After dinner, I saved the photo to my mobile phone. I went to the earth leopard and asked the earth leopard to inquire for me. The only thing I can trust in this city is the earth leopard. I can't trust others, even the black cow.

After reading the photo, the earth leopard knew the details of the man in the photo without asking. The man in the photo is the leader of a guild, but the guild power under his hands is not very big. It is estimated that he is only as big as the general power of Sanlian hall.

The earth leopard said that the person in the photo is called Liu Hualiang. There has been a long-standing resentment between Liu Hualiang and the triple alliance hall, and there are often conflicts and frictions. Just because the cops here are watching closely, the triple alliance hall has never tried to kill Liu Hualiang, but the earth leopard said that according to the hearsay, the triple alliance hall has been preparing to eradicate Liu Hualiang recently, and everything is already under deployment.

I didn't treat the earth leopard as an outsider, so I told the earth leopard what Heiniu told me today. After I finished, the earth leopard shook his head and told me not to go. The earth leopard said that although the force under Liu Hualiang's hand was not as powerful as the Sanlian hall, he was also a leader at least. It was unrealistic for me to kill him.

The earth leopard is not only worried about this problem. The earth leopard said that even if I can kill Liu Hualiang, what should I do when black cattle eat black and kill me directly? After all, this is not the first time that such a thing has happened. Few people in the Jianghu have made it clear that anything can happen.

I know that the earth leopard is for my good, but it's a risky thing to go out and mix. How can you know the result if you don't fight?

As for what the earth leopard said about black cattle eating black, I'm not very worried. I have my own countermeasures.

After Tu Baozi and I finished the details of Liu Hualiang, I probably guessed the mind of the black bull, because the triple hall attracted the wind. Although they hated Liu Hualiang and wanted to get rid of it earlier, they didn't have any way to take Liu Hualiang, because if they started, first there were cops staring, and second Liu Hualiang wasn't a vegetarian, After hearing the news, Liu Hualiang will naturally be ready.

The reason why the black bull asked me to kill Liu Hualiang is that the black bull also has a plan, because I'm not from the triple hall, so it's relatively convenient. In addition, even if I can't kill Liu Hualiang, his black bull doesn't have any loss. He's very good at his wishful thinking.

However, we all use each other. He needs me to help him kill Liu Hualiang, and I need money. There is no need to say who used who. We are using each other.

I asked the earth leopard to help me inquire about Liu Hualiang's news, and I will give him a share when it's done. The earth leopard helped me inquire about the news, but even if I got the news about Liu Hualiang, I didn't have a chance to start, because Liu Hualiang is a very careful person. He travels with a group of younger brothers, and there is no room to start at all.

This also made me difficult. I told black bull that I would kill Liu Hualiang within a month, but now I found that I seemed to be talking big. Black bull wouldn't care if I could kill Liu Hualiang within a few days, as long as I could kill Liu Hualiang.

Black bull is very generous to me. He takes me everywhere when he is free and asks women to sleep with me at night. Of course, he just wants me to work hard for him to kill Liu Hualiang.

As time goes by, my heart is getting more and more bottomless. Liu Hualiang's son of a bitch is careful and has no room to start. The month I said is also slowly shortening. If I can't kill Liu Hualiang in a month, black bull won't let me go. After all, he also threw some money on me during this time.

When I was worried, I could only use wine to relieve my worries. After drinking a little wine, I thought of my cousin. My cousin is not here. I don't know how she is now. I heard that she made a play fire, but then I didn't pay much attention, and I don't know how she is doing now.

I kept my cousin's cell phone number all the time. Anyway, I have nothing to do now. I called my cousin. I called and my cousin answered my phone. I asked my cousin how she was doing. My cousin said she was doing very well.

My cousin and I have come here. After hearing that I came here, my cousin was very excited and asked me where I am now. She happened to be on vacation because of physical discomfort these days. My cousin asked me where I am now. She can come to me.

I said my address. My cousin told me not to move there. When she came, she hung up the phone. After a while, my cousin came to me in a white BMW. I was drinking in a barbecue shop. My cousin came in wearing a mask and sunglasses.

After sitting next to me, my cousin looked around and made sure that no one was following me. Then she took off her mask and sunglasses like a thief.

After taking off her sunglasses, my cousin impolitely picked up the kebab and began to eat. My cousin said that the management of the company was too strict and diet should be controlled. As a result, she ate like a nun all day. She hadn't eaten the kebab for a long time.

I haven't seen it for a long time. My cousin is a lot more beautiful. It's like time has passed. My cousin doesn't see any change at all. On the contrary, she is getting younger and younger. Her skin is like a baby's skin. It's white and tender and can be broken by blowing.

After eating a few kebabs, my cousin looked at me and asked seriously, "why did you come here? Where are your two daughters-in-law? You don't care about them?"

After drinking a little beer, I looked at my cousin and smiled: "of course I came here because I miss you. Is it difficult to allow me to miss you?"

"I'll know in a day. I'll talk seriously. How did you come here? Do you have any difficulties? Tell me if you have any difficulties, and I'll try my best to help you! How can you say that your cousin is a star now!" my cousin smiled at me.

I said casually, "I just can't stay there. I haven't been anywhere, so I'm going to come here to see if I can make a personal appearance!"

My cousin asked me what I did here, but I didn't elaborate. I said I came to work. My cousin said that if I couldn't find a job, I could be her bodyguard as before, and the salary was the same as before.

I said I'd better forget it. I'd better be my wage earner. I don't want to do the job of bodyguard.

"Since you don't want to be a bodyguard, I can give you a better job. It's easy and the money is easy to earn!" said my cousin with a smile.

After I drank a little wine, I asked my cousin what kind of work it was. My cousin said it was xiaobailian. My cousin said how nice xiaobailian is. I don't have to do anything every day. I just need to coax women to be happy. If I have money, I can sleep with women. How nice.

After laughing, I looked at my cousin and said with a smile, "little white face is really a good job, but I'm not happy. Of course, if I were your little white face, I'd be happy. I can promise each other, including my soul and body! You can ravage me as you want!" I looked at my cousin and joked.

After listening to me, my cousin smiled and winked at me, "OK, I can keep you as my little white face. You can go with me tonight!"

I looked at my cousin and smiled. Then I continued to eat kebabs. After eating, I got into my cousin's car, went to the hotel and opened a couple's room.

After entering the room, my cousin asked me to take a bath first. She said she was not interested if I didn't wash.

I was obedient to take a bath. After taking a bath, I was obedient to lie in bed. My cousin drew the curtain and turned off the light and then lay down on the bed. I smiled and crushed my cousin on the bed. My cousin beat me with a small pink fist. "You little white face is not obedient at all. If you don't obey me, I won't keep you!"

"I'm obedient. I'm serving you! Hey hey," I said with a bad smile at my cousin.

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