There are no less than 50 of my younger brothers. After I ordered them, they picked up sticks and cleaned up the younger brothers of Tian Luozi. The younger brothers of Tian Luozi were arrogant just now, but after they were cleaned up by my younger brother, they became honest, especially the leader, who was directly beaten into a pig's head by my younger brother and his face swelled up, I can't speak clearly.

I squatted down and looked at the leading gangster and said, "I want to ask you, do I still need to close the casino now?"

He quickly shook his head and said no. after I snorted coldly, I looked at him and said, "go back and tell your brother that Guan Yihan is not easy to bully although I have just established myself in the triple hall!"

After that, I kicked him and let him go. How can I say that his eldest brother is also a snail? It's up to the master to beat the dog. Just clean it up. How can I say that I'm also a member of Sanlian hall now? Harmony makes money.

After Tian Luozi's younger brother left, I asked them to clean up the casino and continue business. If they have anything to do, they can inform me at any time. I'm on call.

After leaving the gate of the casino, I went to Lei Gong's villa before it was dark. Lei Gong was ill. I should go to see him. Without Lei Gong's cultivation, how could I close Yihan today.

When I went, black bull was there, while Lei Gong sat and discussed things with black bull. It seems that Lei Gong looks good, but anyway, Lei Gong's age is there. He may be strong today, but he may be ill tomorrow.

After I came, Lei Gong smiled and asked me to hurry over and sit down. Then he asked sun han to make me tea. I asked Lei Gong how he was? Lei Gong smiled. He said that's it. He can't die for the time being.

After I came here, Lei Gong and Heiniu didn't continue to talk about the topic just now, but talked about family affairs. When I entered the door just now, I heard Lei Gong and Heiniu talking about the internal affairs of the triple hall, including the position of hall leader, but I didn't hear who Lei Gong wanted to succeed.

After we sat down and talked about some homely things, Heiniu and I left. Heiniu and I came out together. After coming out, I told Heiniu about tianluozi's trouble shooting in my casino today. Heiniu was very calm after listening to me. He said it was all a matter of time.

Heiniu said that shortly after I arrived at the Sanlian hall, I took the seat of the leader of the partial hall. Tian Luozi was the backbone of the Sanlian hall. Seeing that I was so busy, he certainly wanted to find a chance to frustrate my spirit.

Heiniu also told me that after hearing about Lei Gong's cancer, the snail began to form gangs and attract forces in the Sanlian hall. His intention is already known to Sima Zhao. If Lei Gong falls, the snail will take advantage of the opportunity to sit as the leader of the hall.

Moreover, black bull also told me that according to Tian Luozi's temper, I asked someone to clean up his little brother. He will never give up and is likely to come back to trouble me.

Black bull said that if Tian Luozi came to trouble me, he would call him and he would help me. I nodded and said yes.

In fact, the internal situation of the triple hall is very similar to that of the Green Dragon Society. Tian Luozi is a force, and Heiniu is also a force. The remaining hall leaders are watchers. If Lei Gong falls, there is no doubt that the position of hall leader will be decided between Tian Luozi and Heiniu. However, according to the current situation, Tian Luozi is slightly more powerful than Heiniu, and the general trend is on Tian Luozi's side.

I also went back after the black bull went back. The black bull knows more about the internal affairs of the triple hall than I do. Since he said that Tian Luozi will come to trouble me, Tian Luozi will certainly come to trouble me. It's just a matter of time.

Sure enough, as black bull expected, at dusk the next day, Tian Luozi blocked the gate of my casino with his younger brothers who were injured by my younger brother yesterday. My younger brother called me and asked me to hurry over. My younger brother told me that Tian Luozi blocked the gate of the casino with hundreds of people, He said if I didn't hurry over, he would let my little brother smash my casino.

After I hung up the phone, I went directly to the casino without finishing my meal. From a distance, I saw a large group of people blocking the door of my casino with wooden sticks in their hands.

After I got off, I hurried to the casino. When Tian Luozi's younger brother saw me coming, he hurried into the casino to report to Tian Luozi, "brother, that bastard is coming!"

At first, Tian Luozi's younger brothers refused to let me in and blocked me outside. After Tian Luozi spoke, they made way for me to let me in.

When I went in, Tian Luozi was sitting at the gambling table, playing 'fishing' with playing cards in his hand. Standing next to Tian Luozi were the people who were cleaned up by my little brother yesterday. The one who was the most seriously injured was the leader. When he saw me coming, he pointed at me and said fiercely, "brother, it's this bastard that let my little brother clean up us!"

After listening to his younger brother's words, Tian Luozi put down the playing cards in his hand, then turned to look at me and said, "you're Guan Yihan, aren't you? You asked your men to beat my younger brother yesterday. What do you mean?"

Tian Luozi is dressed in a Zhongshan suit and has a two skimmed beard. She is a little fat and out of shape, but she is wearing gold and silver. She has a gold watch on her wrist and a string of gold chains around her neck. She smells like a nouveau riche.

"Brother Tian, it was your younger brother who came to find fault yesterday. I can't blame me. They asked me to close the casino. If I don't close it, they will smash my casino. I can't help it!" Tian Luozi is the backbone of the triple hall, and his power is not small. I have to talk to him respectfully. The power is here, I dare to be arrogant in front of him.

"You said my younger brother was the first to find fault. Did they beat you first? And! You haven't said hello to me. You opened a casino here and lost all my casino business. I haven't settled this account with you yet!" Tian Luozi pointed at me and said arrogantly.

Indeed, with the help of Heiniu and Lei Gong, the business of my casino has always been very prosperous, but I can't agree with Tian Luozi's claim that I robbed his business. His casino is a few kilometers away from me. If the business is bad, I say I robbed his business, which is a bit bullying.

"Brother Tian, I'm out here to get rich. It's not easy for me to open a casino. I just want to make a living. Your adult has a lot. Don't worry about me as much as my younger brother!" after that, I politely handed the cigarette to Tian Luozi's hand, and I always smiled.

But when I handed the cigarette, Tian Luozi slapped the cigarette I handed directly on the ground. That's not enough. After he slapped the cigarette I handed on the ground, he slapped me in the face with his backhand, which was very loud.

"I didn't come here with so many younger brothers to laugh with you today. I came to solve yesterday's problem. You beat my younger brother. What should you do?" Tian Luozi looked at me and said arrogantly. During the whole process, he looked at me with his head raised and his nostrils.

I was slapped in the face by him. Although I was angry, I knew that if I was angry, I would be the only one to lose. I looked at Tian Luozi and continued to smile and said, "brother Tian, how are you going to solve this matter? Just tell me to do it." "I know Lei Gong and Heiniu attach great importance to you, but one yard to one yard. You beat my little brother. Of course, I can't sit idly by. As for how to solve it, I have to ask my little brother!" Tian Luozi looked at me and said. He said plainly that he deliberately wanted to embarrass me and make me lose face in front of my little brother.

The man who was beaten into a pig's head by my little brother yesterday said fiercely that they don't want any compensation. They want to treat him in his own way. They hit me as much as my little brother hit them. Then the matter will be written off.

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