The hall leader of the triple hall is a person of the same level as the leader of a guild. I'm a little flattered that the hall leader of the triple hall met me, but it's also good news. Of course, I didn't refuse. I looked at the black bull and nodded and said it was really my honor.

After finishing my clothes, black bull drove me to a big villa. The villa was very large. There were eight people just guarding the door. It was very elegant. Black bull drove me in and led me directly to the bottom of the building.

There is a small pavilion at the bottom of the villa. In the pavilion, there is a gray haired faucet. God is dressed in suits and shoes. At this time, he is wearing a pair of gold frame glasses to read the newspaper. God seems to be about 60 years old, but he looks very energetic. Although he is old, he still contains unspeakable domineering spirit.

Black bull took me to the old man. In order not to affect the old man's interest in reading the newspaper, black bull walked very lightly. After we walked over, the old man put down the newspaper, took off his glasses calmly, looked at me and said to black bull, "this is the boy who killed Liu Hualiang?"

Heiniu nodded hurriedly, "hall leader, it's him! He's my little brother. His name is Guan Yihan."

When the black bull introduced me, he deliberately put on the name that I was his younger brother. It seems that the black bull is saying good things to me. In fact, he is also paying money for himself.

The old man looked at me and said with appreciation, "this young man is young and promising. He will become a great thing in the future!"

After the old man asked us to sit down, he praised me again, saying that I had courage and boldness, but these praises were just casual words. I didn't take them seriously. I still know how much I weigh.

Heiniu briefly introduced my background to the old man, and then introduced the old man to me. His name was Lei batian. When he was young, he was the best gangster here. When he was young, he became famous, and people gave him a nickname called Lei Gong.

Lei Gong is the speaker of the Sanlian hall and is in charge of the whole Sanlian hall. Of course, there is no doubt about his power. However, Lei Gong actually lived a rough life. When he was young, he made too many enemies because of too many human lives, resulting in all his wife and sons being killed by the enemies.

Lei Gong loved his wife very much. After his wife died, he didn't marry another wife. At most, he kept a woman to vent when he needed it. Lei Gong didn't continue his string, and there were no children and half women under his knees. That's why he focused on the Sanlian hall. Lei Gong has managed the Sanlian hall in an orderly manner in recent years, The position of Sanlian hall in the Jianghu is getting higher and higher because of Lei Gong.

If black bull hadn't introduced me, how could I know that such an old man has such a powerful background and story!

Liu Hualiang has always been the target of Lei Gong's eradication. After Liu Hualiang was eradicated, Lei Gong directly promoted black bull to become the main hall leader. In the past, black bull was just a partial hall leader and became the main hall leader. I don't know how many times his worth has increased.

In the triple hall, the partial hall leader is the same as the big brother at the entrance of the green dragon club, while the main hall leader is the same as the elder level. The gap between forces is not a little.

Sanlian hall is a system of "three rightness and five deviation". It is really a happy thing for Heiniu that three main hall leaders and five partial hall leaders can be promoted from partial hall leader to main hall leader.

After talking about the promotion of black bull, Lei Gong talked about me. After learning that I had been in the Qinglong club before, Lei Gong was very interested in it. Lei Gong asked me what was going on inside the Qinglong club. Lei Gong heard the news that the Qinglong club seemed not peaceful recently.

Although I am no longer a member of the green dragon club, I can't reveal anything about the internal affairs of the green dragon club. This is the morality of the Jianghu. How can I say that I was once a member of the green dragon club and can't eat inside and climb outside.

I didn't say much about the internal affairs of the green dragon club, and Lei Gong didn't ask much. I don't want to say that he won't ask much. Although Lei Gong always smiles when talking to me, the domineering spirit in his words still makes me feel a little uncomfortable.

After sitting in Lei Gong's villa for a while, I left with the black bull. After I went back, I divided the money to the earth leopard, and I transferred all the rest to the names of steel tooth sister and Li Xiangning.

Just because of my money transfer, sister steel teeth and Li Xiangning called me and asked me why I had so much money. I told them not to ask more and just keep their expenses. After I said that, sister steel teeth and Li Xiangning didn't ask again, but they repeatedly asked to follow me and stay with me, I just hesitated to say it for a while, and then hung up the phone hastily.

In the evening, black bull asked me out to play. He was promoted to the head of the main hall. Don't mention how happy he was. Of course, I didn't refuse. I also felt that black bull didn't want to harm me, so I didn't have so much to worry about. I swaggered to make an appointment.

Black bull invited me to a KTV. After I went, he directly called me two girls and asked me to sing with her. We drank while singing. We all started talking after a few drinks.

I unconsciously chatted with Heiniu about the triple hall. After all, I didn't know about the triple hall, so I was curious about the triple hall. Heiniu didn't treat me as an outsider and talked about the things of the triple hall with me.

Sanlian hall is a guild with its own business mode and scale. The whole guild is more inclined to the type of chamber of Commerce. Business is boring, so Heiniu didn't tell me more. The people of Sanlian hall are most interested in talking about Lei Gong's keeping lovers.

After Lei Gong's original wife died, Lei Gong didn't renew his string. It's rare to keep a lover, but just last year, Lei Gong kept a young lady. Normally speaking, even if Lei Gong wanted to keep a clean woman, he would not keep a dirty lady, but Lei Gong really kept a young lady.

Not only did Lei Gong keep the young lady, but he was also very kind to the young lady he kept. He spent a lot of money on her and took the young lady he kept everywhere in his spare time, just like a sweet little couple.

Who Lei Gong keeps is Lei Gong's freedom. In fact, we just talk and laugh. We are not qualified to take care of these things.

However, because Lei Gong is old, he will have to abdicate in a few years, so everyone has different views on the young lady kept by Lei Gong. Frankly, the people of the triple hall are afraid that Lei Gong will call the triple hall into the hands of the young lady, so everyone will naturally keep an eye on the young lady.

According to Heiniu, although the woman kept by Lei Gong is a young lady, she is really beautiful. After drinking some wine, Heiniu said that if he had a chance, he would also like to try what the woman kept by Lei Gong is like.

While we were talking about Lei Gong's keeping and inviting people there, I heard a dense sound of footsteps coming from the corridor, and the footsteps were coming towards our private room. My heart was tense unconsciously, and the sense of crisis immediately hit my heart.

I got up and turned off the stereo, and then asked the people in the private room to keep quiet. After drinking another glass of wine, black cow asked me what happened? Why did you turn off the stereo?

I looked at the black bull and said seriously, "I just heard footsteps coming this way. Someone may be against us!"

After all, it's normal for black bull to be chased and killed on the road. They are all out to mix. Who doesn't have many enemies.

Just when we held our breath and didn't make a sound, we only heard a bang. The door was directly knocked open. Five people rushed in with guys in their hands. They rushed straight towards us with guys in their hands.

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