After Gang Ya and Li Xiangning came, we made a lot of money every day. Part of the money we made had to be handed over to the Qinglong club, so in general, we didn't make much, but at least we made money.

I go back every day with gang Ya Sister Li Xiangning, because I'm afraid that someone will plot against them. In fact, this is also caused by possessiveness. Gang Ya sister always talks about me. She says that in fact, I'm the one who has been plotting against them. That's right, but after Gang Ya sister says this, I won't let her go at night, I'll let her go if she doesn't want it.

Unless steel tooth sister or Li Xiangning comes to the holiday, I have to hand in public food once a person every night. It's OK in a short time. It's a little longer. My body can't afford it. I have kidney deficiency.

Fortunately, however, the steel tooth girl has come to her holiday these days, and I can have a good rest for a few days. These days, I'm just like a monk. I'm not moved by the two naked women sleeping around me.

However, on the way back from the supermarket this evening, sister steel teeth told me that she had not come to the holiday, that is to say, it was another fighting night tonight. Of course, I was very happy. I had been holding it for a few days, and I could vent the fire tonight.

We went back and simply got something to eat, and then went to take a bath. I washed alone in the front, while steel tooth Sister Li Xiangning washed together in the back. I also wanted to wash with them, but the space was not large enough to squeeze three people.

After I took a bath, I fell into bed and played with my mobile phone. After I played with my mobile phone for a while, steel tooth sister and Li Xiangning came out in loose pajamas. Their clothes are basically the same style and the size is the same, but for underwear, steel tooth sister's size is a little larger, but Li Xiangning's is not small.

After Gang Ya and Li Xiangning came out, I waved to them with a bad smile and motioned them to come to bed quickly. I was already hungry and thirsty. Li Xiangning and gang Ya sat beside the bed. When I was ready to press them on the bed, Li Xiangning looked at me with a small mouth and said confidently: "No, every time we come over, you do it according to us. You have to reverse it today. Listen to us!"

When Li Xiangning said this, her mouth tooted and her face was full of confidence. She was very cute. Seeing Li Xiangning's lovely appearance, I thought of what happened when I made her.

After I came back, I would linger with them every day. Generally, sister steel teeth did it with me first, while Li Xiangning watched. After I finished with sister steel teeth, Li Xiangning would learn the posture that sister steel teeth did with me just now, but everyone has different temperament. Sister steel teeth is more virtuous, while Li Xiangning is more lovely. These two temperaments are me I think it's a great blessing in life.

When I thought of these things, I smiled unconsciously. Li Xiangning saw that I didn't speak, so she said angrily with a small mouth: "if you don't promise, we won't do it with you today. You can do it yourself!"

Seeing Li Xiangning's lovely little face, I agreed to her terms. She asked me to listen to her. I wanted to see what moths she would play.

After I promised Li Xiangning, Li Xiangning let me lie on the bed. After I got down, Li Xiangning naughtily took off my pajamas. At that time, I was all gone, but my steel tooth sister and Li Xiangning didn't see it for the first time, and I had nothing to be shy of.

When Li Xiangning took off my pajamas, steel tooth sister was watching, smiled gently and didn't speak.

After taking off my pajamas, Li Xiangning slapped me on the ass. Li Xiangning used a lot of strength. When she took it down, it made a loud noise, and I felt a loud pain. After taking it off, Li Xiangning looked at me angrily and said, "shout, shout quickly. That's how you beat my ass last time!"

When Li Xiangning said this, I remembered that once when I was doing it with steel teeth sister, I patted steel teeth sister's ass in the back. After arriving at Li Xiangning, I patted her ass, and then said the same thing to her. At first, Li Xiangning didn't listen to me. My strength was a little stronger the second time, and her ass was red. Unexpectedly, she still remembered her revenge.

Just when I was thinking about things, Li Xiangning slapped me on my ass again, and her hand was heavier than just now. This really hurt me. After shooting, Li Xiangning still looked at me angrily and continued: "shout quickly, don't ask me to hit your ass!"

I looked at Li Xiangning, then sat up and pressed Li Xiangning on the bed, "OK, you little girl, give you a face. It's so heavy. I was so strong last time. I was gentle. You're the enemy of the hand. I have to teach you a good lesson tonight!" after that, I took off Li Xiangning's pajamas.

At the beginning, Li Xiangning wanted to resist. However, Li Xiangning looked at me and said pitifully, "well, well, I was heavy just now. I tell you I'm sorry. Don't hit others' ass when you do it!"

For Li Xiangning's lovely sake, I nodded and said I wouldn't fight. Li Xiangning obediently hugged my neck, and then let me act recklessly on her.

After I finished with Li Xiangning, I also did it with steel tooth sister. Steel tooth sister is good and obedient. I can do whatever I want. She will try to cooperate with me. After we finished, we went to bed together.

The next day, my brother called me. My brother said that Mr. Jiang would go to the white tiger club to attend the white tiger club boss's birthday party a few days and asked me if I wanted to go with him. In fact, my brother wanted me to go out more and know more things. In this way, it would be easier to get along in the future. Of course, I promised. There was nothing wrong anyway, It's also good to have a meal.

After I told Jiangshan, they all said they could go together at that time. But before we went, we had to ask about the background of the white tiger society.

The white tiger club has a foothold in another city and is only dozens of kilometers away from the Qinglong club. The leading brother of the white tiger club is called boss Bai. Boss Bai and Mr. Jiang have known each other for a long time. In the past, the white tiger club would help when the Qinglong club was in trouble, and the Qinglong club would help when the white tiger club was in trouble, But later, the Green Dragon Society and the white tiger society became more and more powerful, and there was not so much trouble. They were all their own small problems.

Mr. Jiang and boss Bai have to find food for their many younger brothers. Naturally, there is less contact. However, the friendship between Mr. Jiang and boss Bai is still set here. Mr. Jiang is naturally going to the birthday party of boss Bai.

The Green Dragon Society has survived longer than the white tiger society, and its strength is a little more majestic than that of the white tiger society. If the green dragon society is the first, the second should be the white tiger society. However, in recent years, the white tiger society has taken root in various places and made a lot of money, and its power has begun to press the pace of the Green Dragon Society. The strength of the white tiger society should not be underestimated.

It is said that people's ambition will expand with their status. Not long ago, people from the white tiger society injured several brothers of the Green Dragon Society, but the injury was not very serious. Although it was a small thing, what kind of big things gradually grew from small things.

Many guilds are eager to fight between the white tiger society and the Green Dragon Society. In this way, other guilds can benefit from it. Mr. Jiang went this time, first, to celebrate his birthday for boss Bai, and second, to talk with boss Bai about the trend of the relationship between the white tiger society of the Green Dragon Society.

Who wants to fight and kill these days? People with brains are getting rich quietly. Of course, the green dragon club doesn't want to have any friction with any guild. Therefore, Mr. Jiang's main purpose this time is to talk to boss Bai about the relationship and future development between the green dragon club and the white tiger club.

As the big brothers at the entrance of the Qinglong club, they certainly have to go with Mr. Jiang at such an important time, so as not to let people say that there is no one in the Qinglong club, and my brother took me with him.

Of course, I don't know the big events between these gangs. I just go for a meal.

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