After I finished, Lei Gong looked at me and smiled. I got up and looked at Sun Han sitting next to me. Then I opened the door and went out. After I came out, I hesitated. Although I didn't spend a long time on the road, I'm not a fool. I still know the balance of interests.

Even if I did kill Tian Luozi according to Lei Gong's instructions, I wouldn't be able to take the seat of hall leader in the end. I'm also a younger brother. In that case, I'd better go to take refuge in Tian Luozi. I'm still a younger brother, and I don't have to take much risk.

When I thought of these balancing interests, I hesitated. However, I felt unhappy. When I was upset, I thought of the earth leopard. I haven't seen him for a long time. Taking advantage of this time to see him, I asked him what I should do, whether to do things according to Lei Gong's instructions or what to do.

I invited the earth leopard out for dinner. During the meal, I asked about the earth leopard. After listening to my hesitation, the earth leopard looked at me and said with a smile: "I think you still have to follow the instructions. What we pay attention to when we go out is loyalty. If everything is oriented towards the interests, why don't we go out and do business? Mixing is not business. I can only say so much. Go and understand it yourself!"

After listening to the earth leopard, I already had an idea in my mind. At nine o'clock in the evening, I went to the hospital again to find Lei Gong. I have decided that I will do things according to Lei Gong's instructions, but before that, I need to attach one condition.

"If I kill the snails, I hope you can help Qinglong society clean up the door and cheer up!" I looked at Lei Gong and said firmly.

In fact, many times I ask myself, do I still want to avenge Liu Lang? If I don't avenge Liu Lang, I will be much better. Every day will be easier, but my heart tells me that Liu Lang's Revenge must be avenged, because he is my brotherly brother. He was hacked alive by fat chicken people just to let us live. What else can I talk about if he doesn't revenge personal loyalty.

After listening to me, Lei Gong looked at me and said: "It seems that you still think about Qinglong society. In fact, I was a little angry when I heard you say that. After all, you are eating the food of Sanlian hall, and what you think is Qinglong society. But when you turn around, it is also a sign of your loyalty. OK! If you can do what I ordered, I will use the strength of Sanlian hall to help Qinglong society But the premise is that the green dragon society still exists in the world at that time! "

I asked Lei Gong what he meant by this. Lei Gong said that he had heard about the Qinglong society. Lei Gong said that the Qinglong society was worried about external and internal problems. The mud Bodhisattva could not cross the river. It is estimated that the Qinglong society will collapse soon.

The situation of the green dragon club is really not optimistic now. I know this, but the purpose of my trip today has been achieved, which is enough.

After I resigned to Lei, I was ready to leave. When I was ready to go out, sun Han said she sent me, and then sent me out. After sun Han and I came out, they called me to the balcony of the hospital and said that she wanted to talk with me.

"I really didn't see it. I didn't expect you to attach so much importance to friendship! Isn't Sanlian hall very good to you?" Sun Han said, took out a cigarette, lit it and smoked there. I know it's about the Qinglong society.

"Isn't it good to pay attention to friendship? I feel very good. If I don't pay attention to friendship, I don't know you now," I smiled at Sun Han. Friendship is a good thing, although it's worthless.

After listening to me, sun Han smiled, then looked at me and continued, "Lei Gong told me something."

"What's up?" I asked.

"Lei Gong said that after his death, I can share his inheritance. Then I can live the life I want and love the man I love!" Sun Han said calmly after taking a sip of smoke and spitting it on my face.

"Isn't that good? Then you'll be a rich woman. I can only have a family, or I'll go next to you!" I looked at Sun Han and smiled.

"In fact, there's no need to let you stay with me. I can also spend money to support you!" Sun Han said and looked up slightly into my eyes.

I stared into her eyes as she did. We looked at each other, and then smiled.

"Well, I have to go back to take care of Lei Gong. See you when I'm free!" Sun Han waved to me and then returned to Lei Gong's ward.

After I got back, I called Tian Luozi. I told Tian Luozi that I had made up my mind and would have a future with him. Later, I followed him. Tian Luozi was overjoyed and said that it was late tonight. Tomorrow, he gave me a banquet to pick me up.

After I hung up the phone, I called Jiangshan again and asked him about the Qinglong club. When Jiangshan mentioned the Qinglong club, there was no spirit in his tone. Jiangshan said that later, the fat chicken became more and more arrogant. He had great power in the Qinglong club and didn't pay attention to Mr. Jiang at all.

On one occasion, the fat chicken contradicted Mr. Jiang. Brother Kun really couldn't see it, because the fat chicken didn't go once or twice. Brother Kun was in contact with the fat chicken at that time. After the meeting ended, brother Kun was retaliated by the fat chicken. The fat chicken sent someone to prepare to kill brother Kun. Jiang Shan said that if he and brother fat hadn't gone in time, brother Kun would have been hacked to death.

According to Jiangshan, brother Kun just came out of the hospital these two days. The injuries on brother Kun haven't recovered yet. Jiangshan's attitude is also very negative. He said it seems that Qinglong won't survive long.

Now Mr. Jiang also exists in name only. Nominally, Mr. Jiang is still the leading brother of the green dragon Association, but most of the forces of the green dragon association are in the hands of the fat chicken. All the big brothers at the entrance of the hall have fallen to the fat chicken, and they have regarded the fat chicken as the leading brother.

The white tiger club has been quiet for a while. Jiangshan said that it seems that boss Bai ordered his men not to move the green dragon club. There is no movement in the white tiger club. Otherwise, according to the power of the white tiger club and the current situation of the green dragon club, the white tiger club can directly push the green dragon club down with one blow.

However, it is said that boss Bai is interested in his friendship with Mr. Jiang, which makes his subordinates not to touch the Qinglong club. After all, boss Bai and Mr. Jiang still have some friendship. People of their generation may be a little old-fashioned, but the word friendship is very conspicuous in their generation.

I'm thousands of miles away. Although I know about the Qinglong club, I can't help. I asked Jiangshan to pay attention to safety there and wait for me to come back.

After I hung up the phone, I was ready to go to bed. I was very unhappy and uncomfortable at this time, so Li Xiangning was pressed under me and let me vent well.

The next night, Tian Luozi asked me to take Li Xiangning's steel teeth sister to dinner and wash the dust for me. Of course, I couldn't refuse, so I took Li Xiangning's steel teeth sister and them.

In order not to embarrass me outside, Li Xiangning and steel tooth sister cleaned up at home for a long time before they were willing to go out with me. When they got to the place, Li Xiangning and steel tooth sister attracted a lot of attention as soon as they got off the bus. Tian Luozi's younger brothers looked at the eyes of Li Xiangning and steel tooth sister, which was called obscene.

After we went in and sat down, Tian Luozi first praised me, saying that I was destined for women, and why I was young. Anyway, I was praised by all kinds of people.

Li Xiangning and steel tooth sister also praised Tian Luozi once. After being praised by steel tooth Sister Li Xiangning, Tian Luozi was very happy. I looked at Li Xiangning and steel tooth sister and their eyes changed. I just said I was silent. I knew I wouldn't bring Li Xiangning steel tooth sister out. I went back to pick them up at night.

While I was drinking there, the black bull came straight in with a group of younger brothers. After the black bull came to me with his younger brother, he patted me on the shoulder with a smile. Looking at the black bull's face, they were not good.

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