When my brother took a knife and inserted it into the rat's leg, the people brought by the rat Zhao Jiale were watching, but those people could only look so and dared not move. After my brother stabbed the rat's leg, the whole person fell to the ground, covered the wound with his hand and wailed on the ground.

My brother said that the rats should be left to us to decide. If I were to make a decision, I would definitely want the rats to go to hell, but the leopard who is most qualified to make this decision should be the leopard. The leopard and the rats are at odds, and we are outsiders in the final analysis, so we are not qualified.

So the decision-making power of the rat was handed over to his brother. The guy in his brother's hand handed it to the earth leopard and asked the earth leopard to deal with the rat. You can stab or chop it to death.

Just now, I was also beaten. The exposed arms were bruised and bloody by wooden sticks.

After taking the knife, the earth leopard went straight to the white mouse. The white mouse still had time to care whether his leg was broken. He begged the earth Leopard: "brother leopard, everything is my brother's fault. As long as you let me go today, my territory will be covered by you. If you have any conditions, you can put forward them and I will try to achieve them!"

"I have only one request, that is to let you die!" the earth leopard stabbed the rat with the guy after saying that. The rat was still breathing, and the earth leopard bit his teeth and stabbed several times.

The strength of the earth leopard's hand is no joke. After a few stabs, the rat fell to the ground, his eyes turned dead gray, and a pile of blood flowed on the ground.

After the rat fell into a pool of blood, his brother came to Zhao Jiale. His brother's fierce eyes just looked at Zhao Jiale, and Zhao Jiale's legs trembled. Zhao Jiale saw the death of the rat. Zhao Jiale knew very well that his life could go to hell at any time if his brother wanted to.

The elder brother pointed to the dead rat, looked at Zhao Jiale and said, "just now he said you did all this? Is it true?"

"Big brother, little brother, I really have no eyes. I don't know he is your brother. If I dare to treat him like this, please spare my life for my sake of being frank! Please!" before my brother asked, Zhao Jiale was scared to kneel down. After kneeling down, he kept begging my brother to spare his life.

"You bring people to beat them like this. If I let you go, how can I do it in the future!" after my brother said that, he stretched out his hand, and a little brother handed the guy to his brother.

This is not the first time that my brother has killed someone. Of course, he dares to kill Zhao Jiale directly. I don't think it's anything to kill Zhao Jiale. It's nothing to kill Zhao Jiale. However, it's said that Zhao Feng, Zhao Jiale's father, has a strong background and can't be underestimated. We are in this city again. If my brother really kills Zhao Jiale, Zhao Feng will never let go of his brother. Zhao Feng has only Zhao Jiale. If his brother kills Zhao Jiale, he will break his Zhao family's roots.

When my brother was about to do it, I went up and stopped my brother. I took my brother aside and told my brother about Zhao Feng, Zhao Jiale's father. Let's not say whether Zhao Feng had great power. It's not cost-effective to kill Zhao Jiale like this. It's better to tie Zhao Jiale up and clean up without killing him.

Isn't Zhao Feng very rich? Instead, we bind Zhao Jiale and let Zhao Feng redeem Zhao Jiale with money. Zhao Jiale is the only child of the Zhao family. We say how much it costs. In this way, we can not only breathe, but also get a sum of money. In this materialistic society, money has everything. Money is much more valuable than Zhao Jiale's life.

After discussing with my brother, my brother agreed with me and decided to tie Zhao Jiale away, and then blackmail Zhao Feng, Zhao Jiale's father.

The elder brother winked at the people under his hand. The younger brothers took a big sack out of the bus. The elder brother threw the sack directly on the ground. Looking at Zhao Jiale, he said expressionless: "if you want to live, you can get in by yourself. Of course, if you don't want to get in..."

Before his brother's words were finished, Zhao Jiale opened the sack and drilled in by himself. He looked at his brother and hurriedly said, "brother, I want to live. I'll drill in by myself!"

This Zhao Jiale was arrogant when he was proud, but when he was frustrated, it was not too much for trivial things like a dog.

Zhao Jiale was carried to the bus. As for the people they brought, they didn't dare to be arrogant when they saw that there were so many brothers, so they watched Zhao Jiale carried on the bus by his brothers.

My brother took us to the clinic to see the wound on my body. My head was wrapped in gauze, and they all applied medicine.

My brother had stayed here for a while. He wanted to help the leopard regroup, but the leopard tried his best to let his brother leave the city quickly. If Zhao Jiale hadn't returned for a long time, Zhao Feng would certainly send someone to look for Zhao Jiale. If he knew that Zhao Jiale was bound by us, Zhao Feng would stop us and save Zhao Jiale at all costs.

The earth leopard said that Zhao Feng has a Mafia background. Although Zhao Feng is no longer mixed in the Mafia, his contacts in the Mafia should not be underestimated. When he cheers up and throws some money, there will certainly be people from the Mafia to help him. This is not the territory of the Green Dragon Club. The situation is bad for us.

My brother said so, so he decided to go back overnight. As for the earth leopard, he said he would hide here well and could inquire about us at that time.

After drinking a glass of wine, my brother and the earth leopard took us on the bus and set off for the Qinglong meeting. After a day's drive, we finally arrived at 10 pm the next day. After taking the bus for a whole day, the big guys were tired. The first thing after I got off was to go back to my rental house and get ready for a good sleep.

When I went to the corridor, steel teeth just came back from shopping and met me. When steel teeth saw me coming back, she ran over with a plastic bag and gave me a big hug. After holding me tightly for a long time, steel teeth asked me why I didn't tell her when I came back. If I told her, she would come to pick me up.

I said I was a little tired after a day's ride. I'll go to sleep first and then explain to her slowly.

After listening to what I said, she made up my bed. I was not polite. She covered the quilt and went to sleep.

I don't know how long I slept. I think I slept for a long time. When I woke up, steel tooth sister and Li Xiangning sat at the head of my bed. After I woke up, Li Xiangning pointed to me and said to steel tooth sister, "sister Xiaoxiao, brother Han, he woke up."

I haven't seen Li Xiangning for a long time. I was still a little excited when I heard Li Xiangning's voice. Li Xiangning and steel tooth sister wore the same dress, but Li Xiangning looked better in pen steel tooth sister. Li Xiangning was very beautiful. It's true, but steel tooth sister was not bad.

When I saw that I woke up, sister steel teeth asked me to have dinner. As soon as I saw that it was dark outside, I had already ordered dinner. Sister steel teeth said that she didn't want to disturb me because she saw that I slept so well, so she waited for me to have dinner hungry.

I was just about to speak. Li Xiangning came and took my hand, looked at me and said with a small mouth: "brother Han, you get up quickly. You haven't slept enough for so long. People are hungry. Get up and have a meal!"

After I got out of bed, I asked Li Xiangning with a smile why she didn't eat first. Li Xiangning said that steel tooth sister didn't eat. How could she eat first.

Looking at the naive and lovely Li Xiangning and the virtuous steel tooth sister, a warm current suddenly flows through my heart. I can have such two women with me in my life. Even now is the end of life.

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