Mr. Jiang, who is usually very gentle, has burst into foul language, which is enough to see how annoying this fat chicken is. After Mr. Jiang scolded the fat chicken so angrily, he had to go back with his little brother angrily, bury brother Hu's urn and Liu Lang's urn, and after setting up the monument, everything is close to the end.

Mr. Jiang, after perfuming brother Hu, went to his brother and looked at him and asked sincerely, "Aaron, I know you are very sad now, but it's common to come out to live and die. This is such a rule of survival. I hope you can come back to help me after a good recovery."

My brother took a look at Mr. Jiang. He just said a little later, and then turned around and took us away.

After tiger brother Liu Lang was buried, my brother took sister Qian to the countryside and opened a small supermarket in the countryside. Two people were operating there. The billiards room Jiangshan and fat brother were operating there. A few days after tiger brother Liu Lang was buried, I got on the bus and went to the city where the earth leopard was located.

I called the earth leopard in advance, and the earth leopard also welcomed me. When I arrived, the earth leopard picked me up. After receiving me, the earth leopard asked me to stay with him for a few days. When it came to time, he would help me find a good job.

In fact, I don't have much money. The consumption here is relatively high. In a few days, I almost spent all my money. Although the earth leopard will provide me with food and accommodation, I've been eating people's food all the time. I'm very sorry, so I asked the earth leopard to find me a job to make money as soon as possible.

The earth leopard said that he was always on the road, and all the jobs he could find were on the road. I said I didn't mind so much, as long as he could settle down here.

Finally, the earth leopard helped me find a job as a thug. If I did a good job, I could get thousands of dollars. Of course, I promised.

Under the introduction of the earth leopard, I officially acted as a thug. The threshold of thugs is very low. As long as I am strong and can fight, there are many people who work with me, about more than 20. Our occupation is very simple. As long as we give money, we will fight for the employer.

Soon an employer came to the door. The employer gave us the first sum of money and asked us to fight a group of people and a group of people in conflict with the employer. We don't have to deal with so much and do things with money.

More than twenty of our thugs went to the designated place with wooden sticks. When we found the target person, we swung the wooden sticks and beat him. The employer watched us from a distance. After all, he also spent money, so it's normal to supervise.

Since Liu Lang was killed, I have always been very angry and unfair, so when I started to clean up those people, I started with a heavy hand. I took the lead and directly did two. Sometimes it's really sad to think about myself. It's really useless to beat others if the fat chicken can't clean up.

After cleaning up those people, we finished work and went back. I got 2000 yuan as I wished. After I got the money, I sent 1500 yuan to the steel tooth girl's card. Just as we were smoking and preparing to go back from the self-service bank, we just met the employer driving back.

The employer is a middle-aged man. He is very fat, but he has a big fat belly. He is not very fat. He can be described as slim compared with the fat chicken.

When the employer in the car saw me, he stopped the car, rolled down the window, looked at me and said, "boy, it was good just now. He can play very well!"

I looked at him and smiled. I didn't say anything. He politely handed me a cigarette. Looking at me, I continued to ask, "I think you should come out to mix like this. You used to mix there!"

After I smoked a cigarette, he said that I used to be a member of the green dragon club. He was a little puzzled. He said that the green dragon club was very powerful. How could I come here? I said I had committed a crime there. I came here to take refuge. I won't reveal my family background to unfamiliar people. It's just the so-called heart of harming others. It's necessary to guard against others, So I lied to him, and he didn't doubt so much.

"My name is Liu Sheng, nicknamed Heiniu. I think you have good skills. If you don't dislike it, you can come down to me and have a meal. Make sure you're popular and spicy! What do you think?", Heiniu looked at me and said. His meaning was obvious. He just wanted me to hang out with him.

I didn't rush to promise at that time. I said I would think about it. Black bull left me his mobile phone number and said he could call him after he figured it out. He welcomed me at any time.

After I went back, I went to the earth leopard to inquire about the origin of the black cow. The earth leopard said that the black cow is also a character here. There is a guild called Sanlian hall, which is the most powerful guild here. The black cow is a leader of the Sanlian hall. Its power is equivalent to that of the fat chicken of the Green Dragon Society. It is also the younger brother of hundreds of people.

The earth leopard used to be a black cow. Because of his surname Niu, he was called the nickname of the black cow. The earth leopard said that he didn't know the person of the black cow. Anyway, he had a great influence. The earth leopard said that if I worked under the hands of the black cow, I could definitely make a career, at least better than mixing in Qinglong.

What the earth leopard said was a compliment, and I just smiled, but needless to say, there must be the power of the black bull. The earth leopard has no reason to lie to me. I couldn't find anything to do here. I didn't just mix in the road for a day or two, so I made up my mind and went to mix with the black bull. It was God's will how I did it.

The reason why I came to this city, on the one hand, was because I felt guilty about Liu Lang, on the other hand, it was because I was useless. I knew that the fat chicken was the murderer of Liu Lang, but I couldn't do anything about it. The murderer was right in front of me, but I couldn't avenge Liu Lang.

It is because of this remorse and guilt that I came to this city. In this way, my heart will be a little easier.

The next morning, I called black bull. I said I had made up my mind. I'll follow you! Black bull smiled and said yes, and then asked me to find him. He was free.

I found black bull in a restaurant. Black bull was eating. After I went, he ordered some dishes for me to eat with him.

After dinner, Heiniu took me around. In the evening, he took me and some of his younger brothers to KTV to sing. After singing, he called a woman to sleep with me all night.

The next morning, the black cow came to the room and smiled and asked me how I slept last night. I smiled and said it was OK. The black cow smiled and patted me on the arm and asked me to put on my clothes and go out to dinner.

I followed the black bull out to a restaurant for dinner. During the meal, the black bull looked at me and said, "now, even if you are my little brother, I am your big brother. Should I have no problem telling you to do something?"

I knew the black bull wouldn't be so kind. Sure enough, but it's also normal. It's the same with the big brother. I still have to do things for others. After all, I'm just a little brother.

After I nodded, the black bull took out his mobile phone from his pocket and turned over a photo to me. The photo showed a middle-aged man in a suit. The black bull pointed to the person in the photo and looked at me and said, "the person in the photo is the person to be removed by the triple hall. If you can take someone and kill him, you can get a lot of money, and you will be reused!"

I don't care about these things. I asked black bull how much money I could get to kill this man. Black bull looked at me and smiled, saying that if I wanted to kill this man, five million!

Five million was not a small amount. I was really moved at that time. After thinking about it, I nodded. I said it was up to me, but everything listened to me. The black cow looked at me, smiled, and compared me with an 'OK' gesture, saying that it was no problem.

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