Just when we were ready to start, several cops came in. When they came in, they asked my brother what he was doing and whether he was gathering people to fight. It was a very troublesome thing to get into trouble with cops. My brother said he was passing by to drink. The cops still said, "passing by to drink brings so many people?"

My brother didn't speak. The cop looked at my brother and continued: "I know your details. Guan Yilong of the green dragon association is the big brother at the entrance of this area, but I have to tell you that although this area is your territory, it is also my jurisdiction. You'd better be honest. I don't want to see anything illegal happen. Of course, if you want to enter the Bureau for a cup of tea or something, I have nothing to say!"

The note's meaning is very clear. He wants us to leave quickly and don't make trouble here, or we'll all be caught in the Bureau. Of course, my brother doesn't want to provoke the note. I don't want to squat in the Bureau.

Xiao pangzi saw that his brother couldn't find a word to say by the note. He smiled again. Looking at his brother, he said with a smile: "welcome to play again next time! Wait for you!"

"You like to play very much. Well, I call 180 brothers to play here every day. As long as you can afford to play, I'll play with you to the end!" after that, my brother left angrily. The sudden appearance of the police made my brother very angry.

After we came out, my brother called Mr. Jiang because fat chicken was also involved in this matter. The reason why Xiao pangzi dared to be so arrogant in the territory of Qinglong club was naturally supported by fat chicken, but my brother was a younger generation in the final analysis. It was not easy to have a conflict with an elder like fat chicken face to face, so my brother asked Mr. Jiang to solve this matter.

After Mr. Jiang answered his brother's phone, he immediately called boss Bai and asked boss Bai to ask Xiao pangzi to close the bar. As for the fat chicken, Mr. Jiang will deal with it by himself.

Soon, Xiao pangzi had closed the bar the next day. For this reason, boss Bai personally called his brother to apologize for Xiao pangzi. Of course, boss Bai had to give him such a big face. My brother didn't say anything about it.

As for the fat chicken, after Xiao closed the bar, Mr. Jiang called his brother and the fat chicken. Mr. Jiang said the fat chicken, saying that the fat chicken helped outsiders make money and did not help their own people make money, because Xiao's bar fat chicken also had a share, so Mr. Jiang said the fat chicken.

As for his brother, Mr. Jiang didn't say anything. At this time, he asked his brother to keep a low profile in the future. Mr. Jiang doesn't want to form hatred with the white tiger society because of his brother's affairs. It's not good for anyone. My brother would also abide by Mr. Jiang's teachings.

This matter came to an end. We also went back to the billiards room and continued to operate the billiards room. On that day, the small supermarket outside the billiards room was out of stock. They stayed to watch the supermarket, and I was going to buy goods.

I drove the low-cost second-hand van we got to buy goods. When I was about to leave, Li Xiangning ran to my car and looked at me lovingly and said she would go with me. Anyway, there was nothing wrong with Li Xiangning staying, so I let her go with me.

Li Xiangning didn't fasten her seat belt after getting on the bus. She moved all kinds of things in the car. When I was driving, Li Xiangning actually reached into my pants and touched it. I looked at Li Xiangning and said seriously, "don't touch it. I'm driving!"

Li Xiangning shook her head, then looked at me and said mischievously, "I touch mine. You drive your car without conflict!". After that, Li Xiangning began to set hands on me. She covered me with her hands and smiled at me.

Looking at Li Xiangning being so naughty, how can she not be taught a good lesson? I parked my car on the side of the road where people are more popular, and then sat in the co driver's seat. Li Xiangning let her sit in my arms.

Li Xiangning was obedient and smiled. After sitting in my arms, I directly reached out and touched the bottom of her skirt. She was wearing that kind of dress, which was very convenient for me to start. After I reached down, Li Xiangning quickly grabbed my hand and asked me not to touch it. She said that it was outside or in broad daylight, which made people see how bad it was.

"Yes, you know it's bad to let people see it. Then you teased me like that just now. I feel it now. You have to be good to me, or I'll use strong ones directly!" after I said that, Li Xiangning didn't dare to resist. She sat obediently in my arms and was touched by me.

I casually touched her twice and asked her to sit on my lap face to face, and then began to kiss her. After a kiss, I asked Li Xiangning to come down. I continued to drive to buy goods. I knew Li Xiangning already felt it. I did it on purpose. When she felt it, I wouldn't continue with her, so she could only bear it.

I asked Li Xiangning to get up, but Li Xiangning refused. She looked at me innocently and said, "you deliberately wet others. I don't care. If you don't do it today, I will, I will...". When talking about this, Li Xiangning was poor in words. She looked at me like this, but she didn't know what to say.

I looked at Li Xiangning and smiled: "you just, how about you? Who let you tease me just now!"

Li Xiangning was short of words and anxious. After I finished, she looked at me and said, "if you don't do it, I'll bite you!" and then Li Xiangning bit me on the shoulder.

When Li Xiangning bit me, she was like a dog who can't eat. She held my clothes and pulled there with her little tiger teeth. She didn't dare to bite me because she knew the end of biting me.

After pulling my clothes for a while, Li Xiangning looked angrily, and then directly opened my trouser chain. I told her to lie down. If she was obedient, I would do it with her, and it made her very comfortable.

Li Xiangning listened to what I said, and then she got down and pouted her little ass obediently.

After a cloud and rain, Li Xiangning took a paper towel to wipe it clean. After that, we continued to go on the road to buy goods.

I was driving on the road in a pickup truck, and Li Xiangning sat quietly in her seat, because I told her that as long as she sat obediently, I would listen to her whenever she went back in the evening.

I didn't think Li Xiangning had such a color before, but since I did it with Li Xiangning, Li Xiangning often wanted it. In fact, I can understand. Who says that men only like men and women? I guess the reason why Li Xiangning wants it so much is because she has lost her memory. She has no concept of things in this regard. If she wants it, she wants it. After all, her current intelligence is also a child's intelligence.

The car drove smoothly on the road. Soon the car came to the place where Li Xiangning and I had an accident. The road was originally narrow, but it was rebuilt later. Because it was closer, many people took this road, and I followed the current.

Seeing this familiar road condition, I unconsciously tightened my mind. They all said that once bitten by a snake, I was afraid of the well rope for ten years. Every time I saw this road, I was very uncomfortable, and my head unconsciously thought of the accident that day.

Li Xiangning also looked out of the window. After looking out of the window, Li Xiangning seemed to see something she was afraid of, lowered her head and stole, covered her chest and gasped for breath. There was sweat on her neck, forehead and neck, and her breathing was getting faster and faster.

I asked Li Xiangning what happened to her. Li Xiangning didn't answer me. She covered her chest and gasped there. There was sweat on her forehead and neck. She looked very uncomfortable.

I guess Li Xiangning saw the place where we had an accident and thought of what would happen. Seeing Li Xiangning so uncomfortable, I'm going to stop the car and take Li Xiangning to the hospital. What can I do if something happens.

Just as I was about to stop, I heard a bang and a car hit directly.

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