I felt a chill behind me. Looking back, I just saw sun Han lift my quilt. I asked sun Han what she was doing. After looking at me, sun Han smiled and said to me, "we haven't slept together before. Are you making such a fuss?"

Sun Han then got into my quilt, as if it were all taken for granted. I said we haven't seen each other for so long. It's not good to sleep in a quilt. What can we do if others misunderstand?

Sun Han looked at me and said casually, "we've all been in the same room. Do you think others will think there's nothing between us?"

Having said that, sun Han is a lover in the name of Lei Gong anyway. If something should not happen with sun Han, who knows what will happen later. So I directly took off the quilt sun covered on her and let her rest in bed.

After sun Han's quilt was lifted by me, he obediently ran to bed to sleep. Sun Han and I used to be lovers. Besides, sun Han is not bad and can be regarded as a standard beauty. If I say I don't care about her, it's definitely bragging, but now it's better than in the past. How dare I mess around.

I can't sleep all the time when I lie in bed. Sun Han has been asleep in the middle of the night, but I'm not sleepy at all. I've been thinking about things in my head, and I'm not sleepy at all.

I saw that sun Han had also fallen asleep. He took toilet paper and solved his restless heart in the quilt. Then he went to sleep.

The next day, sun Han saw the paper towel in the trash can, looked at the paper towel, looked at me again, and then went out with a smile. She didn't say much, but I guess she already knew everything, but she didn't say anything and I didn't ask.

With the help of sun Han, all the relationships on the white road have been managed, and the casino has opened as desired, but the venue has been selected, and the decoration still needs some time. If the casino is completed, it will have to wait a month or so.

Speaking of the casino, I really need to thank sun Han. If she hadn't helped me with my relationship on the white road, the opening of the casino wouldn't have been so smooth. I said to sun Han that I really want to thank her for this matter. Sun Han smiled and said: "Thank you is not on your lips. If you really want to thank me, you have to take some practical action. Just say thank you with your mouth, but I won't accept it!"

I asked sun Han how I would thank her with practical actions. Sun Han smiled and said it was easy to do. She was not a greedy person. Just take her to the movies and have a meal.

Sun Han said that, so I took her to dinner according to her instructions, and then went to see a movie with her. We went to see that the movie was a horror film, and it was a bloody horror film, which scared people's back into a cold sweat.

Sun Han used to like watching horror films, but in fact she was also afraid of horror films. When she saw those horror scenes, she held my hand tightly. If the scenes were too bloody and terrible, she would lean close to my shoulder and dare not open her eyes. She would continue to watch them when the more terrible scenes passed.

Maybe sun Han has really changed a lot, but she still looks the same when she watches horror films. If she is afraid, she will look for a sense of security on me. I don't know why. When I think of sun Han and I used to watch horror films and think about the empty horror films now, I always feel warm in my heart.

After the movie ended, sun Han and I were ready to go back. Because the way back was a little far away, I planned to take a taxi back. But Sun Han said that such a good moon, it's better to take the night road. You can see the moon, and you can also take a walk and digest the food in your stomach. Sun Han said so. Naturally, I'm very happy.

I remember when I was with sun Han in the past, I was happy to take the night road with sun Han instead of taking a taxi. I thought that if I took the night road, I could always hold sun Han's hand, and occasionally take some small advantage of her and make her laugh. At that time, I was really simple. I always thought that holding her hand would keep us together for a lifetime.

I still clearly remember sun Han's childish appearance and the appearance in her school uniform. She looked very good in her school uniform. Looking back and smiling, it was like the spring breeze in March. People were intoxicated. Now they think there is a palpitation in her heart.

Sun Han and I walked side by side. Her size was the same as before, only to my ears. I remember that I didn't take less advantage of sun Han because of my height. Because I was tall, what I liked most was to walk and stare at Sun Han's chest. Although sun Hanping's Airport was the same as before, I saw her like an airport When my chest was like, I was still excited and was about to spray nosebleed.

Sun Han and I chatted and walked side by side with me, as if we were back to the time when we studied before. When sun Han and I were walking side by side, sun Han casually took my hand. I watched sun Han smile and didn't say anything, so let her take my hand.

Sun Han and I held hands and continued walking. Sun Han said that she would not go to my residence today, so I sent her to Lei Gong's villa. After sending sun Han outside Lei Gong's villa, sun Han smiled and kissed me gently on the face, then went in with a smile, and told me to be careful when I went back.

I was going to sleep after I went back. Jiangshan called me. Jiangshan first asked me how I was doing here. I said it was OK. I heard Jiangshan's tone and knew that Jiangshan must have something to tell me. I asked Jiangshan what it was. Jiangshan said that the situation in Qinglong club had changed greatly after I left.

After my brother left the Qinglong club and went to the countryside, the internal forces of the Qinglong Club fell on both sides. Many Tangkou brothers fell to the fat chicken, and a few Tangkou brothers still stood on Mr. Jiang's side, but fewer people stood on Mr. Jiang's side than on the fat chicken's side.

Not to mention, after my brother quit, the white tiger club often went to find the stubble of the green dragon club. The bastard fat chicken and the big brother who supported him didn't send anyone to help. Mr. Jiang also went to boss Bai many times for this. However, boss Bai saw that the green dragon club was in disorder and had moved to push down the green dragon club. There would take care of Mr. Jiang, Mr. Jiang asked boss Bai to manage his men well. Boss Bai just found an excuse to prevaricate and ignored Mr. Jiang at all.

Inside the green dragon club, most of the forces were attracted by the fat chicken. The fat chicken has always been at odds with Mr. Jiang. The green dragon club has difficulties. The fat chicken bastard is watching a play and doesn't care.

The Qinglong society has two sides and few people support Mr. Jiang. It is difficult for Mr. Jiang to keep the Qinglong society going.

Moreover, Jiangshan also told me that fat chicken took advantage of Mr. Jiang's poor power and took those big brothers at the entrance of the hall as a reason to ask Mr. Jiang to abdicate. What fat chicken wants is Sima Zhao's heart. Everyone knows that fat chicken bastard wants to be the leader of the Green Dragon Club.

Mr. Jiang, an old king and eight egg like this, naturally didn't want to let him sit in the leading seat, so the dead fat chicken began to make trouble for Mr. Jiang and embarrassed Mr. Jiang many times. Mr. Jiang's general situation in the Qinglong club was gone and his prestige was gone. Although he was unhappy with the fat chicken, he was helpless.

Jiangshan also said that since the fat chicken gained power in the Qinglong club, it has become more and more rampant. Our billiard room has been smashed by the fat chicken. Jiangshan and Pangge are now in the house.

With the oppression of the white tiger society outside and the disturbance of fat chickens inside, the green dragon club is in big trouble this time.

However, I'm more worried about Li Xiangning's good steel tooth sister, because fat chicken has always had a long-standing resentment with her brother. I'm afraid fat chicken will be angry with Li Xiangning and steel tooth sister, and I'm not there. What if fat chicken does something to Li Xiangning's steel tooth sister? Therefore, I am particularly worried about Li Xiangning's steel tooth sister.

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