I only heard a bang. Liu Hualiang's window glass was directly smashed by me. After I took out the short knife, I stabbed into the car. Liu Hualiang sitting in the car obviously attached great importance to the tryst. He was dressed very energetic. He was wearing a suit, leather shoes and tie. Although his hair was white, he still wore hair gel, It can be seen that Liu Hualiang is a thief to his cousin, but it is precisely because of his lust that he gave us a chance to do it. I won't miss this opportunity.

After I had a movement here, all the people of black bull's earth leopard surrounded me. I stabbed the car with a short knife, but all of them were avoided by Liu Hualiang. Liu Hualiang has a standard Chinese face, his skin is very bad, and his face is pockmarked.

Seeing the glittering short knife in my hand, Liu Hualiang was scared and sweated. After avoiding my assassination, he started his car and wanted to escape, but how could I let him escape with such a good opportunity.

When I saw him starting the car, I made a quick decision and punctured his tire. In this way, even if he started the car, he couldn't run away. After Liu Hualiang started the car, he found that the tire was punctured. He was even more frightened and panicked with cold sweat on his face.

At this time, the people of the earth leopard and the men of the black bull gathered around with the guys, and the car couldn't move. Liu Hualiang had to get out of the car to escape, but how could I let him escape so easily? Liu Hualiang was panic stricken and ready to escape after getting out of the car.

I followed him like a bloody Shura with a short knife. I'm going to decide his life today!

After the local leopards and black bull's men arrived, I asked them to solve Liu Hualiang's younger brother first. As for Liu Hualiang, I gave him to me. Liu Hualiang is a middle-aged man in his 40s and 50s. Half of his body is going to the earth. I can solve him alone.

The local leopard and the black bull went down to solve Liu Hualiang's younger brother. I followed Liu Hualiang all the time, waiting for an opportunity to solve him directly.

Liu Hualiang saw that I had been following behind him, and the speed accelerated a bit. However, in terms of physical strength, I almost blew him up, but I was not in a hurry. I just wanted to walk him slowly like walking a dog. After he exhausted his little remaining physical strength, I would slowly solve him. I wanted to let him feel the fear of death first.

Liu Hualiang saw me in the back and ran away desperately. His forehead was mixed with cold sweat and sweat. He looked very embarrassed. Considering that a leading brother was frightened by me, he really had a sense of achievement.

Liu Hualiang ran to a dead end. The food stopped and looked that the way had been blocked. Liu Hualiang leaned against the wall in despair. I walked towards him calmly with a short knife. Now he is a turtle in a jar and has to wait for death.

After I approached, Liu Hualiang wiped the sweat on his head like rain with his hand, looked at me and said in some panic, "you're mixed there. Who patted you to kill me?"

"These are not important. I just work with money at my time. You know, you should understand that people die for money and birds die for food!" I looked at Liu Hualiang and said, I don't have any sympathy for such people. Few people in this road are good things and should die, including me.

"Well, if you let me go, I can give you as much money as you want! As long as you let me go," Liu Hualiang said sincerely, looking at me, and even took off his watch and handed it to me.

I took a look at Liu Hualiang and put his watch in my pocket. People like Liu Hualiang usually enjoy looking up, but his back fell into my hand today. If I let him go today, I bet this bastard will call his little brother to chop me into meat mud after he returns. I'm not just mixing in the road for a day or two, People like Liu Hualiang can't be trusted.

"I have temporarily accepted your watch. I have to take your gift and return it to you." I will give you a good time later. "I looked at Liu Hualiang and said very indifferently." under such circumstances, he has no bargaining room. Everything has the final say.

Liu Hualiang was angry when he heard what I said. He pointed at me and said fiercely, "you TM don't talk about Jianghu morality. If you dare to touch me today, my little brother will never let you go!"

I smiled with disdain. If I could kill Liu Hualiang today, it would be too late for his men to thank me. I didn't talk nonsense with him. I stabbed Liu Hualiang with a short knife a few times and ended Liu Hualiang's life.

After giving Liu Hualiang the results, I went to find the local leopard and the black bull's men. By the way, I also called the black bull and told him that I had finished the matter.

When Heiniu heard that I had killed Liu Hualiang, the whole person was very excited. He said that I was young, ambitious, courageous and so on. After Liu Hualiang was killed by me, Heiniu called back those of Heiniu's men. Heiniu asked me to have a good rest first. Tomorrow he would give me the money and let me find him tomorrow.

After killing Liu Hualiang, I ordered something in the hotel to have a celebration dinner with the earth leopard. After a good meal, the earth leopard took me to find some girls to play. Because I played too much, my legs were shaking the next day and I almost couldn't get out of bed.

But these are nothing. The important thing is that I have to go to the black cow to get the money today. After all, I have handled the matter, and I deserve the money. However, it is unclear what is on the road. The earth leopard is very worried that the black cow will eat black and do something bad to me.

In fact, I'm also worried about this problem. After all, I haven't got a foothold here and kill me. For the black cow, it's undoubtedly the same as crushing an ant.

I asked the earth leopard to buy some explosives for me on the black market. I also hid the dagger on my body. After I bought the explosives, I tied them all to my body, and then put on my coat. If the black cow dares to eat black, I have to take him to the funeral.

After everything was ready, I set out to find black bull. The house where black bull lived was very large. When I went, black bull was doing indescribable things on the sofa with two hot chicks.

When he saw me coming, the black bull patted the two chicks' buttocks and asked them to move away. He pulled his pants chain to make room for me. After greeting me to sit down, the black bull patted his men. Soon, the black bull's men brought a gold-plated bank card and put it in front of me. The bank card was five million yuan as previously agreed.

I'm not polite. I took the money. I deserve it. I don't have anything to be polite. After I took the bank card, the black bull looked at me and smiled: "I knew from the first time I saw you that you would be a big man in the future. To tell you the truth, I asked someone to investigate your background during this period. I know all the things you did in the Qinglong club! You are a courageous and capable person. If you follow me, I won't treat you badly!"

I also followed the black bull and said, "it's certainly an honor for me to be supported by brother black bull!"

Black bull looked at me and smiled. Then he threw a newspaper in front of me. The newspaper reported the death of Liu Hualiang. According to the newspaper, the murderer has not been found yet and the suspect can not be locked.

"Don't worry. I'll keep you. You don't have to worry about it!" said Heiniu casually. For Heiniu, how to kill Liu Hualiang is a trouble. As for the later things, it's not a matter.

I quickly smiled and said that it was really thanks to brother Heiniu. Heiniu waved his hand and said nothing. Then he looked at me and continued: "the hall leader already knows about Liu Hualiang. The hall leader is very interested in you. Let me take you to show him today!"

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