Although I can't continue to watch the live interview with Zhao Jiale, I don't have to worry, because an hour later, Zhao Jiale beat the reporter and smashed the equipment again made the headlines. Although the heat is not as hot as his video, it also attracted many netizens' hot comments.

Both news and Internet users are in a one-sided situation. Many people curse Zhao Jiale on the Internet, saying that Zhao Jiale is so arrogant because of his father, and that Zhao Jiale is scum and an ill bred dog. 10000 of the 10000 hot reviews scold Zhao Jiale.

Today, with the development of the Internet, the power on the network is very strong. Soon, Zhao Jiale's father Zhao Feng was also affected by Zhao Jiale's affairs. Those entertainment news reporters couldn't find material from Zhao Jiale, so they attacked Zhao Jiale's father Zhao Feng and questioned Zhao Feng with a long gun and a short gun.

However, different from the interview with Zhao Jiale, the entertainment news reporters came to Zhao Feng not because of Zhao Jiale's video, but because Zhao Jiale started to beat reporters. It was a very bad behavior to beat reporters. Zhao Jiale started to beat reporters, so that many reporters broke Zhao Jiale's black material and discredited Zhao Jiale. This helped me. I thought Zhao Jiale's video could make Zhao Jiale restless, but I didn't expect Zhao Jiale to make trouble for himself.

Zhao Feng has a high position in the entertainment circle. According to his cousin, those so-called heavenly kings and divas in the entertainment circle dare not challenge Zhao Feng. They are all fawning on Zhao Feng, which also makes Zhao Jiale more unscrupulous and arrogant.

There is an entertainment company under Zhao Feng's name, which has signed many big names. The entertainment company is also affiliated with a film and television company with a history of many years. If there are 100 films produced in China a year, more than 60 of them are produced by Zhao Feng's film and television company, this is the main reason why Zhao Feng has so much power in the entertainment industry.

But more importantly, it is said that Zhao Feng used to be a gangster. The reason why he can become popular in the entertainment industry is because of his underworld background. However, these are rumors. No one knows whether Zhao Feng has a underworld background.

In his early years, Zhao Feng wanted to make his only son Zhao Jiale a star at the king level, but Zhao Jiale was ignorant and had no skills. His only hobby was to pick up girls and go to bed. However, because Zhao Jiale is the only child, Zhao Feng dotes on Zhao Jiale in every way and gives him what he wants, which also makes Zhao Jiale more and more unscrupulous.

However, Zhao Feng was badly hurt by Zhao Jiale this time. These things of Zhao Jiale directly damaged the interests of Zhao Feng company and made Zhao Feng bear the black pot of teaching his son.

I've never seen Zhao Feng, Zhao Jiale's father. I saw him on the Internet today. Zhao Feng's father has a national face, but what reflected in his eyes is ruthless. Although he is over half a hundred years old, he still looks very energetic.

In front of the media reporters, Zhao Feng kept apologizing, saying that he had failed to teach his son. He would try his best to compensate the beaten reporters. Zhao Feng was very powerful in the entertainment industry. Zhao Feng said so, and the reporters didn't pursue anything anymore. This thing passed so slowly.

But because of this, Zhao Jiale can be said to have been pushed to the forefront by the media. If Zhao Jiale had such a powerful father, he would not have ended the matter.

After Zhao Jiale beat the reporter, Zhao Feng began to deal with Zhao Jiale's video. In less than three days, all the videos circulated on the Internet were deleted, which is enough to see Zhao Feng's strength.

Zhao Jiale must know that I put the video online, but whether he knows it or not doesn't work. Now Jiangshan fat brother and the earth leopard will help me. I don't need to be afraid of him at all, but my cousin still asks me to be careful. If Zhao Feng comes out at that time, it will be difficult to deal with it.

Moreover, I heard from the earth leopard that the rats have made peace with Zhao Jiale. The earth leopard estimates that the rats will make a comeback with the help of Zhao Jiale, and Zhao Jiale will be disadvantageous to me with the help of rats.

But what worries me more is that Zhao Jiale's father, Zhao summit, is involved in this matter, which I can't deal with.

One night, the earth leopard invited us out to a restaurant for dinner. After the rat was defeated, the earth leopard took over the rat's territory and fished a lot of oil and water from it. As the saying goes, people have a good spirit at happy events. The earth leopard invited us out for a drink as soon as he was happy.

While we were having a good time, Zhao Jiale came with his Porsche. This time he didn't come alone. He also brought the injured rat on crutches. The rat's thigh was still wrapped in thick gauze. He had to limp with crutches. I think his leg was interrupted by me at that time.

After getting out of the car, the white rat limped towards us with a crutch. His face was cold, there were sparks of revenge in his eyes, and his teeth were almost broken.

There were two of them. We were not afraid. We continued to eat, but our eyes kept staring at them.

Zhao Jiale was wearing a black suit. He could smell his perfume from far away. Zhao Jiale walked up to me with his black leather shoes. After sitting at a table next to me, Zhao Jiale looked at me and smiled, "that video is what you put on the Internet."

"I thought the video was very wonderful, so I sent it to the Internet for everyone to watch, but I didn't expect that the response was so good!" I looked at Zhao Jiale coldly and said that the current situation is also very clear, and I don't need to be polite to him.

"You like to put everything on the Internet, don't you? Haven't you been protecting your cousin? I'll learn from you then. I'll see the response when I'm strong on your cousin in the whole live broadcast on the Internet!" Zhao Jiale looked at me and said coldly.

"Don't worry, in any case, you won't have a high response to the explosion of chrysanthemums!" I looked at Zhao Jiale and said fiercely.

"I'm not here to quarrel with you today. My friend has a few words to tell you!" Zhao Jiale said, pointing to the limping rat.

The white mouse put down his crutch and sat down, then lit a cigarette, looked at the earth leopard, said with a cold face: "earth leopard, you and I used to be well water and didn't invade the river, but you combined these little cubs to move me. Don't think you alone would unite. How did you beat me at the beginning? I must beat me back ten times!"

The white mouse threw the cigarette end directly to the ground after saying that fiercely, and then pointed to me and said fiercely: "and you little bastard, your hand is very black, and you broke my legs. Don't worry, I'll give you a happy one!"

"Do you two have any bullshit? You'll know beep in one day. Put us all down!" the fat man patted the table and looked at Zhao Jiale. The white mouse said fiercely.

Fat brother's rule is to try not to beep if you can move your hand. The reason why the rat and Zhao Jiale came here is undoubtedly the afternoon. The second is to intimidate us and disturb our inner defense line.

"Don't worry, I'll put you all down. Just wait!" the rat said fiercely and left with Zhao Jiale.

I don't think there's anything wrong with the combination of rats and Zhao Jiale, but they have such a successful heart that I still have no bottom. Although Zhao Jiale is a black sheep, we can't deal with them if his father helps secretly.

After Zhao Jiale and the rat left, I also went back to the hotel. I was not only worried about whether we would lose this time, but also worried that my cousin would fall into the enemy. What if Zhao Jiale sent someone else to do bad to my cousin when we started? I was beaten in this trick of luring the tiger away from the mountain.

Moreover, we don't know how many people Zhao Jiale has and how powerful they are. Everything is unknown. Coupled with Zhao Jiale's intimidation, I'm more worried.

But no matter how worried, what should come will come.

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