Just as I was about to stand up and kill the fat chicken again, Mr. Jiang came. After Mr. Jiang came, he saw this scene. After asking the reason, Mr. Jiang asked the fat chicken to sit down first. As for me, for the sake of my brother, Mr. Jiang didn't care more about me and asked me to stand there honestly and don't do anything.

At this time, my brother seemed to have lost his soul. He didn't react at all when he saw that I was beaten. After Mr. Jiang offered incense to Mr. Guan, he began to talk about today. What Mr. Jiang said is related to me. What he said is that we went to kill fat chickens last night. Jiang Xiansheng severely said about us.

Mr. Jiang said that we Qinglong would be a whole, and such infighting would not work. He said a lot about us, and Mr. Jiang said a lot, but at this time, I would listen to half a sentence.

"Mr. Jiang, what's the use of saying that about these little brothers? You should let their big brother take good care of them. Their little brother dares to kill the big brother at Tangkou. It must be their big brother's bad management!"

At this time, I don't know that the lobby elder brother said such a sentence. This is obviously aimed at my brother. My brother didn't respond at all when he heard the lobby elder brother say so. He just sat silent and didn't even move.

Mr. Jiang ignored the big brother at the entrance, but went on. Mr. Jiang said that as our punishment last night, my Jiangshan fat brother would be expelled from the Qinglong club. Of course, I had no objection and could only accept it. Mr. Jiang asked his brother again and asked him if he had any opinion on this?

The elder brother was silent for a long time, stood up and looked at Mr. Jiang calmly and said, "what my younger brother does has nothing to do with me. I can't escape being the eldest brother. I quit! Whoever wants to sit in this seat will sit!"

After that, without saying a word, my brother got up and left directly, and I left with my brother. From the moment we walked out of the threshold, we were not from the green dragon club.

After my brother went back, he returned all the business under his hands to the green dragon club. These were all given to my brother by the green dragon club, and my brother also gave them back to the green dragon club.

After all the businesses were sold out, all the younger brothers under my brother's hand were summoned. My brother's meaning is very simple. If he is willing to follow him, he must treat him well. If he is not willing to follow him, he can, and he does not insist, but as a result, many people are willing to continue to follow my brother.

Brother quit the Qinglong club, and we have already quit the Qinglong club. I have no face to stay in this city. Liu Lang died because of me, but I have never avenged him. Ask, what face do I have to stay in this city.

I don't have the face to face the dead Liu Lang, let alone the heartbroken sister Qian. Moreover, it's not a matter to stay in this sad place. My brother can't cheer up. Jiangshan fat brother is also sad. At this time, we are like stranded fish, foolishly wasting time.

After thinking about it, I decided to go somewhere else, but I haven't thought about it yet, but I've thought about it these days. I'll go to the city where the earth leopard is located to see if I can get a foothold there.

I told her what I thought. I want her to stay here and go alone. After all, there are too many unsafe factors for people like me. If she is here, they can take care of the country. If she goes out with me, I can't even guarantee their basic safety.

Steel tooth sister wanted to go with me. She said that she was destined to follow me in her life. She would go there when I went there. Li Xiangning heard that I was leaving. She came and hugged my hand tightly and said that she would not let me leave. She wanted me to stay and accompany her well.

Looking at Li Xiangning's lovely little face, I feel very guilty. Before Li Xiangning had no memory loss, it always made her sad. After her memory loss, I can't give back her most basic company. Sometimes I think I'm really sorry for Li Xiangning.

I took Li Xiangning away from my hand and asked Li Xiangning to go to bed obediently. Li Xiangning listened to me and lay down obediently to go to bed. At night, steel tooth sister had fallen asleep, but Li Xiangning and I had not fallen asleep.

Li Xiangning is on my left and steel tooth sister is on my right. Li Xiangning turns over and lies down on me before I fall asleep. Li Xiangning asks me why I haven't fallen asleep. After I sigh, I say I'm very upset and can't sleep.

Li Xiangning rubbed her head against me and said she couldn't sleep. Let me tell her stories and tell her our original stories.

I took a look at Li Xiangning, kissed her on her sweet lips, and then hugged her and told her our original story. I talked about it from the time we met until Li Xiangning lost her memory. Of course, I omitted a lot of fragments, mainly because there were too many unhappy things, so I omitted them by myself.

When I talked about Li Xiangning's amnesia, Li Xiangning looked at me and said seriously, "you haven't said a lot, such as the thing you picked up my clothes, the thing you carried me home at school, and the thing you pretended to be my boyfriend. After that, Li Xiangning rubbed me, Let me add these.

I was stunned when Li Xiangning said these things, because I never told Li Xiangning about these things. How could she remember? What has she remembered?

I looked at Li Xiangning and asked seriously, "Xiangning, do you remember anything recently? Tell me what you remember!"

After listening to what I said, Li Xiangning scratched her little brain, looked at me and thought seriously. After thinking for a while, Li Xiangning shook her head, then put her body up a pile and kissed me on my lips.

Li Xiangning pinched my nose and said with a smile: "fool, I have already recovered my memory. I have actually recovered my memory since I was discharged from the hospital last time. I remember the previous things and the things after I lost my memory!"

I had some consolation when I heard Li Xiangning say so. I should have been very excited when I heard Li Xiangning say so, but recent events made me not excited at all.

I looked at Li Xiangning, smiled and said it was good to remember. Li Xiangning saw that I didn't have much reaction. Looking at me, I was disappointed and said, "you didn't respond at all? I've been prepared for a long time and intend to give you a surprise!"

I said that there had been a lot of things recently and I was not happy. Li Xiangning gave a very warm sound and leaned against my chest. She said she wanted to hear my heartbeat.

For me at this time, whether Li Xiangning recovers her memory or not will not make me pay too much attention, because I have been physically and mentally exhausted recently, but the fact that Li Xiangning recovers her memory still gives me more or less comfort.

Li Xiangning saw that I didn't have much reaction and was still very disappointed. After leaning against my chest for a while, Li Xiangning lay on my left, then closed her eyes and prepared to go to bed.

I asked Li Xiangning if she was unhappy? After looking at me, Li Xiangning said resentfully, "I recovered my memory, but you didn't respond at all. You just don't love me! You don't care about others!"

Li Xiangning said that the reason why she recovered her memory and pretended to lose it all the time was to surprise me, but my performance obviously disappointed her.

I told Li Xiangning that there have been too many things recently. My heart is so messy that I have no response. Moreover, to be honest, Li Xiangning is very happy to recover her memory, but I am completely unhappy with Liu Lang's death.

After listening to my explanation, Li Xiangning looked at me and said, "well, I'll forgive you for the moment. I think you're also very upset recently. Don't haggle with you. Go to bed!" after Li Xiangning said that, she held my hand and closed her eyes to sleep.

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