I licked my lips. After thinking about it, I still pressed on Li Xiangning. Li Xiangning hugged my neck like steel tooth sister just now, and then opened her mouth as if she wanted to eat. I knew she wanted to kiss me. Looking at Li Xiangning's tender, jelly like cherry mouth, I kissed it like a greedy cat.

Li Xiangning didn't know the correct process of kissing. After I put my tongue into her mouth, she subconsciously bit my tongue. At that time, I almost jumped up in pain. Fortunately, Li Xiangning didn't bite hard just now, otherwise my tongue would really be wasted.

After I got up, I dared to touch Li Xiangning there and quickly lay down to sleep. Li Xiangning innocently asked sister steel teeth if she had done something wrong just now. Sister steel teeth comforted her that it was the first time, and then coaxed Li Xiangning to sleep.

The next day, I followed Jiangshan and they went to see Zhao Jiale. After Zhao Jiale was tied up, he was locked up in a small house. My brother sent someone to guard outside and didn't let Zhao Jiale have any chance to escape.

After the guard opened the door, we went in. Zhao Jiale was locked in this dirty little house. The original bright black suit was covered with dust and dirt on his hair. He was almost a beggar.

Originally, we were going to come and make fun of Zhao Jiale. Who made him so arrogant at the beginning, but when we saw Zhao Jiale like this, we couldn't bear it. I admit that I'm not a good person, but I'm not the kind of person who adds fuel and vinegar. If we give enough lessons, it's almost enough. Just give him a long memory.

After seeing us coming in with a black face, Zhao Jiale hid in the corner like a frightened stray dog, then looked at me and begged, "I was wrong before, but you keep me a dog. I can give you whatever you want."

"We don't want anything. We just want to beat you! Didn't you want our lives at the beginning?", fat brother Liu langjiangshan watched Zhao Jiale go over fiercely, and then beat Zhao Jiale violently without saying a word. Zhao Jiale was beaten like a mangy dog, whining and begging for mercy.

People like Zhao Jiale deserve to clean up, but they can't do it if they start too hard. After they beat Zhao Jiale, I told them to stop. I said just clean up. If you kill Zhao Jiale, you won't get money at that time.

Compared with Zhao Jiale's life, we prefer to ask for money. Money is much better than Zhao Jiale's life.

After leaving the small house, I came to my aunt's house. I've seen my aunt for a long time. After buying some gifts, I went alone. In the past, my aunt and uncle would do some small business, but after my cousin became popular, my aunt and uncle didn't go out to work. My cousin would send money to them regularly.

When I came to my uncle's house, my aunt and uncle were all at home, sitting on the sofa, and my cousin was also sitting on the sofa. However, my aunt's face didn't look very good. After greeting me to sit down, my aunt brought me fruit to eat.

After I sat down, my aunt looked at my cousin and continued: "You are old enough to marry a good man. If you delay it again and again, what can you do if you are old enough to marry? Look at the daughters of your uncle's family. They have been married for a long time, and now their sons can make soy sauce. Look at that Xiaoli near you. She is not as good-looking as you, man How rich the husband's family is! "

My aunt's thought is still a little old-fashioned and feudal. I don't agree with her. However, in the final analysis, my aunt is an elder. I just watched and didn't say a word.

"Mom, I've told you many times that women don't live to get married all their life. I have to make a good choice for my own happiness. I don't want to make do with it all my life!", the cousin looked at her aunt and argued.

In the era of aunts, happiness may be to eat and wear warm clothes, but in today's society, people's understanding of happiness has long changed, which is one of the main reasons why many parents and children have differences because of marriage problems.

My cousin argued with my aunt for a while. Finally, my cousin really didn't want to talk with my aunt anymore and ran to her room.

At dinner, my uncle called my cousin. My cousin didn't come out and kept herself in the room. It's estimated that my cousin didn't want to listen to my aunt's scolding, so she refused to come out.

Although my aunt often scolds my cousin, she also hopes that my cousin will be well. She keeps it for my cousin when eating. After eating outside, my aunt asks me to send the food to my cousin. If she sends it, my cousin will not eat it.

After I called outside the door, my cousin came to open the door for me. I looked at my cousin and smiled and said, "cousin, eat some food. Your body is the most important. Eating more is good for your body!"

After being told by my aunt, my cousin's face was very bad, with a bitter gourd face. After I finished, my cousin said she didn't want to eat, and then she was ready to close the door. My aunt said that my cousin hasn't eaten today. My cousin must be angry and refuse to eat. It's OK not to eat there.

I didn't talk to my cousin. I directly took the food and forcibly entered my cousin's room. After putting the food on the small table in my cousin's room, I went to pull my cousin over and asked her to eat quickly.

"I'm not hungry yet. I don't want to eat yet. Please take the food out!" my cousin looked at me and said expressionless.

"I know, cousin, you must be angry and refuse to eat. In this way, you can eat these meals for my face," I said with a smile. After that, I took the food with chopsticks and fed it to my cousin.

After looking at me, my cousin opened her mouth and ate. While feeding my cousin, my cousin complained to me. She said she knew it would be like this. Her aunt would definitely let her marry when she came back.

I said it would be better to wait for a while. When it's safe, you can go back. While feeding your cousin, you can talk to her. In a moment, my cousin finished a small bowl of rice.

After I cleaned up the dishes and chopsticks, I was ready to take them out. It's getting late. I've been here long enough. It's time to go back.

Just as I was about to take out the dishes and chopsticks, my cousin asked me to stay with her. She said she didn't have any friends when she came home and didn't know who to talk to.

After I sat down, my cousin used to sit next to me, and then naturally leaned on my shoulder.

Looking at my cousin's clean and fragrant room, I unconsciously thought of the fact that I came to my cousin's room to steal my cousin's inner space. At that time, I hadn't touched a woman. Just seeing my cousin's white inner space, I sprayed nosebleed.

It was really silly and childish at the beginning. I didn't laugh at the thought of it. When my cousin saw me giggling there, she asked me what I was laughing at. I didn't hide it. I told my cousin about taking my cousin's little wife to fight Feifei. Anyway, it's been so long. Everyone is an adult, and there's nothing to be ashamed of.

After listening to me, my cousin held a small pink fist and hammered it twice on my chest. She laughed and scolded me as a pervert and beat Feifei with her inside.

I said I didn't want to do this. At that time, I wanted to get you, but if I couldn't get it, I had to solve my hungry heart in this way.

After I finished, my cousin stared at me with a warm look in my eyes, then looked at me and said softly, "do you like my inside very much?"

I deliberately made a bad smile and said yes, I especially like it. My favorite is the white one.

My cousin looked at me and stood in front of me, "if you like it, I'll show you!"

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