I'm not afraid of being beaten, but I'm also a partial hall leader. If I'm beaten by Tian Luozi's younger brother, let's not say what I'll be beaten. My younger brother can all watch in the casino. When they see that I'm beaten by Tian Luozi's younger brother, will they convince me? If my younger brother doesn't agree with me, I'll hang up.

I guess Tian Luozi's younger brother told me this because he was behind his back. He knew that my power was not as strong as him, so he wanted to use his younger brother to clean me up and embarrass me.

Of course, I can't just be caught. Although my little brother doesn't have as many snails as Tian Luozi, and Tian Luozi is a big soldier pressing the border today. But if I was beaten by Tian Luozi's men so easily, I'll really be hard to mix up in the future.

Looking at the very arrogant Tian Luozi, I was ruthless. Then I pulled out the dagger hidden in my body, and then pulled forward. I put the dagger directly on Tian Luozi's neck. My other hand quickly strangled Tian Luozi's neck.

I put the dagger on Tian Luozi's neck. In the face of my sudden blow, Tian Luozi was unprepared and easily controlled by me.

I looked at the snail i strangled and said fiercely: "I know you have great influence in the triple hall, and I respect you, Tian Luozi. But don't deceive people too much. Dogs can jump over the wall when they are anxious. If you are really more anxious than me, I don't care who you are. I only need a knife to kill your life! Although your life is valuable, I dare to kill Liu Hong and Liu Hualiang, let alone you, Tian Luozi."

Tian Luozi also clearly felt the cold light of my dagger and quickly said to me, "Guan Yihan, don't get excited. If you kill me, you don't want to go out from here!"

When Tian Luozi's younger brother saw me holding Tian Luozi, they all rushed in and surrounded me with wooden sticks. They came down one by one, and my life could go to the West.

I asked my little brother to hurry behind me. They were obedient and came behind me. Of course, I didn't dare to kill Tian Luozi. If he died, I would definitely be killed by random sticks. He didn't want to die and I didn't want to die.

I looked at Tian Luozi and said, "if you want me to let you go, you can, but you can't trouble me again in the future, otherwise we will die together today. I believe your life is much more valuable than mine."

"Well, well, I promise you, I won't trouble you again!" said Tian Luozi to me quickly. He was afraid that I would kill him.

Of course, I didn't dare to let him go here. I took Tian Luozi out of the casino. I asked him not to follow his little brother and asked him to call all his little brothers back. His little brothers didn't follow up and all went back. I took him to continue walking and went all the way out. I just let Tian Luozi go.

After Tian Luozi was released by me, he not only didn't get angry, but looked at me and said with a smile: "I've heard that Guan Yihan of our Sanlian hall is courageous and knowledgeable. Today's opinion is really so!"

Tian Luozi's sudden praise made me a little confused. I just kidnapped him. Why did I suddenly praise me? I quickly took the dagger. As the saying goes, stretch out my hand and don't hit the smiling face. Tian Luozi showed his smiling face. Naturally, I have to meet him with a smiling face.

"I can't help what brother Tian said just now. I hope brother Tian will forgive me more." after that, I took out the thousands of yuan in my pocket and handed it to Tian Luozi. "Take this small money, brother Tian, and drink tea for your younger brothers. I'm not right to hurt your younger brother. I apologize to you here. If the money is not enough, I'll go and get the money for you later."

Tian Luozi didn't accept my money. He looked at me with a smile and left. When he left, he smiled and told me that he would see me later.

After Tian Luozi left, I also put away the hypocritical smile on my face and walked back to the casino. After I went back, my younger brothers asked me how I was. I said it was all right. There would be no guests in the casino today. I asked my younger brothers to close the casino and then took them out for a meal.

My younger brother's respect for me has risen to another level through what happened tonight. On the whole, I'm still very happy today. Although the casino business was destroyed by Tian Luozi today, I got my younger brother's respect and trust. Compared with this, Tian Luozi's business is just a little episode.

I had a good meal outside with a group of younger brothers. I drank a lot of wine during the meal. When I went back, my younger brother sent me back. After I went back, I took off my clothes, then walked straight to the bed and fell directly on the bed.

In the evening, I cleaned up the steel tooth sister well while I was drunk, and then I fell asleep on her.

In the following period of time, Tian Luozi really didn't go to the casino to find trouble. I was also quite surprised. I was surprised that Tian Luozi was an excuse at that time. Afterwards, he would find me trouble. I didn't expect that he was really trustworthy and didn't find trouble.

Lei Gong's body really changes as the weather changes. He was fine a few days ago. He went to the hospital for treatment these days. Sun Han is taking care of him.

Although Lei Gong has entered the hospital, he still counts on him for everything in the Sanlian hall. Lei Gong also thinks highly of me. Everything in the Sanlian hall is for me to do. What I said is not to do things, but to kill the people who should be killed according to Lei Gong's instructions. This is jargon.

Of course, I did it according to Lei Gong's instructions. Lei Gong gave me a lot of rewards for this, such as money or field, but I also thought I had made a lot of enemies by killing others.

Those hall leaders thought that I had been rewarded by Lei Gong, and they were very jealous. What's more, it was rumored that Lei Gong had selected a candidate for succession. That was me. I was speechless about it. I just wanted to stay here. Although the position of hall leader was very attractive, I knew myself clearly, and I was not qualified.

At that juncture, Tian Luozi came to find me, but he didn't come to trouble me, but invited me to dinner. Tian Luozi also had a position in the triple hall. Naturally, I couldn't refuse, so I went to the appointment. I didn't expect that Tian Luozi would hold a Hongmen banquet.

After I went, Tian Luozi asked me to sit down with a smile, and then poured me wine himself. He was very polite to me. I was flattered.

After I sat down, Tian Luozi also called two beautiful women to accompany me. As the saying goes, if you are courteous, you must steal. When I enjoy Tian Luozi's politeness, I naturally have to ask clearly, "brother Tian, you don't have to be so polite to my younger brother. Brother Tian, if you have anything, just speak!"

"Brother Guan is really straightforward, so I'll come straight to the point and don't talk to you," Tian Luozi looked at me after taking a sip of wine and said: "Brother Guan has great courage and is a talent. Lei Gong values you so much. I know your eldest brother is a black bull, but to tell you the truth, in the triple hall, except Lord Lei, I have the greatest power. You have no future with black bull. Why don't you follow me? I promise you will get up!"

Tian Luozi's purpose is obvious. He wants me to mix with him. What Tian Luozi said is also true. In the triple hall, in addition to Lei Gong, he is really the most powerful, and it is exactly what he said. If I mix with him, I will certainly mix better.

But although it's for money, what's more important is the word of righteousness. Heiniu has a kindness to me, and now Lei Gong has been lying in the hospital. It's the time when the triple hall is volatile. If I follow Tian Luozi at this time, how can I face Heiniu in the future? After thinking about it, I still refuse Tian Luozi, although I know I will talk to Tian Luozi if I do so Stand on the opposite side.

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