Heiniu said that although the news of Lei Gong's cancer has not been released yet, everyone in the Sanlian hall must know now. Heiniu said that if Lei Gong died, the leader of the Sanlian hall must compete with each other. He said that I must stand on his side and protect the Sanlian hall with him.

Naturally, I agreed. After all, black bull is also my eldest brother. I should listen to him. However, he told me to stand on his side to protect the triple hall, but in fact, he wanted me to help him become the leader of the hall. I also understand very well. After all, people are ambitious. The greater the power, the greater the ambition.

Heiniu said that Lei Gong is back in his villa now, so I can go and see Lei Gong when I'm free. After that, Heiniu drove away, and I'm ready to go back. Li Xiangning and gang Ya are still waiting for me.

When I was ready to go back, sun Han called me aside and said she wanted to talk to me. I asked Li Xiangning and sister steel teeth to go back first and said I would come later.

Sun Han and I were walking and chatting. I also took this opportunity to apologize to sun Han for Li Xiangning. Sun Han said there was no need to apologize to her. It was really that she was sorry for me. "You should be happy. The reason why Li Xiangning was hostile to me was because she loved you very much!"

Of course I know this. After looking at me, sun Han smiled and said, "I find you are more and more attractive now. Your gestures are very manly!"

"You too. You look very feminine!" I looked at Sun Han and said with a smile.

After sun Han smiled, the smile on her face froze. She looked at me and said, "the black cow called you aside just now. Must have told you about Lei Gong's cancer?"

I nodded. Sun Han then said, "there are many people who want to be the leader of the Sanlian hall. If Lei Gong is ill, there will be a struggle in the Sanlian hall!" after that, sun Han sighed, "if Lei Gong is really dead, where should I go?"

Sun Han looked at me after saying these words, as if he were asking me, why are you worried so much? What kind of man can't you find for a woman who is so beautiful and has a good figure like you? Don't think so much.

"There is a kind of man I can't find, such as you!" Sun Han smiled and looked at me.

I smiled and said, "men like me are all over the street. They can't be found there. It's thousands of times better than me to catch one in the street!"

After staring at me for a while, sun Han smiled, and then stopped talking about this topic.

Sun Han and I were walking and chatting. While chatting, I also talked with sun Han about the casino. Sun Han said that when he went to the casino, he left it to me. Lei Gong was in poor health recently. She had to take care of Lei Gong. Anyway, Lei Gong was kind to her. After that, sun Han left and I went back.

Soon the casino opened. On the day of the opening of the casino, black bull brought a large number of younger brothers to support me. What surprised me was that although Lei Gong was in poor health, Lei Gong came to support me on the day of the opening of my casino. Of course, in addition to black bull Lei Gong, some hall leaders I was not familiar with came to support me.

When I saw that Lei Gong was ill, he came to support me. Those hall leaders were both envious and jealous. I was also a little proud of this. After all, I had only a foothold in the triple hall and had such treatment soon. It was inevitable that people were a little proud.

With the help of Lei Gong and black bull, the casino has been very prosperous from its opening to its business. I am also very happy about it.

But nothing can be smooth sailing. After the casino opened smoothly for half a month, one afternoon, the little brother watching the casino called me and said that someone was making trouble in the casino. I rushed to the casino immediately after hearing the news.

When I went, there were no guests in the casino. Some were only a group of arrogant bastards and my younger brothers. There were more than 30 arrogant bastards, while there were only more than 20 younger brothers in my casino. Obviously, these bastards came to find fault on purpose.

This gang of gangsters are holding wooden sticks in their hands, and the gangster headed by him is even more arrogant. He stepped on the gambling table with one foot and smoked with cigarettes in his mouth. He seems to be hanging.

After I came in, I first went to my younger brother. If I wanted to solve this problem, I had to ask about it. My younger brother told me that these gangsters who made trouble in the casino were also from Sanlian hall, but they were the younger brother of another main hall leader.

They are just looking for trouble this time. Their excuse is to bully people. They say that the casino I opened robbed their business, so they came to make trouble.

After seeing me coming, the leaders of those gangsters looked at me with disdain and said, "you are their big brother? I tell you, you'd better close your casino quickly, or don't blame us for being rude!" they were really arrogant. They said that if I didn't close the casino, they would smash my casino.

"I heard that you are also members of Sanlian hall, aren't you? Everyone is from Sanlian hall. They all come out to make a living. There's no need to engage in infighting!" I looked at the gangsters and said, I don't want to reason with them, but my other younger brothers haven't come yet. When my younger brothers come, I'll reason with them with my fist!

"I don't know what infighting is. All I know is that you opened a casino and robbed my business. You should know that one mountain can't tolerate two tigers. If you know the truth, close the casino quickly, or don't blame us for being rude!" the leading gangster looked at me and said fiercely, very arrogant.

I asked him who his eldest brother was. He said that his eldest brother was Tian Luozi, the main hall leader of the triple hall. He was so proud when talking about his eldest brother.

Although I am not familiar with Tian Luozi, I also know him. Tian Luozi is almost 50 years old this year. He is one of the three main hall leaders in the triple hall. This Tian Luozi is famous for his arrogance in the triple hall, because among the hall leaders, he has the greatest influence and the most younger brothers, which also gives him arrogant capital.

It is undoubtedly Tian Luozi who wants to succeed Lei Gong in the triple hall most. Relying on his great power, Tian Luozi often bullies other partial hall leaders in the triple hall, but those partial hall leaders are afraid of him and dare not be angry with him.

But those partial hall leaders are not me, and I am not those partial hall leaders. Of course, I dare not take the initiative to go to Tian Luozi's trouble, but if he takes the initiative to find me trouble, I won't let him bully me. Naturally, my power is not as good as Tian Luozi, but it's another thing if black bull joins hands with me.

"Your eldest brother used to be a snail, ha ha", I looked at the gangsters in front of me and said with a smile.

"Since you know that our eldest brother is Tian Luozi, why don't you close the casino quickly?", the leading gangster is really arrogant. He yells and yells when talking to me. Although I'm not as powerful as his eldest brother Tian Luozi, at least I'm also a partial hall leader.

Not long ago, my little brother came. I didn't have much power, and there weren't many little brothers, but it was easy to pick up more than 30 of them.

I asked my younger brothers to take wooden sticks. When my younger brother arrived, I looked at the leading gangster and said, "the casino I own has nothing to do with your eldest brother. I didn't want to clean you up, but you are so arrogant that I have to give you a long memory!"

"You have seed! If you dare to do it, my big brother will not let you go!" the leading gangster looked at me and said fiercely.

"Brothers, clean them up for me! Beat them all to death!" after that, I went to battle myself with a wooden stick. These bastards are too arrogant and must be cleaned up!

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