Before the eight outlaws rushed up the stairs, fat brother took the lead and smashed the bag with things in his hand on the heads of the outlaws. Fat brother's bag contained some clothes and didn't hit the outlaws at all, but fat brother didn't expect the bag to play much role.

After the bag fell, fat brother shouted angrily, then ran up and rushed to the stairs. He kicked the first outlaw's chest violently. Fat brother's foot was not light. The outlaw was kicked directly by him and flew down.

The hotel was not big, and the corridor was relatively narrow. After the fugitive in front was kicked off by fat brother, the fugitives in the back pressed one by one and fell into the corridor.

Those fugitives actually smashed into the corridor and shouted one by one. Their fall is a good opportunity for us. Of course, we won't miss this good opportunity. We rushed down and grabbed the knives in those fugitives' bare hands. When there are guys in our hands, we don't panic much.

We were going to kill these fugitives and then leave, but we were worried that there were others nearby, so we left quickly after we got the knife and didn't dare to stay for a moment.

To tell you the truth, I was ready to die when I saw those fugitives. This time, thanks to brother Pang, if it weren't for brother Pang, we would really escape from the tiger's mouth this time.

After we came out of the small hostel, we found that the intersections where the small hostel came out were guarded again. Those people were vicious and murderous one by one. We didn't need to think much to know that they were with those fugitives.

However, the number of fugitives guarding the intersection was not large, that is, three or four people. If we were one-on-one, we were not empty. Under the leadership of fat brother, we took the lead to put down all the people guarding the intersection, and then took a taxi and fled the scene.

The terrain of the hostel itself is very remote. Those fugitives can take photos, which proves one thing. That bastard Zhao Jiale is determined to kill us, which shows that we are in a very dangerous situation.

What's more, we are not very familiar with this city, but Zhao Jiale is familiar with it. Everything is very unfavorable to us. When we left the taxi, we called the leopard first time. After the leopard came to know us, we came to us. After all, we were not familiar with the city. Without a guide, we could easily be found by Zhao Jiale's eye liner. Fortunately, this time, there is a fat brother who will not have such a good luck next time.

The earth leopard took us to live in a dilapidated residential building. We lived in the earth leopard's grandmother's house. His grandmother was very good and had a good hand. It was said that we were friends of the earth leopard and were very kind to us.

After this incident, our hearts became very bottomless. The earth leopard called his brother and asked him to come and help him as soon as possible. Otherwise, if we continue like this, I'm afraid we will be found by Zhao Jiale's minions in a few days, and then chased and killed like this time. This time we escaped by luck, but not necessarily next time.

My brother knew that the situation here was very critical. He said that he would finish handling some things tomorrow and take the latest bus. He would arrive the morning after tomorrow. My brother also knew that we were chased and killed. My brother asked me if there was anything. I know my brother cares about me. Although I'm fine now, who will understand the next moment.

My brother said he would leave tomorrow. Naturally, we have nothing to say. We can only stay honest these days and wait for my brother to come and help. Without my brother's help, we can't do anything.

During the two days we stayed at Grandma's house, the earth leopard went out to inquire about some news. The earth leopard said that the bastard Zhao Jiale threw money everywhere on the road to find us these two days. Zhao Jiale never killed us. He must be itching with anger. No matter who he is, Zhao Jiale won't be arrogant for a few days until his brother comes, We may be able to turn the tables.

My brother said he would come the morning after tomorrow, but it was already 11 noon. My brother hasn't come yet. I called my brother and asked him. My brother said they were still on the road and had a traffic jam last night.

I told my brother to call me when they arrived and I would pick them up at that time. My brother agreed and said that he would call me when he arrived. I would be ready to pick him up at that time.

At about 12 noon, my brother called me and asked me to pick them up outside the station. They rented a bus and drove by themselves. Although my brother had been to the city before, everything changed. Of course, my brother couldn't recognize the way.

After my brother called, we set off to pick them up. All of us went, which is a kind of respect for my brother.

The earth leopard had a car, so we went in his car. When we came to a sparsely populated Road, I heard the accelerator sound of a car nearby. Before I turned around and had a look, a Porsche with seven or eight vans directly stopped in front of us.

I knew the Porsche belonged to Zhao Jiale at first sight. I asked the earth leopard to drive away quickly, but the earth leopard was just about to turn around. The vans brought by Zhao Jiale accelerated and directly stopped the earth leopard's car.

Today, if we want to leave safely, it is basically impossible. Brother, they are still outside the station. Even if brother knows that we will continue to support now, he doesn't know how to come here.

I quickly took out my mobile phone and called my brother. After my brother got on the phone, my brother asked me where I was, and he was still waiting for me to pick him up. I said we were afraid we couldn't come for the time being. We were stopped by Zhao Jiale. Whether we could live was a question gift. I told my brother not to wait and came to help us. If we were late, we had to collect the body for us.

My brother asked me my address, but I haven't finished yet. Zhao Jiale rat got out of the car and came towards us with people. The rat kicked on the front of the car, and then smashed the windshield in front of the leopard with an iron bar.

I'm not familiar with here. I looked at the roadside sign and told my brother the approximate address, and then hung up the phone.

After the rats smashed the windshield, we opened the door and got off. Anyway, we can't run today, so we'll come down and fight with them. Although we fight, we still lose and die, but it's the same if we don't fight.

Zhao Jiale was wearing his black suit and polished black shoes. His face was full of smiles. He must have won. The leg of the rat is broken. He has been limping all his life. Now he can lose his crutch and walk on his legs, but his walking posture is still limping.

Zhao Jiale looked at me and said with a smile, "you've been playing hide and seek well these days. I spent so much money and sent so many people without killing you, but these are not important. The important thing is that you can't go today!"

The white mouse looked at me and said fiercely, "little smash, you broke my leg. Today, I'll beat all your leg bones into bone debris, and then kill you!"

"Don't worry, when you die, I'll burn a CD for you, a CD that your cousin was ravaged by me. You should enjoy it in the palace of hell!" Zhao Jiale said fiercely, looking at me. His face was very ugly.

After the intimidation, the rats and people were ready to attack us. They all had a wooden stick in their hands, and we seemed to be dying under the chaotic stick.

Zhao Jiale looked at us and said, "kill them!"

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