That's how it happened. We picked up the three bad teenagers at that time. It happened that the three bad teenagers were Liu Haonan's younger brothers. Originally, this was a bigger thing, but this time the protagonist was me. Of course, Liu Haonan couldn't just give up, so he took a group of younger brothers to his brother and asked him to give an explanation, My brother just called me and asked me to come.

I asked steel tooth sister to stay in the hospital and take good care of Li Xiangning for me. Then I set off to find my brother.

Boss Bai, the leader of the white tiger club, is not a good person. Boss Bai wants to coexist peacefully with Qinglong, but it is said that his confidants Liu Haonan and Xiao pangzi don't think so. Liu Haonan and Xiao pangzi have long wanted to push Qinglong down and reshuffle the cards. That's why, With such a little sesame and mung beans, Liu Haonan took a group of younger brothers to find his brother. He was eager to make something, so the white tiger club had reason to fight with the green dragon club.

The green dragon society is now at a turbulent juncture. If the white tiger society and the green dragon society really start, the status of the green dragon society is really hanging.

I came to the outside of the billiards room. At this time, Liu Haonan had blocked the door of the billiards room with people, while his brother stood at the door of the billiards room waiting for me to come back. When he saw me coming, one of the three bad teenagers pointed to me and said quickly, "brother Nan, it's him!"

Liu Haonan looked back at me after listening to his little brother. There was anger in his eyes. I walked behind my brother. My brother asked me if I had beaten the three bad teenagers. I said yes, but that was also their fault first.

Liu Haonan brought dozens of people to block up the billiards room this time. His brother only brought a few people, because this is on the territory of the Qinglong club. Liu Haonan is from the white tiger club and can't turn over much waves on the territory of the Qinglong club.

Before my voice fell, the three bad teenagers began to confuse black and white there. They said I drove illegally on the road and asked someone to beat them. In short, they buckled the excrement basin on my head, and Liu Haonan certainly wouldn't listen to my explanation.

After Liu Haonan's younger brother finished reporting to him, Liu Haonan looked at his brother and asked, "you heard what my younger brother just said. How can you solve it yourself? Few people dare to move my younger brother!"

"You believe what your younger brother said, I believe what my younger brother said! Few people dare to move your younger brother. If my younger brother dares to move, I will kill him!" my brother looked at Liu Haonan and said, Liu haonanming deliberately came to find fault. My brother won't give him a good face. Is it really easy for us Qinglong club to bully?

"I originally planned to solve this problem peacefully today, but it seems that there is no need to talk about it!" Liu Haonan suddenly became gloomy after saying that, and then pushed his brother hard.

Brother stepped back and didn't fall down, but his anger was angered by what Liu Haonan had just done. I pointed to Liu Haonan and said fiercely, "what do you want? I tell you, your white tiger club had better be honest. Don't think we Qinglong Club people are easy to bully!"

Liu Haonan looked at me and smiled disdainfully: "I want to see how awesome you are today!"

My brother grabbed Liu Haonan's collar angrily, and then looked at Liu Haonan and said fiercely, "if you're arrogant in five minutes, I'll lose!"

After his brother finished, he pushed Liu Haonan away, and then made a phone call to summon all the people under his hands. After a while, under the leadership of brother Kun, all the people under his brother rushed over. All the people were carrying guys in their hands. The posture of more than 100 people and nearly 200 people was no joke, It directly surrounded Liu Haonan and others like making dumplings.

Liu Haonan saw that his brother called so many people without any fear. Seeing that his brother called everyone together, Liu Haonan looked at his brother and said with disdain: "Guan Yilong, you think only you are the eldest brother can call the younger brother. I tell you, our white tiger society is not afraid of you!"

Liu Haonan whistled arrogantly. After a while, a large group of people gathered around with guys. The number was very large, at least more than 200. As mentioned earlier, the white tiger club has developed very rapidly in recent years and its power has increased a lot. My brother has experienced so many changes in the green dragon club, Of course, the forces at hand will not be as strong as Liu Haonan.

Because the development trend of the white tiger society has become better and better in recent years, which has led to the increasing ambition of the white tiger society. Their ambition is even big enough to swallow the Green Dragon Society. However, no matter how big the tiger's mouth is, it is impossible to eat the dragon in one bite.

Liu Haonan called a lot of people. It looked like an ambush. Good. Liu Haonan's people carried out anti siege against us, and the situation changed accordingly.

Liu Haonan is the future leader of the white tiger society. Of course, his power will not be small, so I don't think it's any surprise to see Liu Haonan call so many people again.

My brother didn't provoke the white tiger society according to Mr. Jiang's intention, but this time the situation is completely different. The white tiger society came to the door, but even if the white tiger society came to the door, we can't help it. Our strength is not as good as others, and we just hit the stone with eggs.

The current situation is extremely embarrassing. If you don't show some momentum, will Qinglong be looked down upon by others? But if you do it, you will definitely lose. This is the result of no suspense. At this time, my brother is in a dilemma and doesn't even have a lower step.

Just when his brother was riding a tiger, Mr. Jiang drove here. After getting off, Mr. Jiang looked at Liu Haonan with a smile and asked, "Haonan, you should say hello to me when you come. I can do my best to entertain you as a host!"

"Mr. Jiang is joking. I'm here today to deal with some private affairs. I'll leave after dealing with them!" Liu Haonan said, looking at Mr. Jiang without any respect.

Mr. Jiang continued quietly and asked, "dealing with private affairs? Dealing with private affairs requires so many people to deal with it. It's really a big private affair!"

Liu Haonan disdained to say that it was really a little big. It was as big as the Qinglong club. Mr. Jiang's face became a little ugly. Liu Haonan's was clearly provocative, but Mr. Jiang didn't get angry. He just looked at Liu Haonan and smiled with deep meaning.

Just when the situation was deadlocked, boss Bai drove to the scene. After getting off the bus, boss Bai walked directly in front of Liu Haonan, and then an angry ear shut directly slapped Liu Haonan in the face, pointed to Liu Haonan and scolded: "You're really brave. You've been with me for so many years. Do you think your wings are hard and you're going to heaven? You stinky boy, if you don't stay well day by day, you'll know to make trouble!"

Liu Haonan's arrogance was slapped off by boss Bai. Mr. Jiang knew that Liu Haonan came here with a vote of people, and called boss Bai at the first time. After all, only boss Bai could cure Liu Haonan.

Although Sima Zhao's ambition of Liu Haonan and Xiao pangzi is well known, boss Bai is still the leader of the white tiger society in the final analysis. Liu Haonan and Xiao pangzi can't turn over any waves if he doesn't die.

Boss Bai is moral. Even if the strength of the white tiger club can crush the Qinglong club, he will not easily fight against the Qinglong club. It is not that boss Bai doesn't like power, but his boss Bai's sermon. This is the main reason why boss Bai can be the leader of the white tiger club.

Liu Haonan didn't know about coming to boss Bai this time, but boss Bai knew as soon as Mr. Jiang called.

Boss Bai reprimanded Liu Haonan and asked Liu Haonan to stay honest at the white tiger club in the future. He was not allowed to bring people to make trouble, and Liu Haonan nodded reluctantly with his head down.

After boss Bai scolded Liu Haonan, he asked Liu Haonan to leave with people. After Liu Haonan nodded, he was ready to leave with people, but on his raised face, he stared at boss Bai and flashed a fierce light.

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