After the leopard winked at me, I put down the iron bar in my hand. Although I didn't want to let the rats go, the leopard meant so, so I had to follow my guest.

With the help of his younger brother, the rat left in a panic. After leaving, the rat turned around and gave us a fierce look. At that time, his fierce eyes were just seen by me.

After we won, of course, we should celebrate. The earth leopard led us all to a restaurant and had a good celebration banquet. After we were full, we returned to the hotel one after another and reunited with Jiangshan fat brothers again. According to our previous style, I should take them out to have a good whoring, But I really don't have much money. I can only take them out in a few days and have a good time.

After I returned to the hotel, I immediately opened the computer equipped in the hotel, and then opened the news web page. As I expected, the video of Zhao Jiale has appeared on the home page, and the number of hits has only increased.

Although Zhao Jiale didn't get involved in the entertainment industry, he has also become a figure highly concerned by the media by virtue of his father's popularity. His popularity is higher than that of some stars. People are eager to peep. Seeing that Zhao Jiale's so popular video has spread to the Internet, naturally many netizens click to watch it.

Many netizens cheered after reading it, saying that this grandson deserved it. The reason why Zhao Jiale was so annoying also had something to do with himself. Long before his cousin got angry, Zhao Jiale was often exposed by media reporters that he had a one night stand with young models in the entertainment industry and went to nightclubs to call prostitutes, It is said that Zhao Jiale, a son of a bitch, once had a strong relationship with a popular female star at that time last year, but it didn't make much waves for me. After Zhao Jiale's father Zhao Feng came out in person, it ended like this.

Zhao Jiale's video must have spread everywhere. I believe he will make headlines tomorrow. I must be giving him a praise and comment at that time.

I took the video of Zhao Jiale to my cousin's room and showed it to my cousin. My cousin was wrapped in a quilt and didn't see what happened when I recorded the video. After watching it, my cousin even shouted. It was really disgusting. Did I say that I was sick in my heart? Why do you shoot such a video?

I smiled and said: "Yes, I'm a psychopath, but this video is much more popular than your cousin's original videos. I think those entertainment news reporters will be very interested in it. Zhao Jiale destroyed your hard-working image and I ruined his reputation. Isn't his father in the entertainment industry very high? This time I'll see if his status will be much higher Get up! ", I said very coldly. I was very upset at the thought of Zhao Jiale's son of a bitch.

After I said that coldly, I put my eyes on my cousin's upturned ass. my cousin quickly covered her ass with her hand, "don't have any idea about my ass!"

After I put down my mobile phone, I looked at my cousin and said with a bad smile: "I not only have ideas about your ass, but also have ideas about what's on you. I'll let you go for the time being and directly strengthen you at that time!" In fact, I'm just joking with my cousin. A great beauty like my cousin is a man who wants to get rid of her, but at this time, my family relationship with her takes up more.

When my cousin heard me say this, she covered her mouth and looked at me YingYing and smiled, "if you really have the courage to beat me, I wouldn't be a girl now!"

My cousin was saying that I was timid when I was studying, but to tell the truth, I was really timid at that time. Now compared with the past, I am not only bolder, but also bolder in everything.

After chatting with my cousin for a few meat jokes, I lay down on my cousin's big bed. The environment of this hotel is really good. The bed is not only big but also soft. It's very comfortable to lie on it.

After I lay down, my cousin also lay on my chest, and I looked at the ceiling like this. My cousin and I didn't talk for a while. After lying down for a while, my cousin looked at me and asked, "cousin, my cousin asked you a question. If you could start over again, would you marry my cousin?"

I asked my cousin why she asked so? My cousin looked at me and said, "I just want to know what position I am in your heart?". After that, my cousin looked at me with her talking eyes and hoped I could give her an answer.

I looked at my cousin and said with certainty, "yes! I will!" cousin, didn't I tell you? You are the first woman I want to fuck most in my life. I really had the idea of making your stomach bigger! "

After that, I thought of the original thing and couldn't help laughing, but after laughing, I felt sad. At the beginning, the person I really wanted to work with for life was my beautiful deskmate - Sun Han. Unfortunately, things are different, and my favorite person finally left me.

After listening to what I said, my cousin smiled, then looked at the ceiling and sighed, "I didn't know why I hated you. I always felt that I hated you in my heart, but over time, I found that it was true that I hated you at the beginning, but you were always in my heart!"

I'm not the young man I was. I know what my cousin meant, but things are different, and time has changed everything.

I held my cousin tightly for a while and then went back to my room to go to bed. Before going to bed, steel tooth sister talked to me again. She asked me to go back as soon as possible. She missed me very much. Why don't I miss her.

When I woke up the next morning, I turned on my mobile phone. As I expected, all major news websites were swiped by Zhao Jiale's video reports, with tens of thousands of hits and 100000 comments.

But what's different from what I think is that the news headline reads: "the son of a big man in the entertainment industry and men. Some people play fun games. Be big and careful!"

To be honest, is this bloody video like playing an interesting game?

Those parts of the video that are not suitable for children have been mosaic, but Zhao Jiale's face is still codeless HD.

As soon as the news came out, the entertainment circle exploded, and many reporters went to surround Zhao Jiale. That's what the entertainment circle is like. My cousin was still on the cusp a few days ago. In just a few days, the protagonist switched from my cousin to Zhao Jiale.

From the Internet, we can see the live broadcast of the reporter's interview with Zhao Jiale. The live broadcast shows that a large number of entertainment journalists have come to the door of Zhao Jiale and are waiting for Zhao Jiale to come out.

After a while, Zhao Jiale appeared in the camera. Zhao Jiale came back under the escort of the bodyguard. It can be seen that Zhao Jiale didn't return all night last night. He must have been looking for a woman to play outside.

"Mr. Zhao, I'm a reporter from * * website. Did you record those screen swiping videos in the news? Or did you play fun games with your male friends as said on the Internet? Who uploaded the video to the Internet? Please answer Zhao Xiansheng."

It is not difficult to see from the live camera that Zhao Jiale has been surrounded by the long guns and short guns of those entertainment journalists.

Zhao Jiale, this son of a bitch, deserves it! I feel cool in front of the computer.

Zhao Jiale didn't make any response to this and asked the entertainment news reporters to make way for him, but those entertainment news reporters were like beating chicken blood. This was a big news with material. Who would let it go? He completely ignored Zhao Jiale and continued to ask Zhao Jiale with a long gun and a short gun.

"I TM asked you to get out of the way. Are you deaf?" Zhao Jiale said fiercely looking at the camera.

Seeing that the reporters refused to get out of the way and were still taking photos, Zhao Jiale got angry directly, clenched his fist, knocked down the two reporters and smashed all the other people's equipment. The live broadcasting equipment I saw was also smashed by Zhao Jiale.

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