Liu Lang clenched his teeth and looked at us very hard and said, "I can't go like this. Hurry up. I'll stay and block them for you. Hurry up. If I'm late, I won't have a chance. If I die, remember to burn more paper money for me!"

After that, Liu Lang gave us a hard push. Any more sensational words are futile at the moment. I want everyone to leave together, but the fact is in front of us. Someone must stay and block it, so that others can have the possibility of survival. We can't bear to let Liu Lang stay and die, but we have to die one or all, and the choice is in front of us, There is no room for carelessness.

"Hurry up, remember to avenge me and kill the fat chicken bastard! In this way, I will die well," Liu Lang said. After that, he tried his best to push us all out.

No matter how many sensational words appear to be particularly weak at this time. Under the pushing of Liu Lang, we all walk out with tears. We all know what the result is. Liu Lang is seriously injured and there is only a dead end to stay. And all we can do is live well and avenge him!

After we walked out of the chess and card room, Liu Lang blocked his body as a door and didn't let the fat chicken's men out, so as to let us escape safely.

The fat chicken's men saw Liu Lang blocking the way out and took the guy to chop on Liu lang. when they saw the cold and shining guy chopping on Liu Lang, our tears flowed down like a flood breaking the dike, blurring our sight.

"Go away, it's worth being brothers with you all your life!" Liu Lang looked at me and said loudly. He was full of blood. Just when he said his words, Liu Lang gushed blood and fell into a pool of blood without any movement.

Liu Lang's death was a great blow to us. When we saw Liu Lang fall, we felt special pain, just like a few pieces of meat were cut off by the heart.

But I didn't dare to stay for half a minute. Liu Lang used his life to fight for our precious time, which could be wasted. We ran out a long way with full pain. When we saw that the fat chicken didn't catch up, we stopped and took a car back.

When we came, there were more than a dozen people, but only my fat brother and Jiangshan survived. None of the other brothers escaped and stayed there forever.

We just went back, brother Kun and sister Qian found us. When they saw us, brother Kun and sister Qian came up and asked us what was the matter. Brother Kun asked me what was the matter with my injury. He asked us what we were doing just now. No one answered the phone.

Thinking of the look in Liu Lang's eyes before he died, I couldn't help crying. Jiangshan told brother Kun everything just now. After listening to Jiangshan, sister Qian looked at us and asked, "Xiaolang, you escaped, he, where is he!". Sister Qian looked at us very anxiously and asked with worry on her face.

Brother Hu's death has hit sister Qian hard enough. If sister Qian knew that Liu Lang didn't come back, I'm afraid sister Qian would collapse on the spot. Although Liu Lang has a relationship with her, the relationship between sister Qian and Liu Lang has long been like a close sister and brother. If sister Qian knew that Liu Lang didn't come back, how could sister Qian accept this fact.

"Sister Qian, Liu Lang didn't come back!" I looked at the haggard and anxious sister Qian and said, how I wish this sentence I said was a lie, but damn it, it was a truth.

After sister Qian heard me say this, the whole person seemed petrified and stood in place for two seconds. Tears flowed down her cheeks. After sister Qian asked the reason, she looked at me and cried bitterly. She grabbed my collar and asked: "Can't you discuss with us before you do something? Your idea! The dead man is Xiaolang! Why isn't the dead man you!"

When I heard sister Qian say this, I was very excited to draw out the dagger from my waist. If I could, I would trade my life for Liu Lang's life. Just when I was ready to stab myself with the dagger, brother Kun grabbed the dagger in my hand.

Brother Kun asked brother Jiangshan to send sister Qian back first. Sister Qian's mood has been out of control. There she lost her voice and suffered. Who can bear the pain of losing her father and losing her brother?

After Jiangshan and Pangge sent sister Qian away, brother Kun looked at me with tears on his face and said that brother Kun said that sister Qian was too excited because of the recent blow.

Of course I know that sister Qian said angry words to me because she was hit too hard. I was so excited just now that I almost stabbed myself with a dagger.

Under brother Kun's persuasion, I calmed my mood, and then dragged my exhausted body to the rental house. When I went back, the steel tooth sister had fallen asleep, and Li Xiangning was still sitting and watching TV. After I sat down, Li Xiangning looked at my face and asked me lovably, "brother Han, what's the matter with you? Your face doesn't look good."

Seeing Li Xiangning's lovely little face, the tears I had just stopped burst the embankment again. Li Xiangning saw me cry, held my in her arms like those nannies on TV, gently stroked my hair, and then said to me with the tone of coaxing children: "Brother Han doesn't cry. Xiangning is here. Tell Xiangning what you're unhappy about. Xiangning won't tell others. Whoever tells others is a dog."

I was crying in Li Xiangning's arms as if I had lost all my children. After crying, Li Xiangning took a paper towel to wipe my tears for fear that I would lose control again. When I went to bed, Li Xiangning held me to sleep.

"Brother Han, you don't have to be afraid. Xiangning holds you to sleep at night, so brother Han, you don't have to be afraid!" Li Xiangning looked at me and said warmly.

I couldn't sleep all the time. Li Xiangning told me stories to coax me to sleep. Although the stories she told were all young stories told to her by steel tooth sister, I fell asleep in her stories.

The next morning, brother Kun took the bodies of Liu Lang and other brothers out of the Bureau. Brother Kun put Liu Lang's body and brother Hu's body in the same funeral home and frozen them. According to the rules, people can be buried after they finish the Dharma after they die, but brother Kun didn't speak, so he had to freeze brother Hu's body in the funeral home, When my brother picks himself up, my brother will explain.

After brother Hu died, his brother never went out again. He kept himself in the room. He sat so dull and refused to eat. Sister Qian fed him before he was willing to eat.

My brother has been doing this for many days. Finally, it was Mr. Jiang who called. My brother perked up a little. After Mr. Jiang called, my brother didn't say a word. He changed his clothes and went to the meeting room of the Qinglong club. Brother Kun was afraid that something would happen to my brother, so he asked me to go to the meeting with my brother.

My brother didn't say a word. I drove straight to the conference room of the green dragon club. I followed my brother to the conference room. Not a few minutes after my brother sat down, the fat chicken came in.

Fat chicken saw his haggard brother and looked at me again. Looking at fat chicken's disgusting smile, I couldn't help my anger.

I clenched my fist and turned over directly from the American generous table. Then I grabbed the fat chicken's collar and hit him hard on his fat face, "fuck NIMA, you killed Liu Lang, I'll kill you today!". After that, I was angry. I hit the fat chicken's face twice more and smashed his nose blood out.

But under the obstruction of those big brothers at the entrance of the hall, I was pulled aside. When those entrance of the hall faced outsiders, they were like loose sand one by one, but when they saw me beat the fat chicken, they came to help the fat chicken one by one, kicked me and fell into the corner.

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