After we went back, we began to work on our own affairs. My brother's field has always been managed by himself, while we have been running our own billiards room. Since boss Bai's birthday party, the fat chicken has been in frequent contact with Xiao pangzi, and not long after we came back, I heard that this fat chicken actually opened a bar on the site of Qinglong club with Xiao pangzi.

Maybe many people think it's nothing. It's just as simple as opening a bar, but things on the road will be so simple. Fat chicken, the son of a bitch, opened a bar with Xiao pangzi on the site of Qinglong club, and it was also a bar on his brother's site.

Fat chicken makes money by relying on the young ladies under his hand. He doesn't have much territory. Young lady, he has a lot of hands. He took Xiao pangzi to open a bar on his brother's territory. He didn't tell his brother in advance. His brother didn't know much about it. He thought everyone had something to do, When you are busy, you pay little attention to these things.

Although there are no express provisions on the road, there are still many rules on the road. For example, when you start a game on someone else's territory, you have to say hello to them first. After they agree, you can start the game.

In fact, there is a reason for this. Now this society is full of competition all the time. If your opening affects other people's income, of course, others will not let you go.

Just like the current situation, my brother also runs a bar. When Xiao pangzi comes, he is bound to be robbed of some tourists by Xiao pangzi. The lack of tourists will lead to his brother's loss. However, compared with the loss of the bar, what my brother dislikes more is Xiao pangzi's preconceived practice. He started without saying hello to his brother, Treat my brother as air?

It is said that people live in one breath. In this case, if my brother doesn't intervene to take care of it, what will my brother's younger brothers think of my brother's big brother? If you want to have a little brother, you have to have a little brother to follow your capital. This is the so-called Tao.

After hearing the news, my brother naturally wanted to go to Xiao pangzi to have a theory. After we heard it, we went with my brother. Anyway, we are also the little brother under my brother's hand. My brother has something to deal with. If we don't help, isn't our little brother very derelict of duty.

We followed our brother to Xiao pangzi's newly opened bar. Xiao pangzi's bar had just opened for a few days. Through fat chicken's contacts and Xiao pangzi's eloquence, there were already many people in Xiao pangzi's newly opened bar.

We followed my brother to take the car first, while brother Kun called people in the back. My brother intended to be polite before the soldiers. If he couldn't make sense, of course, there was no need to talk about it. We could only solve all the problems by force. Since the problems had appeared, we had to solve them in time, no matter by force or other means.

After we got off the bus, we went in directly. When we went in, fat Xiao was drinking with fat chicken on the wine table. At the same time, he talked and laughed. It seems that they had a good chat.

My brother took us directly to the past. My brother walked behind Xiao pangzi and patted Xiao pangzi on the shoulder, "Hey, I have something to find you!"

Xiao pangzi turned his head and saw that it was his brother. Then he looked at his brother with a smile and said, "Oh, it's Aaron. I don't know what's the matter with you coming to me?"

Although Xiao pangzi has a smiling face, the smile on his face doesn't look kind. Xiao pangzi doesn't stand up when talking to his brother. He always stands. Although he has a smile on his face, he doesn't mean to respect his brother at all.

My brother sneered at Xiao pangzi and said, "I'm here because of something. I don't think I need to say more. Do you know whose territory this land boundary is? You opened a bar here without my permission. Why did you say I came to see you this time?"

"It's really my fault. I'll give you a big red envelope another day. As for opening a bar, you know, everyone comes out to get rich. I don't mean anything else, just borrow your feng shui treasure land to get some oil and water!" Xiao pangzi smiled at his brother.

Although this fat Xiao has a belly like a watermelon, he is not stupid. He knows that his brother is not a perfunctory person, so he has been turning around to solve the problem. What he said is some compliments, but it never changes. Although what he said is good, he is not willing to close the bar.

My brother looked at Xiao pangzi and said angrily, "red envelopes or something are exempted. Your opening a bar here affects my bar business. You'd better close the bar quickly, so everyone will be in peace!"

"The Qinglong meeting is so difficult that we can't even open a bar to beg for food? The Qinglong meeting is so generous?" Xiao pangzi stood up and looked at his brother and said with disdain.

From the beginning, when my brother and Xiao pangzi talked, the fat chicken sitting on the side just acted as an audience. What my brother and Xiao pangzi talked about was that he didn't say a word, but just sat there drinking. However, even if the fat chicken spoke, he wouldn't help my brother, because he couldn't help my brother about the yellow mouse.

"It's not that we Qinglong club is weak, but that the people of your white tiger club don't understand the rules. I wonder if the white tiger club is so useless. Do you have to come to our Qinglong club to beg!" my brother looked at Xiao pangzi and said. Besides speaking for himself, my brother also well belittled the white tiger club and defended the dignity of the Qinglong club.

Xiao pangzi didn't say anything after his brother said such a sentence. His brother didn't want to waste time here with him. Looking at Xiao pangzi coldly, he said, "I'll give you a day and don't close the bar again. Don't blame me for being rude!"

"Then I can give you the answer. My bar won't be closed. The land boundary allows you to cross the green dragon on it. Don't we allow the white tiger club to put flags here?" Xiao pangzi said, looking at his brother.

After Xiao pangzi said so loudly, his younger brothers in the bar immediately invited the guests out, and then directly surrounded us with beer bottles and benches. There were only five of us.

After Xiao pangzi's people arrogantly surrounded us, Xiao pangzi's arrogance became more rampant. My brother took a look at Xiao pangzi and said calmly: "I have to remind you that this is the territory of the green dragon club. Do you think it's possible to move my people of the green dragon club on the territory of the green dragon club?"

As soon as his brother's voice fell, brother Kun rushed over with people. Brother knew that it was impossible to want peace talks this time, so he asked brother Kun to call people in the back, courtesy first and then soldiers.

Brother Kun brought people and broke in directly. This time, brother Kun brought dozens of people, more than double the number of people over there than Xiao pangzi. The war situation turned around in an instant, and all the advantages turned to our side at once.

My brother looked at Xiao pangzi and said, "I don't want to talk nonsense with you. You can close the bar yourself. If you don't want to, I'm willing to help!"

"I've heard that a long of the green dragon club is not easy to provoke. I've seen it today, but I just said that you can cross the green dragon club, and our white tiger club can also put a flag on it. If you have seed, you can try it!" Xiao pangzi threatened his brother.

My brother stepped forward and walked directly in front of Xiao pangzi, then poured a glass of wine directly on the table, and then lit the wine in the quilt with a lighter. "Do you think Xiao pangzi can frighten me?" my brother said that with a force on his hand, he directly overturned the table.

My brother looked at Xiao pangzi, whose face had become iron green, then waved to us and said domineering, "hit me, brothers! Until they close the door!". After that, my brother looked at Xiao pangzi and said coldly, "you want to play with fire, right? I'll play with you to the end!"

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