Although Li Xiangning didn't look at me, she was satisfied. Her little face was full of red clouds. After I finished, I took a paper towel to wipe Li Xiangning clean, then looked at her and asked with a bad smile, "how do you feel? Comfortable?"

Li Xiangning looked at me shyly and then hit me twice with a small powder fist. I knew her answer was comfortable without Li Xiangning saying. After all, I tried my best just now.

After I finished, I was almost hollowed out. After I finished, I lay down and prepared to go to bed. Li Xiangning obediently lay down on me and kissed me like I did. After some kissing, Li Xiangning was a little sleepy, so we hugged each other and fell asleep.

When I woke up the next morning, Li Xiangning lay on my body and drew a circle on my chest with her hand. Seeing that I woke up, Li Xiangning piled her body on the net and kissed it on my mouth. After kissing, Li Xiangning looked at me with big watery eyes. I saw the desired signal from her eyes.

I looked at Li Xiangning and asked softly, "do you want that?"

Li Xiangning nodded, and then obediently learned to lie down in bed last night. While I was full of energy in the morning, I also satisfied Li Xiangning. When we were finished, we got up for breakfast. Sister steel teeth had already made breakfast.

Although I tried my best to satisfy Li Xiangning, she still didn't remember anything, but even if she couldn't remember, it was very good.

In the afternoon, I was watching TV in the rental house. Jiangshan called me and asked me to hurry to meet with Zhao Feng. That bastard is going to take revenge on us!

After I hung up the phone, I hurried to meet Jiangshan. My brother had called all the people under him, more than 200 people, but my brother said solemnly that if these two hundred people wanted to deal with Zhao Feng, it was not enough.

The thing is like this. My brother has been sending people to stare at Zhao Feng. Today, my brother received the news. Zhao Feng United many people from the underworld from his mixed road and called many people to the Qinglong club. This news has also been confirmed by the earth leopard. The earth leopard said that the people Zhao Feng called this time took two planes, at least 500 or 600 people.

The people who can call five or six hundred people in one breath are definitely not ordinary people, which also confirms one thing from the side. Zhao Feng was still very prestigious in the underworld, otherwise he could not call so many people to work for him at once.

Five or six hundred people are still people in the underworld. It's no joke. My brother can't deal with this person at all. For the sake of insurance, my brother called all the Tangkou brothers. My brother said he was in trouble and asked those Tangkou brothers to send someone over.

After receiving his brother's money, those hall brothers naturally promised to send someone to help. Brother Hu has something to do recently and needs manpower, but brother Hu can't just look at it. Brother Hu still sent more than 50 people to help his brother in his busy schedule.

It was getting late, but the Tangkou eldest brothers who promised to send someone over didn't send anyone. We had been waiting for several hours. Except for brother Hu, who sent someone at that time, we didn't see anyone else.

My brother was a little worried. He took out his mobile phone and called all the Tangkou brothers, but those Tangkou brothers seemed to hang together. All their mobile phones were turned off. My brother called each Tangkou brother several times, but all of them were turned off, and none of them was turned on.

My brother looked at me after putting his cell phone in his pocket and said, "go back all of you! Don't go out tonight. Be careful, big guys!"

Those big brothers at the entrance of the hall refuse to send someone to help. If Zhao Feng leads someone to kill him, we can't beat him.

Those big brothers at the entrance of the hall received money from their brother, but did not send anyone to help. All their mobile phones were turned off. They obviously wanted to be with their brother. The so-called Jianghu is dangerous. This is an example.

My brother was going to dismiss us, and then he took us to hide. After all, Zhao Feng had to deal with us. But just as we were about to leave, Zhao Feng killed someone.

Zhao Feng drove a car directly in front of us, and behind him was a large group of people like ants. He could only see the black head and could not see how many people there were.

After getting off the bus, Zhao Feng went directly to his brother, looked at his brother and said with a smile, "are you going to go there? Am I late?"

Zhao Feng's voice is particularly arrogant, but he brought so many people this time. He also has this arrogant capital.

Zhao Feng brought a lot of people, probably more than 500 people, and everyone had guys in their hands. Our guys were in the car and hadn't taken them out, but even if we took them out, we couldn't beat them.

Those people brought by Zhao Feng looked at us ferociously. They were all very arrogant and wandered around with guys in their hands.

After Zhao Feng got off, Zhao Jiale also got off. At this time, Zhao Jiale has restored his original bright appearance, wearing his famous brand black suit, wrist watch and sunglasses.

After getting off the bus, Zhao Jiale took off his sunglasses, looked at us and said fiercely, "you all have to die today. How did you deal with me at the beginning? I'll give it back to you ten times today!"

When Zhao Jiale said this, I really regretted it. When fat brother cleaned him up, I asked fat brother to stop and kill the grandson. This son of a bitch is like a son of a bitch when he loses power. Once he gains power, his tail is about to rise to heaven. He doesn't have a long memory.

But looking at today's posture, I don't have a chance to give Zhao Jiale a long memory. Zhao Feng brought more than 500 people, but our people don't even have half of them. We lost this battle anyway. The guy in their hands is no joke. If we lose, we have to explain our lives here.

"I remember you were arrogant that day. You said it was the territory of the green dragon club. Let me be careful, but even if it was the territory of your green dragon club, what would you do to me if I sent you all to the West on the territory of your green dragon club today?" Zhao Feng said coldly, looking at his brother. His arrogant tone was full of arrogance, Few people dare to say this on the territory of the green dragon club. Zhao Feng is one of them.

But looking at today's situation, what Zhao Feng said may really become a reality. With so many of us, we are definitely going to lose.

Seeing that the people brought by Zhao Feng are holding guys in their hands, many brothers here have played a retreat drum in their hearts. We are not fools. We all know what will happen if we lose. If this is fatal, how many people are not afraid of death!

I'm also afraid of death. What if I die, Sister Li Xiangning steel teeth? But if I'm doomed to die today, I'll let the bastard Zhao Jiale bury me!

This big gap makes my brother's face look particularly ugly. Zhao Jiale's son of a bitch can't wait to see us cut into meat sauce. He hurriedly urged Zheng Feng to say, "Dad, don't talk to these bastards and let people go and kill them!"

After that, Zhao Jiale looked at me and said, "don't worry, I've heard your cousin's address. I'll ask your cousin to pay back what you imposed on me one by one! I heard that your wife and you hire people are also very beautiful two days ago. I'll take good care of them for you after you die!"

I don't think I'm too afraid of death, but if I die, Zhao Jiale plans against Li Xiangning's steel tooth sister, how can I not worry? If people have concerns, they'll be afraid to die.

"Do you have any last words, but you can only tell the king of hell!" after that, Zhao Feng pointed to us and said coldly, "kill them for me, don't leave any!"

Thinking that Zhao Jiale will be bad for Li Xiangning and steel tooth sister after my death, I have a special taste in my heart, which makes me even more afraid of being cut to death, but sometimes what I fear will come.

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