After Mr. Jiang reprimanded, the big brothers at the entrance didn't speak any more. They all sat quietly in their positions and didn't speak. Mr. Jiang knew the inside story of the matter, and they had nothing to say.

After Mr. Jiang finished, he sat down, looked at the big brothers at the bottom and said expressionless, "hand over all the money you collected. I don't want such a thing to happen again in the future. We are all members of the green dragon Association. We should help each other instead of secretly calculating!"

After Mr. Jiang said that, the big brothers at the entrance nodded perfunctorily, but everyone with a clear eye could see that they were actually very unhappy. However, Mr. Jiang's words were put here, and they could only obey Mr. Jiang's orders. After all, Mr. Jiang's position is here.

In fact, the main content of today's meeting is this matter. After that, the meeting broke up. Those hall brothers also obediently handed in the money they received. However, from today's matter, it can be seen that cracks have begun to appear in the interior of the green dragon club, but when they will crack is only a matter of time.

After the three-day deadline, Zhao Feng returned to the Qinglong club again. According to the original agreement, he transferred all his property to Mr. Jiang. I was not present when Zhao Feng transferred his property to Mr. Jiang. I heard that after Zhao Feng transferred Mr. Jiang's property to Mr. Jiang, Mr. Jiang also kept his promise and released Zhao Jiale.

After Zhao Feng returned with Zhao Jiale, he heard that he went abroad later, and the instant disappearance of Zhao Feng's assets also caused a lot of public opinion, but public opinion is public opinion in the end, not the truth.

I haven't seen the Zhaofeng family since they all went abroad, but it's good. I can't see at least another enemy. I'm afraid of being avenged.

My cousin also learned about Zhao Feng's family's going abroad on the news. After knowing this, my cousin called me because I promised her at the beginning. When Zhao Feng's business passed, I would personally receive her there, and I had to promise her one thing.

I'm a man of my word. After my cousin called me, I went to my aunt's house to find my cousin. When I went, my cousin couldn't wait to pack up. My aunt asked her where she was going. She said she went out to work and pursue her dream, but I think these are excuses. My cousin just doesn't want to listen to my aunt's nagging.

Imagine being urged to marry by parents all day. That kind of day is really hard, especially for today's young people.

Although aunts and uncles nag, they actually love their cousin. They also respect her choice. They also support her when she goes out to work. However, they also have a task to give her, that is, to let her bring a boyfriend home when she comes back next time.

Of course, the cousin promised. She smiled and said to her aunt that she would find a tall boyfriend next time she came back, so that her aunt didn't have to worry.

After saying goodbye to my aunt and uncle, we took a car to the airport and got on the plane. It was not dark when we arrived at our destination. After getting off the plane, my cousin and I found a hotel to stay. In the future, we will talk about it tomorrow. We were a little tired after sitting on the plane for so long.

I told sister steel teeth that I have something to do here. If I say I send my cousin over, I'm afraid sister steel teeth will be jealous.

The next day, I accompanied my cousin to several brokerage companies, but those brokerage companies rejected my cousin. Because of the negative news of my cousin that time, my cousin lost a lot of fans, which made my cousin very negative. Those artists signed up for the brokerage company are to make money. Like my cousin, they won't give priority.

My cousin and I have found many brokerage companies, but it has always been the same result. One after another, my cousin lost confidence. My cousin said that if she couldn't find the company to sign her again, she would go back. Anyway, it's meaningless to stay here.

Seeing my cousin hit the wall one after another, I was also very distressed. I looked at my cousin's lost little face and said, "if only I had a brokerage company, I would definitely sign you, and then make you popular and become a star at that level!"

After listening to me, my cousin looked at me and smiled reluctantly, "if you really have such a brokerage company, I'm afraid you won't sign me!"

I quickly shook my head and said no, cousin, you are such a good woman, how can I not sign the contract, but I don't have that strength.

After I finished, my cousin just looked at me and smiled reluctantly. She didn't speak. Because she ran into a wall everywhere, her mood was written on her face. She was very bad and couldn't be happy at all.

Seeing that my cousin was unhappy, I indirectly reacted and became unhappy. Of course, I didn't want to see my cousin so unhappy, so I called the earth leopard and asked the earth leopard to take me and my cousin to a fun place here.

The earth leopard received some younger brothers. His brother recently gave him a sum of money to cheer him up. In addition, the territory of the earth leopard was much wider than before, so the earth leopard was quite happy and immediately agreed to take us to a very interesting place to play.

The earth leopard took us to an amusement park with many entertainment facilities. However, among these many entertainment facilities, my favorite is boating. Boating in this wide water area can not only see the scenery but also enjoy the fun of boating. Isn't it a kind of enjoyment?

My cousin was in a bad mood. She said whatever I played. After I bought the ticket, my cousin also came to the boat. After we took the paddles, we began to row. My cousin has always been absent-minded, holding the paddles in her hand, but she has been thinking with her head down.

I rowed the boat to the center of the water area. Due to the action of the current, the boat began to shake, but the range was not large, but my cousin seemed to be absorbed in things. I sat like this. The boat swayed, and my cousin fell into the water without reaction, and the boat also fell into the water with my cousin's falling into the water.

I'm not worried about the boat. I'm worried about my cousin. The first thing I did after I fell into the water was to save my cousin. Because my cousin didn't know water, and I swam around in the water depression since I was a child. I also knew some water, so I instinctively saved my cousin as soon as I fell into the water.

After I rescued my cousin, the lifeboat quickly came to save me and my cousin on the shore. My cousin didn't return to consciousness for a long time after landing, because the scene just now was a little sudden and dangerous. My cousin reacted and looked at me and said thank you gently. I smiled and said it was all right. This is what I should do.

After this trip, my cousin and I came out of the amusement park and went back to the hotel. After I returned to my room, I began to take out my mobile phone and watch Island action movies. For men, island action movies are not tired. If you are tired, you can change a type. If you are not tired, you can change a heroine, hey hey! So you can keep it fresh.

Just as I was about to take out a paper towel to solve the problem by hand, my cousin knocked on the door outside. After I opened the door, my cousin walked into my room. At this time, my cousin had changed into a white-collar uniform, a small suit and tight super shorts. I didn't know what my cousin meant. She also put on black silk stockings and black high-heeled shoes, and her hair was tied up, It looks particularly white-collar.

After sitting down on my bed, my cousin took my mobile phone and said with a smile to see what I was playing. As soon as she opened her mobile phone, she saw the full screen Island action film. My cousin covered her mouth and smiled, "there are really a lot of small videos in your mobile phone!"

When my cousin said that, I thought of threatening her with a small video, and I couldn't help smiling awkwardly.

My cousin looked at me with a teasing meaning and said, "do you remember the conditions I mentioned to you last time? You said you would promise me one thing. Now I need you to fulfill your promise!"

"Tell me, cousin, what do you need me for?", I looked at my cousin patting her chest and said, I'm a man of my word.

My cousin looked at me shyly and said softly to me, "didn't you really want to get rid of me at the beginning, then meet you tonight! This is the promise I want you to fulfill!"

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