Zhao Feng brought a large number of people, which completely overwhelmed us, which also made the momentum of those people brought by Zhao Feng high. On the contrary, all of us were depressed. Originally, we didn't have any advantage in number, and the momentum was so low, which was definitely lost.

With Zhao Feng's order, the people brought by Zhao Feng picked up the guys and chopped at us. Zhao Feng looked at his brother and said arrogantly, "didn't you say that your green dragon will be very powerful, but it doesn't seem that it's the same thing, but you can rest assured that your green dragon will collect your body!" after that, Zhao Feng showed a proud smile on his face, There are four big words written on his face, and the victory is in hand.

Zhao Jiale was also very arrogant. He made a gesture to us that you were good rubbish, and then pretended to force him to bring his sunglasses.

Zhao Feng brought too many people. It was dark like a group of ants. The cold and shining guy was more like lightning in the night sky, threatening our already flustered hearts.

Although we know that we will lose this time, we still have to be tough. We can't just sit and wait to die because we will lose. It's really not worth being hacked alive without fighting.

Just when we were ready to start, I saw a car coming. The car was owned by brother Kun and followed by several luxury cars, but these were not the key. The key was that there were a large group of people behind the car, which filled the originally wide horse road.

When I saw brother Kun's car, I saw hope, and my originally tight heart was relaxed.

After getting off the bus, brother Kun didn't hurry to come to his brother, but ran to a luxury car behind him, opened the door and invited Mr. Jiang sitting in the car. Mr. Jiang was dressed in casual clothes and uncle's clothes, but the dignity revealed on his face still showed his leading position.

After getting off the bus, Mr. Jiang went directly to his brother, looked at his brother and said, "Aaron, you should have informed me earlier. It seems that I'm not late?"

The elder brother looked at Mr. Jiang and smiled. "There's no need to bother Mr. Jiang himself for a little thing. Mr. Jiang, you came in time!"

After Mr. Jiang got off the bus, the big brothers at the entrance of the hall also came down from the luxury cars. The fat chicken was fatter than before. He lost a big fat belly and his face was shiny. It seems that the fat chicken has made a lot of money these days. It's fatter than a fat pig.

After those big brothers came down, they all stood next to Mr. Jiang. The fat chicken stood behind Mr. Jiang without looking at his brother. Obviously, the fat chicken was still bitter about the yellow mouse. Anyway, the yellow mouse was also his confidant. How could he have any good feelings for us and stop calculating behind our back? We've been very good.

"Did you go out to whore together today? All your mobile phones are turned off. You came very early. I'll be hacked to death if you come a minute later!" my brother looked at those big brothers and said with a smile. My brother was mocking these big brothers for not doing anything with money.

"Ah long, it's all his own people. Don't mention the useless ones!" Mr. Jiang knows about his brother's distribution of money to these Tangkou brothers, but as the leader of the green dragon Association, of course, he can only choose to unite everyone rather than fight within the family. That's not good for anyone.

After being ridiculed by their elder brother, those big brothers at the entrance didn't say anything. They stood behind Mr. Jiang awkwardly and simply handled the internal affairs of the Qinglong club. Mr. Jiang put his eyes on Zhao Feng.

"Mr. Zhao Feng, isn't it? The films produced by your company are very good. I've seen you on TV. Mr. Zhao really has a business mind and can make money!" Mr. Jiang looked at Zhao Feng and said, his words are easygoing.

Zhao Feng's age is not much different from that of Mr. Jiang. Zhao Feng stayed here for a few days. Of course, he knows Mr. Jiang's reputation and can sit at the head of the Qinglong club. Naturally, Zhao Feng dare not underestimate Mr. Jiang.

"Mr. Jiang, I know you are the speaker of the Qinglong club. I also know that your Qinglong club is widely spread and has many members, but today it is some private affair between us. Is it difficult that the Qinglong club should take charge of such a private affair?" Zhao Feng looked at Mr. Jiang and said.

Mr. Jiang brought a lot of people this time, all of them are black, and they can't count how many people there are, but it's certain that Mr. Jiang brought more people than Zhao Feng, almost twice as many.

"Although this is your private affair, I will never allow you to deal with the people of our Qinglong club. I don't care how powerful I am in other places, but in my place, you have to coil the dragon and lie down the tiger. If you dare to run wild on the territory of our Qinglong club, I'm sure you'll never come back!" Mr. Jiang said coldly, looking at Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng is not a fool. There are many more people on our side than on his side, but under the current situation, it is impossible for him to buy it.

"Only one person who dares to act wildly in our Qinglong club's territory will end up dead!" Mr. Jiang won't waste words with Zhao Feng. After that, Mr. Jiang waved and ordered: "cut them all down and let them know what will happen if they provoke Qinglong!"

As soon as Mr. Jiang's words were finished, we were all excited. My brother asked someone to move all the guys in the car and give them to the brothers.

"Kill them!" at the command, we took the lead and rushed up. Zhao Jiale didn't dare to be arrogant when he saw the green dragon club like a tiger down the mountain. When he saw our guy rush up, Zhao Jiale's legs were shaking and he was almost scared to urinate.

Those people brought by Mr. Jiang were carrying guys in their hands. After Mr. Jiang gave an order, we all rushed up. When we caught a guy, we fell down. The warm blood nourished our fighting spirit, and the roar made us more crazy.

At that moment, the sound of killing shook the sky, blood flowed all over the ground, and bodies fell on the ground. The guys in our hands were also stained with more blood. At the moment, all the cold and glittering guys were covered with a layer of scarlet. After the blood dried, it was sticky, like plasticine.

The dazzling scarlet was like our fighting spirit. Under our full attack, the hundreds of people brought by Zhao Feng were like wheat, and I killed a large area at once. Some people saw that the momentum was wrong and quickly left the guys to run for their lives, but only a few could escape, and more of them became corpses in a pool of blood.

Zhao Jiale, the son of a bitch, was arrogant for a few minutes and his tail was about to rise to the sky. But at this time, Zhao Jiale was like a mouse. He kept drilling into the crowd. He wanted the crowd to help him block the guys in our hands, but there were fewer and fewer people on his side who could block the attack for him.

I shouted angrily and put the man in front of Zhao Jiale in a pool of blood. After the man fell, I saw Zhao Jiale shivering behind him. Zhao Jiale's body was stained with a lot of blood, but it wasn't his blood.

At this time, my body was full of blood. The blood was very scary, which directly scared the bastard Zhao Jiale to sit on the ground.

I wiped the sticky blood on my face with my hand, then grabbed Zhao Jiale sitting on the ground, looked at him and said coldly, "I've never killed you. It's my fault. I won't make another mistake this time! You can go back to the West with peace of mind!"

"No, please, don't kill me!" Zhao Jiale knelt on the ground and quickly begged me for mercy. His arrogant posture has disappeared at the moment.

But the lesson I learned last time told me that I must not let go of Zhao Jiale, a son of a bitch. Only by killing him can we never have a future trouble!

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