After I finished, I was a little tired. The steel tooth sister asked me to lie down and come by herself. Li Xiangning leaned in my arms and was ready to go to bed. It was getting late. If the steel tooth girl comes by herself, I'll be much easier. At least I don't need to make much effort. Although men and women are good, it takes a lot of energy.

After the steel teeth sister finished, I took them to bed together. The next morning, my brother called me and said that Qinglong would open again. I was glad to understand and said that I would be there soon.

In fact, it was not early when my brother called me, but I was a little tired last night, so I slept for a long time. When Gang Ya and Li Xiangning saw that I hadn't woke up and didn't want to disturb me, they accompanied me to continue sleeping.

After I got up, I cleaned up and went to my brother. My brother drove me to the conference room of the Qinglong club. When we came, everyone arrived. After everyone arrived, Mr. Jiang gave a incense stick to Mr. Guan, and then the meeting began.

What I'm talking about today is actually about the white tiger society. Mr. Jiang said that the main reason why the white tiger society dares to be so rampant on the territory of the Qinglong society is the people of the Qinglong society. Mr. Jiang meant that some people in the Qinglong society will collude with the people of the white tiger society, and the people in the white tiger society dare to be so arrogant.

When Mr. Jiang said this, many of the hall brothers were guilty. They were silent and shrugged their heads. There was no doubt that the first bird was fat chicken. I had seen it with my own eyes, and they also opened a bar together. Although the bar had been closed, these were undoubtedly evidence.

After Mr. Jiang finished, the angry Tiger stood up, pointed to the fat chicken and said impolitely, "fat chicken, as the elder of the green dragon club, you colluded with the people of the white tiger club to pee on your own territory. What's your intention?"

"Don't wronged people. I just wanted to make some money to let Xiao pangzi open a bar on the site of our Qinglong club. Wouldn't it be collusion to open a bar with others?", of course, fat chicken won't admit it. He won't easily carry this pot on his back.

"You don't have to pretend here! I'm not talking nonsense about your collusion with the white tiger club. I have evidence!" after brother Hu said that, he took out some photos, which are the photos of fat chicken and the people of the white tiger club.

Brother Hu said that the fat chicken was premeditated. He hooked up with the white tiger club before we went to the white tiger club. For all these things and photos, the fat chicken kept silent and didn't say a word, but looking at the cold and blue face of the fat chicken, I think what brother Hu said should be true.

"You've been full of hostility to the Qinglong club since the yellow mouse affair. You were also the one who helped Zhao Feng buy brother Tangkou, and you recently hooked up with the white tiger club. You must want to use the white tiger club to kill the Qinglong club! Don't think I don't know!" brother Hu looked at the fat chicken and talked about the crime of the fat chicken with anger on his face.

Who is the Tangkou elder brother who is most loyal to Qinglong club? Among so many people, he is really loyal to Qinglong club. Brother Hu recognizes the second. No one dares to recognize the first. Fat chicken itself is a snob. Of course, he won't take Qinglong club to heart. He only cares about his own interests. The incident of the yellow mouse undoubtedly made the fat chicken more indifferent to the green dragon club.

After brother Hu's righteous words were finished, the fat chicken disdained and said: "Yes, you're right. All these charges are mine, but don't forget that the green dragon club is not only yours, but also a member of the green dragon club. Don't buckle all these excrement pots on my head, so as to show how loyal you are. No matter how unkind and unjust my fat chicken is, I can't do anything to betray the green dragon club!"

After that, the fat chicken took a look at the photos on the table, and then disdained to say, I do business with others and have a chat. What can this explain?

Brother Hu also wanted to refute the fat chicken, but Mr. Jiang stopped him. In fact, few people believe that brother Hu's detailed count of these charges. After all, the grudge between brother Hu and the fat chicken is not a day or two. Everyone thinks they are just fighting against each other. After all, how can the fat chicken be said to be the elder of the green dragon club? What reason does he have to betray the green dragon club?

Many people present do not believe that fat chicken will betray Qinglong club, let alone brother Hu's words, but I believe, because I have long seen that this fat chicken is not a good man, but fat chicken, such a veteran, will say three things and four things.

"Well, you don't need to be so excited! The main purpose of my meeting today is to keep everyone away from the people of the white tiger society and don't get too close to the people of the white tiger society!", Mr. Jiang looked at feiji and brother Hu and said that brother Hu and brother Hu are qualified predecessors, and Jiang Xiansheng can't say anything too heavy.

"Mr. Jiang, this fat chicken is not a good thing! What I said is definitely not groundless!", brother Hu looked at Mr. Jiang and said quickly, but Mr. Jiang didn't believe brother Hu. Mr. Jiang didn't believe it, let alone the other big brothers.

"Well, well, that's all for today. Let's go back and have a good rest!" Mr. Jiang waved to end the meeting.

Seeing that no one is willing to believe brother Hu, the fat chicken looked at brother Hu arrogantly, and then swaggered out.

"This bastard, one day I will let him die ugly!" said brother Hu angrily.

Brother Hu told his brother to watch out for the fat chicken. Brother Hu said that the fat chicken is definitely not a good man. It's always good to watch out for the fat chicken.

After the meeting, I came back in my brother's car. When I was in the car, my brother asked me what I thought of fat chicken? I said the fat chicken was not a good man at first sight. My brother asked me if I believed brother Hu. Of course I did.

My brother nodded and said that he also believed it. My brother told me that in fact, those Tangkou brothers of the Qinglong society did not care about the life and death of the Qinglong society. Naturally, they would not care whether the fat chicken was really bad for the Qinglong society. For those Tangkou brothers, interest was their concern. Therefore, even if the fat chicken really colluded with the white tiger society to deal with the Qinglong society, In fact, few people can really contribute to Qinglong club.

The reason why the white tiger society dares to be so arrogant is for this reason. My brother said whether the fat chicken is really bad for Qinglong is not important. It doesn't matter whether what brother Hu said is true or false. The important thing is how to make Qinglong survive.

Of course, I don't understand these big pattern things. My brother said that the top priority now is to respond to changes with invariance and try to keep an eye on the fat chicken. The fat chicken has a great influence in the green dragon club. If he is allowed to win over another big brother, the matter will become more difficult.

The white tiger society hasn't heard any news since Liu Haonan was slapped in the face by boss Bai, but this doesn't bode well. Most of the calm is a sign of a storm.

Besides brother Hu, brother Hu has been sending people to stare at the fat chicken and vowed to pull out the fox tail of the fat chicken. Just because of this, brother Hu also had several minor conflicts with the fat chicken. Brother Hu was angry and smashed several fields of the fat chicken. However, I listened to my brother and didn't participate, so I don't know the details and process.

Fat chicken and brother Hu are irreconcilable in the Qinglong club. They have the highest reputation and the greatest influence in the Qinglong Club except Mr. Jiang. In the past, they were fighting secretly, but because fat chicken colluded with the people of the white tiger club, the conflict between brother Hu and fat chicken has risen to the surface.

The fat chicken, the old fox, is not so stupid. Of course, he won't carry the pot. Brother Hu knows that the fat chicken is doing something bad for Qinglong, but he suffers from no evidence. It feels like a fishbone stuck in his throat.

Brother Hu has been fighting with feijiming, but a few days after the meeting, I heard that brother Hu was killed!

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