Soon it was time for boss Bai's birthday party. After we changed into new clothes, we took our brother's car and prepared to go to the white tiger club. There were a lot of people going this time. All the big brothers at the entrance of the hall went, including the fat chicken and the dead fat man.

Our motorcade was driving on the highway with Mr. Jiang at the back, while we opened the way for them at the front. When we were on the road, fat brother always joked about me and Li Xiangning's steel tooth sister, saying that I could get two women at night. He must be very happy. He said that he would find two women to play with at any time, Also enjoy the feeling of double flying. I say you're free, but let me remind you first. Don't catch any disease. If you catch AIDS, you'll die.

Fat brother Hei hei, he always wears TT at that time, so don't worry about getting sick. In our jokes, we have come to the place where boss Bai holds a banquet.

This is a big hotel. The yard outside is as big as the football field. When we arrived, the hotel was full of people and cars. After we got off, people from the white tiger club came to meet us and help us park the car.

After getting out of the car, we went inside. Boss Bai's birthday party was very grand and there were a lot of people. It can also be seen that the power of boss Bai should not be underestimated.

Today's Mermaid dragons are mixed, but most of them are famous people. Ordinary people don't have a chance to come to such an occasion.

After we went in, we found an empty table to sit down. At this time, the hotel was full of people, mostly people on the road. When we met our brother Mr. Jiang, they would go to say hello or something. Younger brothers like us could only sit down and have a good meal after the dishes were ready.

Mr. Jiang fat chicken and other big brothers sitting at the same table, while we sat at the same table with brother tiger. Mr. Jiang went to say hello to those acquaintances and saved them to sit down. After Mr. Jiang sat down, a bald middle-aged man in a white suit walked straight towards Jiang Xiansheng.

"Mr. Jiang, I haven't seen you for a long time. You are young again!" the bald middle-aged man looked at Mr. Jiang and smiled. They looked like old friends he hadn't seen for a long time.

"I'm almost fifty no matter how young I am. I miss you. The more I live, the younger I am!" Mr. Jiang said politely, looking at boss Bai. When he said this, his face was smiling.

"My hair is almost over and I'm still young!" boss Bai casually sat down next to Mr. Jiang, then patted Mr. Jiang on the shoulder, talking and laughing with Mr. Jiang.

It can be seen that the friendship between Mr. Jiang and boss Bai is very deep. The two leading figures have such a long and laughing conversation, which shows that the relationship between them is not general.

Because there are a lot of people coming today, boss Bai said after his little brother said that some heavyweights came, he said goodbye to Mr. Jiang, "Mr. Jiang, sit down with me and I'll take you here to have a good time after dinner!" boss Bai watched Mr. Jiang finish with a smile.

After that, boss Bai pulled two people over. Both of them were about 30 years old. One of them impressed me very much. He had long hair and a small braid behind him. The bangs in front could reach his chin. The reason why I was impressed with him was that he was very much like a person in the ancient puzzle movie - Chen Haonan.

Wearing a black leather coat and a shirt with two buttons inside, his shoulder dragon tattoo is exposed. His face is very ruffian, like Chen Haonan, the hero in the ancient Hun Zi film and the bearer in Causeway Bay.

But if he looks like Chen Haonan, he doesn't look much like him, but he looks a little like him on the side. Although he is as ruffian as Chen Haonan, the image on his face is very different from that of Chen Haonan. From his face, we can see that he still has a position in the white tiger society, at least he must have the power of his brother

The other person is a fat man with a pair of eyes, and he is not tall, and his skin color is relatively black. However, he always has a smile on his face, but the smile on his face will not make people feel friendly, but an empty fear, because his smile doesn't look like something good will happen.

After pulling them over, boss Bai looked at Mr. Jiang and said, "Mr. Jiang, these are my younger brothers, Liu Haonan and Xiao pangzi. They have been with me for many years and are very loyal."

After introducing the two people, boss Bai looked at Liu Haonan and Xiao pangzi and said, "this is Mr. Jiang of the Qinglong club. I'm going to greet the guests later. You give me a good treat to Mr. Jiang!"

After that, boss Bai went to entertain other guests. After boss Bai left, Liu Haonan and fat Xiao didn't say hello to Mr. Jiang. They just told Mr. Jiang to let Mr. Jiang play here. Then they came to our table arrogantly because there was no room for them to sit on Mr. Jiang.

After sitting down beside his brother, Liu Haonan looked at his brother, stretched out his hand and said with a smile: "you are a long of the green dragon club. I've heard a lot about you!"

My brother took a look at Liu Haonan and didn't take Liu Haonan's words. Liu Haonan and Xiao pangzi didn't even fight with Mr. Jiang, which obviously didn't pay attention to our Qinglong club. My brother didn't take his words.

Seeing that his brother didn't speak, Liu Haonan withdrew his hand angrily, but it was because of this that Liu Haonan and his brother completely fell in love.

At dinner, the back kitchen came up with a good dish, because it was all our favorite dishes. Of course, we moved our chopsticks as soon as we got on the table. Anyway, this table was all our own. There was no need to be restrained except Liu Haonan and Xiao pangzi.

But when we just moved the chopsticks, Liu Haonan's just happened to be the dish. Naturally, our chopsticks touched together. Liu Haonan was not happy to take back the chopsticks, then pointed to the dish and said, "since you like it, you can eat it. I'll eat something else!"

Although I don't like Liu Haonan, after all, I ate in the white tiger club. We all took back the chopsticks, and then pushed the dishes in front of Liu Haonan to let Liu Haonan move the chopsticks.

Liu Haonan was also humble to us and pushed the food in front of us. Then we pushed the food back humbly, but this time Liu Haonan didn't push the food back humbly. Liu Haonan's face pulled down in an instant, then looked at me and said fiercely: "let you eat your TMD and eat honestly. Is it fun to push around?"

After that, Liu Haonan picked up the plate and spilled all the dishes on me. Seeing this, fat brother spilled all the water in his hand on Liu Haonan's face, pointed to Liu Haonan and scolded: "what do you mean to fuck NIMA!"

After wiping his face with his hand, Liu Haonan showed his ferocity, looked at us and said viciously, "TMD is unhappy with you!", saying that Liu Haonan also picked up his bench and wanted to hit me on the head.

But as soon as he raised the bench, his brother robbed the bench in his hand. Without a good face, his brother shook the bench and hit it on the ground. Looking at Liu Haonan, he said, "you spilled all the vegetables on my brother and still want to hit people. Do you really think our Qinglong will be easy to bully?"

"I really think so! I don't see how powerful you Qinglong will be!" said Liu Haonan, looking at his brother after he spread his hand. His words were arrogant and arrogant.

The current relationship between the Qinglong society and the white tiger society is quite sensitive, and Liu Haonan's remarks are undoubtedly a provocation to the Qinglong society. When Liu Haonan said this, everyone heard it, and Mr. Jiang's face changed from the original smile to very ugly.

My brother pointed to Liu Haonan and stared at Liu Haonan. My brother originally wanted to refute Liu Haonan, but our purpose this time is not to fight with the white tiger society.

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