Back in the hotel, I took a bath first. After taking a bath, I sat on the bed. My cousin was as clever as a little daughter-in-law and lay down in my arms. When my cousin saw me staring at her, she kissed me on my face and smiled and asked me why I was staring at her?

Originally, I wanted to say goodbye to my cousin, but when I saw such a sweet cousin, I was stunned at that time. After thinking about it, I decided to wait a few days until my cousin began to get on track. Now, my cousin will be unhappy.

In fact, my cousin and I both know that we are having a beautiful dream now, a beautiful dream only for me and my cousin. We all know that there will be a time to wake up, but we don't want to wake up from this beautiful dream, even if we have more beautiful dreams for a while.

I fondly pinched my cousin's nose, then lowered my head and kissed her face. My cousin wiped her face with her hands, then put her hands around my neck and kissed me on my lips.

After a kiss, we held each other and began to fall in love. When it was over, my cousin skillfully lay down in my arms and enjoyed my caress. From time to time, she would lick my chest with her little tongue. My cousin said it was very comfortable to do with me and she was very happy with me. She said that apart from her childhood, There was no time for me to be with her, which made her so happy.

After signing the contract with the brokerage company, within a few days, the cousin moved to the apartment prepared for her by the company. This is the arrangement of the company. The cousin can only choose to obey, otherwise it is a breach of contract. The consequences of breach of contract are very serious.

After my cousin moved to the apartment, she began to work hard for her advancement. Outsiders in her apartment are not allowed to go in, which leads to less and less time and times for me to meet her.

My cousin was lucky enough to be signed by the company. Within a few days, she took a play. Although the film pay was not much, it was also an opportunity. Of course, my cousin would not miss this opportunity.

I'm also very happy for my cousin to see her career on the right track. The day before she joined the crew, she called me. My cousin said that she had a night's holiday and asked me to pick her up. She had to enter the crew to shoot tomorrow, so she wanted to stay with me tonight.

After I answered my cousin's phone, I went to pick up my cousin. We went to the cinema to see a film that had just been released. After watching it, we opened a room in the hotel outside. My cousin looked at me and said calmly that she would go into the crew to shoot tomorrow. It would be a few months.

I said it's good to go to the film. I'm not sure you're the next actress. After a joke, my cousin stood in front of me and took off all the inner covers of her clothes and pants. My cousin said she would join the crew tomorrow. She did whatever I wanted to do tonight.

After I smiled, I looked at my cousin and said, "it's just to join the crew. How can it be like life and death? Don't you still have a chance to meet in the future?"

But my cousin and I both know that we will not know how long it will take to meet in the future. It doesn't mean how far away I am from my cousin, but after today, my cousin has her own career, and I have to go back to my family to take care of the two women I want to take care of all my life.

The distance between us is not called distance, but it is more than the real distance. My cousin and I can understand this special feeling.

After listening to me, my cousin pushed me down on the bed. After taking off my clothes and pants, my cousin directly sat up. After some lingering, we hugged each other. I wiped the sweat on my cousin's forehead and naturally kissed my cousin's face.

"Cousin, since your career has been on the right track, it's time for me to go back!" for a long time, I still said this sentence. After so long delay, it's time to say it.

After I finished, my cousin nodded. Although we all knew that it would be such a result, when this sentence came out, we were still reluctant to give up each other, but as the old saying goes, you can only get if you give up.

After glancing at me, my cousin asked me, if she hadn't been so cold to me when I first came to study in the county, would I like her? I nodded and said I would, but life is like this. You never know what the future will be like.

After listening to my answer, my cousin nodded and said that she was very satisfied with the answer. After that, my cousin lay in my arms. When my cousin leaned against my arms, I saw a drop of tears in the corners of my cousin's eyes.

When I was about to fall asleep with my cousin in my arms, I heard my cousin whisper "I love you" in my ear. After that, my cousin kissed me on the face and then went to sleep.

The next morning, my cousin left early. Just like she left at the beginning, I called my cousin after waking up. I also knew through this phone that my cousin had followed the crew to the shooting site. My cousin is now in the car.

My cousin said she didn't want me to send her, and she didn't want to send me. Let's send our to the future. My cousin said so, and I didn't say anything. After saying that I was careful, I hung up the phone.

My cousin went to the crew, and I also bought a ticket to go back. After I went back, I rarely contacted my cousin. First, my cousin was very busy, and second, I didn't have much time.

My cousin took over the play called youth school. It told the story of a boy who was studying and fell in love with his cousin. When the film was released, I took sister steel teeth and Li Xiangning to see it. The whole story was very tortuous. The boy fell in love with his cousin who was not related by blood. He fought and did bad things for her, I have fought for my cousin, but the ending of the film is not perfect, but it is perfect in my eyes.

At the end of the film, the boy has also grown into a strong man, his beloved cousin has also married a woman, and the boy has also married a girl who loves himself very much. Many people say that the end is perfect, and the two protagonists have got the best destination, but I don't think it's perfect, but then again, the perfect is not called life.

In this play, my cousin plays the boy's cousin. The boy in this play is a little like me, but I don't have the experience and persistence like him.

Because of the wonderful performance in this film, my cousin also won the best actress award, became a real movie queen, and thus restarted her star career, but these are later words.

After I returned to the green dragon club and discussed with Jiangshan, we are going to expand the billiards room and expand the scale. Then we will get a bigger chess and card room to make more money. Anyway, who dares to move our court under the cover of the green dragon club.

After the billiards room was expanded, we directly set up a small supermarket in it to sell small snacks. When Gang Ya heard that we had set up a small supermarket in the billiards room, she volunteered to take charge of the supermarket. Li Xiangning also followed Gang ya to work in the small supermarket.

I didn't feel at ease at first, because the people who came to us were some thugs, local ruffians and bad students, and Li Xiangning and steel tooth sister were beautiful. I was afraid that someone would plot against them. I had to guard them every day for this matter.

However, no one dares to make trouble in our venue, let alone molest Li Xiangning's steel tooth sister. I'm a little relieved to see that no one dares to plot against Li Xiangning's steel tooth sister.

Not to mention, after Li Xiangning and steel tooth sister came to our billiards room to help, more and more people came to us. Many people came just for steel tooth Sister Li Xiangning, but they didn't dare to think about it, because steel tooth sister and Li Xiangning were mine. They only had to stand and look.

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