Although I told my brother's address, it's one thing whether my brother can get here in time. Moreover, I don't know whether my brother can find here. After all, he hasn't been here for many years.

After Zhao Jiale gave the order, the people they brought rushed up with wooden sticks. Although the wooden sticks were iron, it was not a joke that the strong wooden sticks hit the body. It was also very painful.

Zhao Jiale, the white rat, stood aside as if watching a bullfight and acted as the audience. When they saw that we were beaten, they said they laughed. Of course, we can't just let those people beat us with sticks. We are also resisting.

When I was beaten, I reached out and grabbed the stick in a man's hand, but I haven't grasped it yet. A stick mercilessly slapped me in the face and directly slapped me on the nose. My nose blood gushed out at that time. I didn't want to let go, and I was mercilessly slapped a stick on my hand, which was bruised at that time.

The slapped wrist hurt as if it were broken, but before I could touch the bruise on my hand, I was hit on my head by a wooden stick, which made me look like Venus and dizzy. After I shook my head and woke up, there was a burst of craniotomy pain on my head, and at the same time, I felt the heat on my forehead, I touched my forehead. It was all warm blood.

I was opened, but it was nothing. Although my head was opened, the wooden sticks in those people's hands were still beating wildly on us. Several wooden sticks were interrupted, and Zhao Jiale rat was laughing happily there.

"Break his leg for me!" the rat pointed at me and said fiercely. His eyes were full of resentment. I broke his leg and he wanted to revenge me.

After the rat said, those people took wooden sticks and beat them wildly on my lower leg. I couldn't carry it for a moment, so I knelt on one knee directly on the ground, because my lower leg was too painful for me.

The piercing pain on my head, hands and legs made me grin. It seems that they can only collect our bodies. I'm ready to be killed by random sticks. I clenched my teeth and looked at Zhao Jiale and shouted fiercely: "Zhao Jiale! You killed me, and my brother will send you down to accompany me! You'd better kill me today. If you can't kill me today, I'll break you to pieces!"

"Oh, you want to scare me. Since you want to die so much, I'll satisfy you!" Zhao Jiale waved to those people, pointed to me and said fiercely, "kill him for me!"

After Zhao Jiale finished, those people smashed all the wooden sticks on us. Looking at the bloody random sticks, I was ready to bite my teeth and come out to pay back, but I most regret that I failed to live up to my steel tooth Sister Li Xiangning.

When those disorderly sticks were smashed down, several bodies blocked them for me. They were fat brother Jiangshan and Liu lang. they were not as good as there. They were all bruised. Jiangshan's forehead was bleeding, and Liu Lang's body was bleeding. However, despite this, they blocked the disorderly sticks for me at a critical juncture.

If you have such brothers, it's worth dying. If you have such brothers, why do you want them!

Those disorderly sticks slapped down. When we were ready to die, we only heard the loud sound of doctors. Zhao Jiale's Porsche was directly knocked down by a bus, and there was a bus behind the bus, all of which were buses with more than 50 seats.

The bus drove directly to us and knocked down those who beat us with sticks. After those people were knocked down, the door of the bus opened and my brother got out of the car.

I haven't seen my brother for more than two months. My brother is wearing a suit. The whole person looks much more energetic, but a few white hairs on his head still expose his age.

After my brother got off the bus, he went straight to us. When those people saw my brother getting off the bus, they stood and dared not move. I believe they felt the murderous spirit and unspeakable dignity of my brother.

The moment I saw my brother, my tears couldn't stop flowing down. I was like this since I was a child. After being wronged, seeing my brother was like tears. It seemed to become a habit over time.

My brother helped us all up from the ground. My brother looked at the bleeding hole in my head, his face turned angry, and his breathing became like a beast, especially heavy.

"Brother long!" after Jiangshan and his brother said hello, he asked us to go behind him and deal with the next things.

Brother, when he heard that we were in trouble, he quickly asked someone to drive over to help, but he couldn't find it here. He had to walk all the way and finally came here. It seems that God doesn't intend to let us die like this.

After we stood behind my brother, my brother shouted, "all brothers get off! Copy all the guys for me!"

After my brother said that, all the doors of the bus were opened and all the people on the bus came down. For a moment, the originally empty road was suddenly full of people. After those people brought by my brother got off the bus, they took out several cartons from the luggage in the bus. They looked heavy, and I probably knew what was in the cartons.

Compared with this city, the green dragon club is much darker. There will take wooden sticks and copy the guys directly. The so-called guys are the cold knives.

After opening the carton, those people began to distribute one by one. Each one was a cold shining guy. It was frightening to look at the cold light.

My brother brought a lot of people this time, including hundreds of people, while Zhao Jiale rat brought only 40 or 50 people this time, and the strength is not a little worse.

Seeing that the people brought by my brother took the cold and shining guys, Zhao Jiale rats were a little flustered. At this time, they also understood that my brother was not easy to mess with. It was no fun to call so many people's big brothers at once.

When we were beaten just now, Zhao Jiale rats talked and laughed, but now they can't laugh.

My brother looked at Zhao Jiale rat and said, "you two should be their words. I saw what happened just now. You want to kill my brother, don't you?"

Zhao Jiale and the rat didn't answer his brother's question. His brother took out a cigarette and smoked one. Then he looked at the people with wooden sticks and said: "I don't care who you are. If you leave now, it's still in time. Of course, I just think it's a little bloody to kill so many people in one breath. If you don't want to go, you can. The big deal is that the crematorium will be busy for a while!"

Brother's meaning is very clear. If you leave, you can live. If you stay, you will only die.

Those people are not fools. They know what their brother means. Some people choose to put down their sticks and run away, while others choose to stay.

My brother took a knife from one of his men, then went straight to the rat, looked at the rat and said coldly, "you wanted to kill my brother just now, didn't you?"

The rat was too frightened to speak when he looked at his brother. After all, he was surrounded by more than 100 people with knives, and few people dared to speak.

"I didn't want to kill your brother, it was him! He paid me to kill your brother!" the rat pointed to Zhao Jiale and said quickly that he took Zhao Jiale's money to do it to me. He also said that everyone came out to do business with money. These things have nothing to do with him. He also begged his brother to let him go!

I told my brother what he had just threatened me. After listening to me, my brother's eyes glowed. Then he took the knife in his hand and stabbed the rat in the leg.

"You want to break my brother's leg, don't you? Well, I'll break your leg first. As for what you should do, let them make a decision!" after that, my brother pulled the bloody knife out of the rat's leg.

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