Tian Luozi was originally smiling. In the innermost part, he was called diligent by brother Guan. However, after hearing that I refused him, Tian Luozi's face changed and became very cold. But the next second, his face was full of a smile again. He looked at me and said with a smile: "The reason why brother Guan doesn't want to talk to me is because of black bull. Hehe, brother Guan is really loyal and righteous."

After that, Tian Luozi helped me fill the glass with wine, looked at me and continued to smile and said: "Although the word" mixed righteousness "comes first, I also admire brother Guan's loyalty and courage. Let me tell you the truth. In this materialistic society, the word" righteousness "is used to boast. In this world, money is the king, and you can't talk about it without money! So brother Guan, you have to be realistic. If you follow me, your future will be unlimited!"

"Brother Tian said yes, but the black bull knew what happened to me. Now Lei Gong's body is in trouble again. It's the time of turmoil in the triple hall. If I followed brother Tian now, it wouldn't be very good!" , I don't really want to follow Tian Luozi, but he has great power. I can't provoke him and can only drag him. If I offend Tian Luozi, I won't be easy to mix in the triple hall.

"What brother Guan said is very true. Well, I'll give you a month. Then you'll come and hang out with me. What do you think?" , Tian Luozi looked at me and said. Although he said this with a smile, there was a cold feeling in his tone. His implication was: I'll give you a month. If you don't toast and drink at that time, you have to be careful.

I smiled and raised my glass. "Of course, that's the best thing. Come on! I'll drink to brother Tian."

Tian Luozi and I drank a lot of wine. We were brothers at the dinner. After drinking the wine, I got up and left. After I went back, sister steel teeth made me a cup of tea and drank it. After drinking the tea, I called Heiniu and told Heiniu that Tian Luozi wanted me to be his little brother.

The person I believe most in the triple hall is Heiniu. Anyway, he is also my eldest brother. As his younger brother, loyalty is my duty. In addition, he is not thin to me. Everything I have today is achieved with the help of Heiniu.

After the black bull knew it, he said he would drag with Tian Luozi first. Now it's a turbulent time in the triple hall. We shouldn't tear our faces with Tian Luozi.

At noon the next day, I bought some fruit and went to the hospital to see Lei Gong. When I went, Lei Gong was lying on the hospital bed, while sun Han was cutting fruit for him. Lei Gong saw me coming in, waved to me and asked me to sit next to him.

Recently, when Lei Gong told me to do it, I did it beautifully. That's why I got Lei Gong's love. After I sat down, Lei Gong smiled at me and said, "you really look like me. I was as bold and courageous as you. I did everything the boss told me."

After I smiled, I said, of course, I should try my best to finish what you ordered, Lei Gong. This is my duty as a younger brother. These are what I should do.

Lei Gong smiled and said that the younger generation is terrible. At this time, sun Han handed Lei Gong the cut fruit. Lei Gong looked at me after eating the fruit and asked, "I have something to ask you. You should answer me truthfully."

I nodded. Lei Gong then said, "you've been in the triple hall for some time. Who do you think will have the best chance to sit as the hall leader if I die? You can say whatever you want. I don't mind."

I was a little surprised when Lei Gong asked me this question, because according to reason, Lei Gong should ask Heiniu. After all, Heiniu is also one of the backbone of the Sanlian hall, and I'm just a little brother. But Lei Gong asked so, so I naturally had to answer.

Tian Luozi is the most powerful in the triple hall, followed by Heiniu. The other positive and partial hall leaders are some wind watching grass. They don't worry about falling there when they see that there is great potential. If Lei Gong really dies, the seat of hall leader will be decided between Heiniu and Tian Luozi.

In fact, Tian Luozi wants to win over me because of this thing. If he succeeds in winning over me, he will have the strength to crush the black bull, and then he can sit firmly as the leader of the hall.

I told Lei Gong what I had analyzed. After listening to me, Lei Gong smiled, "I thought you were brave at that time. Unexpectedly, your head is also very flexible. As you said, Tian Luozi is the most powerful now. If I really hang up, Tian Luozi will compete for the position of hall leader!"

"Tian Luozi is also the backbone of the triple hall. I can't say anything about him. After all, his qualifications are there!" said Lei Gong. When I said Tian Luozi, I always felt that Lei Gong was weak.

After thinking for a while, Lei Gong told me about Tian Luozi. Lei Gong said that Tian Luozi hasn't been in Sanlian hall for two days. He also knows Tian Luozi very well. Lei Gong said that Tian Luozi has always been ambitious. When he is still strong, Tian Luozi naturally doesn't dare to be too arrogant, but Lei Gong said that he has always known Tian Luozi's ambition Avenue.

Lei Gong knew about Tian Luozi's efforts to win over forces in the Sanlian hall for a long time, but Lei Gong didn't say anything because Tian Luozi also paid a lot in the Sanlian hall and was one of the backbone personnel of the Sanlian hall.

Lei Gong also said that Tian Luozi is a bit overbearing. For example, it's very simple. If you don't obey him in the triple hall, he will definitely try his best to fix you and trouble you. Such a thing almost happened to me.

Of course, Lei Gong knows Tian Luozi's behavior, but what can he do? There are reasons why Lei Gong can't say Tian Luozi. First, Tian Luozi is the backbone of the triple hall. Second, Tian Luozi forms gangs within the triple hall. Most of the forces of the triple hall have been won over by him. If Lei Gong said him, I'm afraid Tian Luozi will plot to usurp the throne.

Lei Gong said that if he were ten years younger, he would have gone to clean up the snails, but now his age is here. It's just a mouth to clean up anyone.

Lei Gong said that he was really old enough to abdicate, but he was not at ease that the foundation of the Sanlian hall was in the hands of Tian Luozi.

After Lei Gong said this, I understood. Although Lei Gong showed that Shang and Tian Luozi were laughing, he was already on guard against Tian Luozi, and even said that Lei Gong had the intention to get rid of Tian Luozi.

I'm not familiar with Tian Luozi, but through a short time of contact with him, I have a general understanding of him. This Tian Luozi is indeed a bit overbearing. When I saw that I was just on the top, I asked my younger brother to come to me for trouble, and then let me be his younger brother regardless of past grievances. This person is definitely not a good thing.

"Heiniu has told me about you and Tian Luozi. Is Tian Luozi still good at seeing things? It's too obvious that he wants to pull you over at this time!" Lei Gong asked me to put my ears together after saying that. He has something to tell me.

After I put my ear close to mine, Lei Gong whispered in my ear, "I'm most optimistic about you in the whole triple hall. If you can kill the snail, it's definitely a great achievement!"

After Lei Gong finished, he patted me on the back twice and looked at me with a deep smile.

To be honest, I am not very familiar with the internal affairs of the triple hall at all. My understanding of the triple hall comes from hearsay. I only know a little about the triple hall.

But Lei Gong hasn't ascended to heaven yet. He is still the hall leader. As a younger brother, I naturally want to try my best to finish what he ordered. After Lei Gong finished, I looked at Lei Gong and nodded, "don't worry, I'll try my best to finish what you ordered! If there's nothing else, I'll go first!"

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