The next morning, I told steely sister about Li Xiangning's recovery of memory. Steely sister was not very happy when she learned the news. On the contrary, she still had some concerns. After Li Xiangning lost her memory, she was as intelligent as a child. The three of us could coexist peacefully together, but Li Xiangning recovered her memory. Can we coexist peacefully. This is the main problem that steel teeth sister is worried about.

In fact, it's not just the steel tooth sister who has such worries. I'm also worried about it. What if Li Xiangning and steel tooth sister have a disagreement? After all, people are possessive. Even if they say they can live peacefully together, how many people can do it.

Now that Li Xiangning has recovered her memory, there is no need for us to hide anything from Li Xiangning. Gang Ya Mei called Li Xiangning. Gang Ya Mei looked at Li Xiangning and said sincerely: "You have recovered your memory. We are all happy for you. If you want to be with brother Han, I have no opinion. After all, you two are legal husband and wife. I'm just a third party!"

When steel tooth sister said this, her tone was lonely and sad. Fame is not important, but it is also very important. It is because of this that steel tooth sister is lonely, because it makes her think I prefer Li Xiangning.

My face and sister steel teeth's face are quite serious, but Li Xiangning is very calm. Li Xiangning casually sits next to sister steel teeth, looks at sister steel teeth and says with a smile: "Sister Xiaoxiao, why are you so serious? In the past, we were very happy when we were together. Did we have to separate and live together peacefully as before?"

Li Xiangning's words are like a word to wake up the dreamer. It seems that my sister steel teeth and I think too much. We think too narrowly of Li Xiangning's mind.

After Li Xiangning said that, my sister steel teeth and I smiled awkwardly and said that the three of us would live together well after that.

As for my visit to the earth leopard, steel tooth sister and Li Xiangning have the same attitude, that is, they will go there when I go there. I said I might not make any money there. They said they can also work and make money without my money.

I said a lot of excuses, but the excuses were excuses after all. In fact, I was worried about their safety, so I didn't let them follow me. Finally, we all gave way. I said I would pick them up when I was stable there. Li Xiangning and gang Ya agreed.

After lunch, brother Jiangshan and I went to the funeral home to see brother Hu and Liu lang. this is our last look at them. My brother has arranged the afterlife of brother Liu Lang and brother Hu and will be cremated in three days. So today, after receiving the phone call, I came to see Liu Lang with brother Jiangshan and them.

Liu Lang actually doesn't have a sense of existence at ordinary times. He talks more about Jiangshan fat brother and me. He always pays that silently. He doesn't talk much at ordinary times, but he never counsels at the critical time.

Lying in the funeral home, his face changed a little. The staff in the funeral home said that Liu Lang's face was cut beyond recognition when he died. They also made the final makeup restoration according to the photos.

When I thought of Liu Lang's death, I was very unhappy. If it weren't for my idea, he wouldn't be cut alive. Thinking of these, my tears couldn't help flowing down. I wanted to cry, but I couldn't help it.

After a while, sister Qian and her brother, accompanied by brother Kun, went to the funeral home. After his brother withdrew from the Qinglong club, Mr. Jiang asked brother Kun to take over his brother's seat. Mr. Jiang also spoke. If his brother is willing to come back, his seat will always be reserved for him.

We really need someone to observe the activities of the green dragon club, and brother Kun is undoubtedly the most suitable person among us.

Brother and sister Qian came in and looked at brother Hu's face. When they saw brother Hu's face, brother's haggard cheeks became more haggard, while sister Qian burst into tears. Seeing sister Qian crying so sad, I was also very guilty. If it weren't for me, Liu Lang wouldn't die, and sister Qian wouldn't be so sad.

I really didn't think so much at that time. I just wanted to kill the old king's eight eggs of the fat chicken, avenge brother Hu and breathe out for my brother, because I was very uncomfortable to see my brother like that.

But I knew that the fat chicken would set such a trap and wait for us to get in. I didn't think it through. It's all my fault!

After staying in the funeral home for a while, we went back and began to help prepare for brother Liu langhu's funeral.

My brother watched the cemetery for Liu Lang and brother Hu. Three days later, the bodies of Liu Lang and brother Hu were cremated. My brother's original men and brother Hu's men came.

I don't know what happened that day. The good weather said it would rain. Sister Qian carried brother Hu's ashes, while Liu Lang's ashes were carried by me. We treated Liu Lang as our own brothers, so although no one asked us to wear hemp and filial piety that day, we still wore hemp and filial piety ourselves.

Several hundred of us walked to the grave. After the rain, we all continued with black umbrellas. When we were ready to go to the grave mountain, Mr. Jiang and the big brothers at the entrance of the Qinglong club came.

Mr. Jiang said that brother Hu was also a hero of the green dragon club, so they planned to send brother Hu on his last trip on the day of his burial. My brother has lost ten or twenty pounds recently. The whole person looks very listless and haggard. My brother didn't say anything when Mr. Jiang came.

Mr. Jiang, we don't care whether they come or not, but the fat chicken bastard, he! We will never allow him to come.

The fat chicken also followed Mr. Jiang. The old Wang eight egg smiled when he saw brother Hu's urn, which was undoubtedly the biggest provocation for us who were already unhappy with him.

After seeing the figure of the fat chicken, my brother clenched his fist and roared softly towards the fat chicken. After rushing over, he grabbed the collar of the fat chicken and hit it hard on the face of the fat chicken, "you bastard, how dare you TM come!"

After being punched, the fat chicken wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth and smiled with disdain: "how dare I come? I'm not afraid of this dead tiger. Will I still be afraid of you?"

The fat chicken's acceptance pushed my brother away. Seeing that my brother was pushed away by the fat chicken's people, we couldn't bear this tone. A crowd directly surrounded the fat chicken. If I had a knife in my hand now, I would definitely kill the fat chicken without hesitation!

"Brother Hu was killed by you bastard. You have to pay for brother Hu's life!" in the face of the arrogance of the fat chicken, we all rose up and wanted to tear the fat chicken bastard.

The fat chicken didn't care. He walked up to one of brother Hu's men and slapped the little brother in the face, "What's your name here? Does the death of this dead tiger have anything to do with you? Is he your father or your ancestor? Besides, now it's a society that pays attention to evidence. You have no basis. Why do you say I killed this dead tiger? This dead tiger was so hated before he died. Who knows if he did something to his wife, and his daughter was killed by his enemy!"

When the fat chicken said this, he was very arrogant and said on his face: what can you do with me without evidence?

Brother looked at the fat chicken fiercely, and his killing intention was exposed, but what about the fat chicken?

"Get out of here! If you can't bury brother Hu, I'll bury you today!" my brother angrily scolded at the fat chicken.

The fat chicken didn't want to leave and wanted to provoke his brother. At this time, Mr. Jiang came over and said, "you have to make trouble for someone else's funeral, don't you? Get out of here! Don't always take evidence to say things. I just don't like you! Get out!"

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