When Gang Ya Mei saw sun Han, the whole person was like being sedated. He stood there blankly, but his eyes had been staring at Sun Han. When sun Han saw Gang Ya Mei, he was stunned, then smiled, extended his hand to gang Ya Mei, looked at Gang Ya Mei and said, "Xiaoxiao, haven't seen you for a long time!"

"OK. Long time no see!" steel tooth sister quickly reached out and shook hands with sun Han, but the panic on steel tooth sister's face still showed that she still couldn't believe it when she saw sun Han.

Sun Han has experienced a lot of ups and downs in recent years. Moreover, she also knows about Li Xiangning and steel tooth sister from me. Therefore, sun Han was not surprised when he saw steel tooth sister, but he hasn't met for so many years. When he saw steel tooth sister, sun Han was stunned.

Steel tooth sister called sun Han in. Seeing sun Han coming, I quickly put on my clothes and pants and got up. At this time, it's 8 or 9 p.m. and it's still early. I should get up and chat with sun Han. Anyway, sun Han helped me a lot about the casino. I have to get up and entertain her.

After I got up, Li Xiangning wiped the paper towel clean and had to get up. Li Xiangning and sister steel teeth sat down on both sides of me, while sun Han sat opposite me with a smile. Li Xiangning and sister steel teeth knew that I broke up with sun Han at the beginning, so when I saw sun Han, Li Xiangning and sister steel teeth sat next to me and didn't know what to say, Just sit so clever.

After seeing Li Xiangning, sun Han smiled and extended a friendly hand to Li Xiangning. Li Xiangning also went to shake hands with sun Han.

Sun Han is wearing a capable white-collar uniform, black silk and black high heels. He looks particularly beautiful and attractive. After sitting down, sun Han didn't talk nonsense to me. He directly told me the purpose of her trip. Sun Han came to discuss the casino with me this time. Sun Han wants to participate in my casino. She wants to invest in my casino, To get some dividends.

The reason why my casino can be opened is also thanks to sun Han's help. If she didn't help me with my affairs on the white road, the casino wouldn't be so smooth. However, sun Han's appetite is still a little big. She wants to share the interests of the casino with me 50-50. She will also pay me half of the money I spent on the casino, which is regarded as the gambling capital of the casino.

I don't like to partner with others. First, I don't want to share my interests equally with others. Second, it is inevitable that there will be discord with others. I don't like trouble. But no matter what, sun Han helped me many times and saved my life here. If I refused her, it would be unreasonable. So after thinking about it, I still agreed to sun Han's request for investment.

Sun Han said she would give me the money tomorrow, so I don't have to worry. After talking about business, sun Han talked about private affairs with Li Xiangning's steel tooth sister.

Although Li Xiangning and gang Ya Mei didn't show it clearly, I can see that they are hostile to sun Han. The reason why Li Xiangning and gang Ya Mei are hostile to sun Han is actually because of me. They are full of hostility to sun Han because sun Han left me at the beginning.

But they are not easy to attack here. Sun Han smiled and asked Li Xiangning what she has been doing in recent years. Li Xiangning looked at Sun Han and said casually, "I haven't done anything in recent years, just accompany my husband, cook and wash clothes."

After that, Li Xiangning held my hand tightly and deliberately showed off in front of sun Han. I'm a man. I don't know what they think between women. I can't say anything. I just sat there drinking tea.

Sun Han said it was OK. Li Xiangning immediately robbed her and asked sun Han what she had been doing in recent years. Sun Han smiled and said that she had done nothing in recent years, just wandering around and doing some business.

"Do business, but I heard that you ran away with a rich man a few years ago. Now you should be kuota. What business should kuota do? You should teach your husband and children at home and play mahjong occasionally!" Li Xiangning said, looking at Sun Han.

Sun Han didn't speak after Li Xiangning said so. Although there was no expression change on Sun Han's face, it would be hard for him to hear others say so.

After Li Xiangning said this, I coughed and looked at Li Xiangning. Li Xiangning had planned to continue talking. After I stared, I obediently closed my mouth. Sun Han didn't change his expression. He looked at Li Xiangning and smiled awkwardly. Then he got up and looked at me and said: "Oh, it's getting late today. It's time for me to go back. You can rest early."

After that, sun Han got up and left. After sun Han left, I looked at Li Xiangning and said, "it's been so long. You don't have to make her stand down. I can barely get along here thanks to her help."

Li Xiangning listened to me and looked at me angrily and said, "how did she abandon you at the beginning? You forgot? I feel worthless for you. What's the matter with her? She was wrong at the beginning. You're not willing to say something about her!"

"You're still a big man, and you don't have the backbone of a little woman like me!" Li Xiangning whispered there after saying that.

"Hurry back to bed! Don't embarrass sun Han in the future!" I looked at Li Xiangning and said, because sun Han really helped me a lot here, and Li Xiangning embarrassed sun Han tonight, so I would inevitably say this in a bad tone.

After hearing what I said, Li Xiangning looked at me and said angrily, "she treated you so well at the beginning. You still protect her now. I've always been so good to you, but you said so about me. Hum! I went to bed myself!" after that, Li Xiangning went to bed angrily.

After Li Xiangning went to bed, steel tooth sister sat next to me. Steel tooth sister asked me about sun Han in recent years and what sun Han did for me here. I told steel tooth sister truthfully. Steel tooth sister heard me finish. Steel tooth sister said that even if sun Han helped me, I shouldn't talk to Li Xiangning in that tone.

Sister steel teeth asked me to coax Li Xiangning quickly. I didn't go at first. Later, sister steel teeth directly took me to coax Li Xiangning. After coaxing for a while, Li Xiangning didn't get angry.

After Li Xiangning and gang ya got familiar with the road conditions and environment here, I went to manage the casino. After the equipment in the casino was ready, the casino could be ready for opening. I chose a good day to open that day. Sun Han was also a shareholder of the casino. I informed sun Han when I was sure of my future.

In order to celebrate the upcoming opening of the casino, I asked Heiniu sun Han out for dinner. Li Xiangning and steel tooth sister also said they were going to have dinner. I didn't stop them and let them go.

When the time came, the black cattle and sun Han came. My steel tooth Sister Li Xiangning and I had been waiting for a long time. The food had been ordered and waited for sun Han's black cattle to come.

When the black bull came, I quickly introduced Li Xiangning and steel tooth sister to him. After listening to my introduction, the black bull looked at me and said with a smile: "it's a good day for you. You eat, drink and have fun during the day, and you have two beautiful women to sleep with you at night. It's really my envy!"

After sun Han came, he looked at me with a smile, and then sat down. After dinner, the black cow called me aside and said he had something to tell me.

Black bull told me that last night, Lei Gong suddenly fainted. He and two other hall leaders sent Lei Gong to the hospital. After the doctor's examination, he said that Lei Gong had cancer and could live up to one year.

Heiniu said he was worried about Lei Gong, but I know he was more worried about the leader of the triple hall. If Lei Gong died, the leader of the triple hall would be empty. Everyone who came out wanted to be an elder brother, and Heiniu still wanted to be so. Let alone other hall leaders, who would want to be a younger brother all his life?

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