.

Zhao Jiale often comes back to find his cousin and asks her to eat, watch movies and so on, but the bad water in Zhao Jiale's stomach has long been known by Sima Zhao's heart. However, Zhao Jiale has helped his cousin, and she can't refuse. She can only go hard.

My cousin was afraid that Zhao Jiale would do something special to her. When I was alone with Zhao Jiale, I would ask me to wait nearby. As long as she issued a new number, I would appear in time. In this way, although my cousin was not violated, I was even more tired. Once my cousin and Zhao Jiale wandered for a day, and I kept it for a day.

However, although the cousin has not been infringed and the price has not been less occupied by Zhao Jiale, the cousin can't say anything. The consequences of offending Zhao Jiale will be really serious, ranging from being removed from the entertainment circle to being retaliated by Zhao Jiale. Of course, the cousin doesn't want to live in that day.

My cousin is enjoying a good time in the entertainment industry. While singing, I often contact advertisements to get some extra money. Seeing that my cousin's life is becoming more and more moist, I am also happy for my cousin in my heart.

Zhao Jiale often comes back to find his cousin, but her cousin often refuses Zhao Jiale for reasons such as having something to do. She really can't refuse. Her cousin also tries not to stay with Zhao Jiale and leaves when she has a chance.

It's OK to do this twice. Over time, Zhao Jiale won't be so kind. Once Zhao Jiale asked his cousin for an advertisement, and the endorsement fee is not low. After thinking about it, she went. Her entertainment circle is a place of right and wrong that updates very quickly. My cousin wants to make more money while she is still popular, When you are unknown, you can be less tired.

My cousin asked me to drive her. She was not at ease. I sent my cousin to the place Zhao Jiale said. It was a hotel, and Zhao Jiale was in the room. There were two bodyguards outside the room, who were hired by Zhao Jiale.

After my cousin knocked on the door, Zhao Jiale opened the door for my cousin, and I was stopped outside by the two bodyguards. Zhao Jiale stretched out his head from the room, looked at me disdainfully, and then said, "you'd better stay honest. Not everyone can enter my room!"

After that, Zhao Jiale slammed the door. The sound insulation effect of the hotel is very good. I can't hear any sound outside the room, which makes me worry. Zhao Jiale is not a good thing at first sight. What if he does something bad to his cousin in the room.

But I can't do anything except worry. I can't get close to that door. As soon as I get close, I'm stopped by the two bodyguards. "Mr. Zhao said that no one is allowed to get close to this door for one meter except Miss Li Xiaomin, let alone enter this door! Man, we all talk about our peers. Just wait outside and don't embarrass us!"

To put it bluntly, the two bodyguards mean to know better yourself. We don't want to deal with you!

I'm alone and there are two of them. Of course I won't go to beat them, but I've always been worried about my cousin. I always feel that Zhao Jiale will do bad things to my cousin today. Although this is only my intuition, sometimes my intuition is more effective than my feeling.

Just as I was wandering back and forth outside the room worried, my mobile phone suddenly rang. I took it out and saw that it was my cousin, but I was hung up by my cousin after only calling. My cousin was in the room. It must be Zhao Jiale who wanted to do something wrong with her. She called me.

I put my cell phone away, then looked at the two bodyguards and said, "let me in!"

"As I said, Mr. Zhao said, only Miss Li Xiaomin can go in, and others don't want to go in! If you don't listen to advice, we'll be rude to you!" the two bodyguards said very arrogantly. He tried to stop me from going in relying on many people.

"I'm no one else, she's my cousin! You'd better get out of the way, or don't blame me for being rude!" I looked at the two bodyguards and said fiercely, I don't want to hurt them, but if they continue to stop me, I can't control so much.

The two bodyguards held hands in front of the door and made it clear that they wouldn't let me in. I didn't talk to them and took out the dagger from my waist.

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