I was just saying it casually. After all, everyone is an adult. It's normal to joke, but I didn't expect my cousin to take the initiative. After standing up in front of me, my cousin looked at me with a smile, and then asked me softly whether I took it off by myself or she took it off by herself.

After swallowing my saliva, I looked at my cousin and said, "cousin, I was actually joking just now!". I know my cousin's feelings for me, but if I accept my cousin's feelings and have any improper relationship with my cousin, how can I explain to sister steel teeth at that time.

Many men may yearn for the life of three wives and four concubines, but everything has two sides. The good side has the bad side. The disadvantage of more women is that they can't take care of them well. If they don't take care of them well, they will have complaints, and complaints will become resentment.

"Didn't you say that the first woman you want most is me? I'll give you a chance to show you my inside! Don't you like it very much?" my cousin looked at me and said to me in a magnetic, er, and provocative tone.

Then without waiting for my head to slow down, my cousin took off her dress directly. My cousin didn't wear leggings. As soon as the dress was taken off, I saw the white cover and inside. Fortunately, the door was locked. Otherwise, my uncle and aunt found me and my cousin. I guess my uncle would break my leg.

"Is it nice?" my cousin looked at me and asked shyly, with a red glow on her face.

I nodded again and again. Just now I was still struggling with how I should explain to sister steel teeth if there was an improper man and woman with my cousin, but it turned out that men are really animals thinking in the lower body. What I thought at this time was how to get my cousin to bed and what posture to conquer my cousin.

I can't manage so much. I'm going to throw my cousin down and conquer her. Just as I stood up to throw my cousin down, my cousin put on her dress. My cousin also looked at me and said plausibly, "didn't I say it? I just let you have a look. Don't you like it?"

I know my cousin did it on purpose. She teased me on purpose. I went up and hugged my cousin and dared to tease me. I dared to be strong, but when I was ready to take off my pants, my cousin looked at me and whispered, "you'd better not do anything bad here. You know the consequences when my parents found out!"

That's what my cousin said. I dare to continue there. I can only pull up the trouser chain and prepare to leave. When I'm ready to leave, my cousin looked at me and said softly, "I'll let you do it when I go back. You can do whatever you want!"

Although my cousin said so, it still couldn't put out the fire in my stomach. After I went back with a stomach of anger, my steel tooth sister was washing vegetables in the kitchen.

I went to the steel tooth sister and directly roughly opened her pants without her permission. At first, the steel tooth sister struggled, but finally chose to obey and let me do it on the induction cooker.

"Brother Han, can you tell others first next time? Just take off your pants and come, that is, I will let you do it. Otherwise you are so rude, a woman won't let you do it!" the steel tooth sister muttered while lying on her stomach.

When I came out of my cousin's room, my stomach was full of anger. I must need to vent. After I finished, the steel tooth sister lifted up her pants and continued to wash the dishes. After washing the dishes, she began to cook. Li Xiangning also hurried to help her.

After Zhao Jiale was tied to the Qinglong club, my brother called Zhao Feng at the first time and asked Zhao to bring money to redeem Zhao Jiale. I don't know how much money Zhao Feng should bring to redeem Zhao Jiale, but I can guess with my fingers. The amount must be a lot.

Although Zhao Jiale is a black sheep, his father Zhao Feng loves his precious son very much. Zhao Feng, who got the news, set off at that time. These are the news told by the earth leopard.

Brother brother brother Zhao Feng immediately came to the green dragon conference when he got on the plane. Zhao Fenglai's news was immediately known to her brother, because Zhao Feng was a little bit of a stranger on the road. His brother was worried that Zhao Feng was not alone, but he called people along the road, but even if Zhao Feng had called people, he would not have to be afraid. On the site of Qinglong club, Zhao Feng can't turn over any waves.

After Zhao Feng came, he didn't have a rest. He called his brother directly and asked him to agree a place. Then he came to redeem Zhao Jiale.

My brother arranged the location in sister Qian's original billiards room and asked Zhao Feng to go there to redeem Zhao Jiale. It's not a matter to keep Zhao Jiale all the time. It's better to end it early. When Zhao Feng gives money, he will give Zhao Jiale to her. It's almost over.

The time brother set it for the next morning, and Zhao Feng accepted it, but to be honest, Zhao Feng's cheerfulness always makes people feel that there is no bottom in their heart. After all, Zhao Feng is also a person who has fooled in the road. Will he be so obedient and hand over the money? I always feel uneasy.

The next morning, all of us came to sister Qian's billiards room in groups. There were more than 50 people. We didn't bring any guys. After all, we came to fill the field. We can't do it yet. The main thing today is to get money.

We waited in the billiards room. After a while, a car drove to the door of the billiards room, and the person on the car was none other than Zhao Feng, Zhao Jiale's father.

Zhao Feng, 40 or 50 years old, already has white hair, but the most impressive thing is his eyebrows like two big knives. His eyes are also very sharp. Such eyes match his eyebrows, enough to see that Zhao Feng is definitely not a good man.

Zhao Feng was wearing a capable suit, which was very similar to Zhao Jiale. After Zhao Feng stopped the car, he took out several large and small bags from the car. Those bags were heavy and heavy.

After taking the bag in, Zhao Feng threw the bag in front of his brother and asked him to have a test. His brother opened the bag and looked at it. All the money in the bag was 100 yuan bills. He stuffed the bag full. At least there must be millions of money in this bag. So much cash is really attractive.

We have more than 50 people here today. All of our brothers have strong backs, but Zhao Feng is very calm from parking to getting the money, which proves that Zhao Feng is not a simple person. If other people were to see so many of us, they would be absolutely frightened.

My brother dragged the bags to half, then looked at Zhao Feng and said, "I won't test the money. This is the green dragon club. You'd better not play any backhand cards with me. You'll end badly if you play backhand cards on the territory of the green dragon club!"

Zhao Feng glanced at his brother. His sharp eyes scanned his brother and didn't talk to him.

When he got the money, his brother asked someone to bring Zhao Jiale out. At this time, Zhao Jiale's hair was very messy, just like a chicken nest. He was very dirty, and his body was also very dirty. I don't know what was rubbed on the black suit. It looked shiny, especially dirty.

At the moment of seeing Zhao Feng, Zhao Jiale was about to cry and hurriedly said, "Dad, help me! I really can't stay here!"

Zhao Feng looked at his brother and said, "you also took the money. Should you let my son go?"

"Of course you can let your son go, but let me remind you that this is the territory of the green dragon Association. You'd better be honest, or you won't end well!" after that, my brother kicked Zhao Jiale hard on his ass and kicked Zhao Jiale in front of Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng calmly helped Zhao Jiale up, and then took Zhao Jiale on the bus, but Zhao Feng's calmness in the whole process always makes people feel very uneasy, especially when Zhao Feng looked at his brother's eyes when he got on the bus

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