Zhao Jiale wanted to chop us all into meat mud with a knife, but obviously he wouldn't do it himself. After fat brother said that, we all retreated. We were all fine, but some of the injured brothers couldn't go. They were stabbed to death on the ground by the people brought by Zhao Jiale.

In the past, I couldn't help but be afraid when I saw people die, but I felt nothing after watching more. This is the end of mixing roads. I have to walk on my knees on the road I chose. Even if I was cut alive, I can't blame others.

We all retreated, and fat brother opened the way for us in the rear, but everyone was basically exhausted. It would be so easy to get out of there.

Seeing that we were going to escape, the rats immediately called people to stop us. There were a large number of them. After they all rushed up, it was like a tiger going down the mountain. We were completely unable to parry, and many people were beaten to the ground. Seeing those brothers lying on the ground, we can't do anything. It's good to be able to protect ourselves.

Soon we were stopped, and many brothers were beaten down. Fortunately, there was fat brother. After he knocked down a thug, fat brother grabbed the short knife in his hand, and then took the short knife to cut a blood path for us, but in the process of fighting, fat brother was injured.

After brother Pang died, I Jiangshan Liu LANGTU leopard and several other brothers took the first step. During the fight just now, Liu Lang's head was slapped with a stick, and he bled at that time. The earth leopard was injured to varying degrees, that is, Jiangshan and I were not hurt.

After we evacuated from the unfinished square, fat brother also retreated, but those people still refused to let us go. They have been chasing us. We have many goals, so we can only walk separately. We can find a place to meet after we survive.

I was with Liu Lang, and he looked like a leopard. Fat brother was with the other brothers. Liu Lang was injured and couldn't run. I helped Liu Lang run to a canteen and hid. Only then did I escape and save my life.

Jiangshan fat brother earth leopard escaped the chase. After we contacted by phone, we met in the clinic where Liu Lang bandaged the wound. All the wounds on fat brother were knife wounds. Although the wound was not deep, fat brother didn't bleed less.

After a simple bandage, the earth leopard took us to a remote hotel. The earth leopard said that the bastard of the white mouse was cruel and cruel. If we go back, he will definitely bring us a pot of food. We can't go back to our original residence. We can only find a place outside. Everything has to be considered in the long run.

This hostel is run by the lover of the earth leopard. It is also a refuge for the earth leopard. When the earth leopard is in trouble, it will take refuge here. Because the terrain of this place is remote, ordinary people can't find it here. The earth leopard asks us to put down our residence, recover our injuries first, and then think of a way.

This time we were beaten like a dog by the rat Zhao Jiale, and we suffered heavy losses. We went to so many brothers, and we were the only ones who could come back alive. Originally, the death of so many people should cause a great sensation, but it was heard that Zhao Jiale's father Zhao Feng suppressed all this.

The earth leopard had to ask his brother for help if he wanted to get back to the city. The earth leopard called his brother and asked him to send someone to help. My brother said that according to his friendship with the earth leopard, he must send someone to help, but my brother said he still had something to deal with and needed manpower urgently. He couldn't help the earth leopard for a while, Let the earth leopard wait for a while.

Although the leopard was very anxious, his brother said so, and he had to wait.

There are few news about Zhao Jiale on the Internet these days. According to the grapevine, the entertainment news about Zhao Jiale was suppressed by Zhao Feng, Zhao Jiale's father. It is said that some entertainment news editors were intimidated and said that if they write more entertainment news about Zhao Jiale, they must be restless, Don't think about it. The man behind the scenes must be Zhao Feng, Zhao Jiale's father.

During the few days of our cultivation in the hotel, the earth leopard was not idle and went everywhere to inquire about news. According to the news inquired by the earth leopard, the thugs brought by Zhao Jiale that day were all outlaws in the underworld. Just because Zhao Jiale's bastard couldn't invite these outlaws, there is no doubt that Zhao Feng paid for them.

Although Zhao Feng has never met, he plays us like a dog behind his back. If we fight head-on, don't we mean a turtle in a jar to him?

Besides, the bastard Zhao Jiale was very angry after we ran away. He took people everywhere to find us, but so far he still hasn't found where we are.

The earth leopard said that if we want to go back to the Qinglong club, we can go back. He won't say anything. The reason why the earth leopard said to let us go back is actually reasonable. The earth leopard is not worried about Zhao Jiale. He is worried that Zhao summit will directly intervene in this matter.

Although the earth leopard is not from the entertainment circle, he also knows Zhao Feng, because Zhao Feng has been involved in the underworld before, and the earth leopard also knows some news. The earth leopard says that although Zhao Feng still has contacts with the underworld, the earth leopard is afraid that Zhao Feng will use his contacts in the underworld to kill us for his son, So let's go back to the Qinglong club. How can the Qinglong club be powerful? Zhao Feng didn't dare to touch it.

We know the kindness of the earth leopard, but if we leave, what can the earth leopard do alone? As he said, Zhao Feng uses the underworld resources. Won't he have to wait to die?

After discussing with my fat brother Jiangshan and Liu Lang, we decided to stay. My brother also said that he would send someone to help us for a while. It's not certain that we can get back to the city at that time.

The earth leopard was very moved by our decision to stay. The earth leopard said with emotion that there are few people who really talk about righteousness now. Righteousness is no longer valuable in this materialistic society.

We are like rats in the gutter. We have been hiding in this remote hotel. We thought it would be all right to hide like this, but what should come will come. It's just a matter of time.

One afternoon, we were playing poker in the hotel room to kill time. At this time, there was a knock at the door. I opened the door and saw that it was the hostess of the hotel, that is, the mistress of the earth leopard.

When she saw us playing poker, she said to us anxiously, "a group of people came just now. They are not good people at first sight. They should come to hunt you down. Run away quickly!"

The earth leopard hasn't come back yet. We can only protect ourselves first.

After the earth leopard's lover said that, we quickly packed our clothes and prepared to escape, but when we just came out of the room to escape, the fugitives who chased us had come up the stairs.

After seeing us, those fugitives looked like prey, pointed at us fiercely and said, "it's just them. Kill them all! Don't let any of them go!"

With that, the eight fugitives showed their fierce faces, took out the knives hidden in their bodies, stared at us fiercely, and then took the bright knives and prepared to come up and kill us.

We are on the third floor. The third floor is at least eight or nine meters from the ground. If we jump from the third floor, we have to be disabled if we don't die. The key is that there is only the corridor to go downstairs, and there are the eight fugitives in the corridor. It's impossible to escape. The only way is to fight with them, but it's not easy for us to fight eight out of four.

What's more, they have knives in their hands, and we are barehanded, but when we meet on a narrow road, we can only harden our scalp.

We clenched our teeth and clenched our fists. "Shit, we can't control so many. Fight with them! Die!"

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