Jiang Shan took the basketball after looking at it. I had some questions in my heart, but just as I was about to ask, I shut up. Jiang Shan obviously noticed my doubts and asked me if there was anything I wanted to say. I nodded and said, "Okay."

"Let's talk while we're walking. I still need to go eat!" Jiang Shan casually said.

I followed behind Jiang Shan, who was patting his basketball as he walked in front. He looked very casual, as if nothing had happened.

"That, I didn't know you before, why did you help me?" In the end, I still asked the question that was on my mind.

"Weren't you the one who went to look for my brother, and then my brother told me to look after you in school? Do you really think I'm a hero and help out when I see injustice?" Jiang Shan casually asked as he looked at me.

After chatting a bit more with Jiang Shan, I found out that Jiang Shan was Brother Kun's little brother. No wonder I said that Jiang Shan looked a little familiar. Indeed, Jiang Shan and Brother Kun looked pretty similar, but Brother Kun was a little more handsome.

Brother Kun and Jiang Shan were half-brothers, but this was not a show of brotherhood between them. As the youngest son of the family, Jiang Shan was doted on, which also led to him having a bad habit of fighting and bullying people ever since he was a child. He was expelled from the school before he even finished his second year of school, and only came to this school after staying at home for a year or so.

Although Jiang Shan always had a casual expression, his temper was still quite good. At the very least, when I'm chatting with him, he would patiently chat with me instead of detesting me like others. He didn't even want to talk to me.

After chatting for a while, we walked out of the school gate. Jiang Shan and his group directly went to a restaurant not far away from the school. I didn't have any money on me, so when Jiang Shan asked me to come with him, I refused.

As I went back to cook and eat, I sat on the sofa and played with my phone for a while, unwittingly opening the private messages Li Xiang Ning had sent me. As I went back to cook and eat, I sat on the sofa to play on my phone for a while, unwittingly opening the private messages Li Xiang Ning had sent me.

After I read a few more times, I deleted all of these private messages that Li Xiang Ning had sent me, leaving them behind as they were truly a waste of my memory.

In the afternoon, He Jun applied for leave and didn't come. I was much freer in the classroom than before.

I lied to her and said I didn't. Ever since Sun Han helped me to the infirmary last time, my feelings for Sun Han could be said to be growing day by day, and I didn't know why I lied to her that I hadn't been beaten up. I probably didn't want her to think too much about it.

Sun Han didn't ask any more questions, and then Sun Han and I chatted about other things. During our chat, I understood that Sun Han's family wasn't very well off, and the relatives she had in the house weren't very good to her. The money they sent her was only enough to cover the living expenses of her relatives. The money Sun Han got from buying clothes or other things had to be obtained through temporary work.

I'm also a rural person. I understand Sun Han's difficulties very well, but I'm luckier than Sun Han because my uncles and aunts are especially good to me. Of course, I also understand that Sun Han is a temporary worker.

Sun Han said that she would sometimes go to a nearby restaurant in the afternoon to wash dishes and clean up, and would get forty yuan from six o'clock to ten in the evening. I asked Sun Han where that restaurant was, what was its name, and if I wanted to eat outside today, I would go to that restaurant then.

Sun Han chuckled as he told me the location and name of the restaurant. When I said that I would be going there at that time, you should eat with me as well.

The reason why I told Sun Han that I might eat outside today was because I wanted to treat Jiang Shan to a meal when I thought of it. After all, he helped me vent my anger today, treating him to a meal is equivalent to expressing my gratitude.

When class ended in the afternoon, I first called my parents in my hometown. I lied and said that my parents wanted to buy some stuff for two hundred yuan. When my parents heard this, they said that they would transfer some money to me at the credit union back home.

Back then, when I was in the county, I just called my parents and knew that I needed money, so I didn't say anything more. Now that I think about it, I feel really guilty.

After hanging up, I found Jiang Shan in the sports field. At this time, Jiang Shan was playing basketball with someone else, so I said, let's have dinner together tonight. Jiang Shan looked at me and casually nodded.

About an hour later, the money finally arrived at my account. My parents gave me 500 yuan, and after the money came in, they even called me, saying that they would keep the remaining 300 yuan to take care of themselves and buy some good food.

Although the card had five hundred dollars, I only took two hundred.

By seven in the evening, I had already changed my clothes and arrived at the school gate. After waiting for a while, Jiang Shan and a few of his good friends came. I brought them to the restaurant Sun Han mentioned.

The owner of the restaurant was a middle-aged woman. Although she had a fat body, her smile made people feel very close. I think that was one of the reasons why there were so many people in the restaurant.

After we sat down, we ordered a few dishes. Because today we wanted to thank Rivers and Mountains, we ordered our dishes as well. After we ordered our dishes, Sun Han came out with some fragrant dishes.

I said, if you're free, you can eat together with me. You promised me that today, Sun Han said that you'll be free in a while and let us eat first. After saying that, he smiled and went to the kitchen.

Jiang Shan looked at Sun Han, then looked at me before saying casually, "Is this your girlfriend? "She's pretty and kind."

I said in embarrassment, "No, I'm just at the same table as you." Jiang Shan acknowledged and then started to eat. After about five minutes, Sun Han came out from the kitchen.

I watched as Sun Han gave her a seat with a smile. After Sun Han sat down, he started to eat. I don't know if it was because Jiang Shan and his friends were there, but Sun Han was shy when it came to eating.

Since the kitchen has some work to do, Sun Han went back to the kitchen after a quick meal. Since this restaurant is quite far away from where Sun Han lives, when Sun Han entered the kitchen I asked her if I could take her home later. Sun Han glanced at me and said, "If you can afford to wait, that's fine."

I don't know why I wanted to send her home. I just wanted to be nice to her, but I didn't know why.

After finishing the meal, I paid 320 yuan for the meal while I only had 200 yuan on me. Looking at the Lady Boss who came to collect the money, I felt a little awkward.

Jiang Shan looked at me, turned around and smiled at the Lady Boss. Then he took out 350 yuan and handed it to the Lady Boss. As for the rest of the money, Qian Jiangshan gave us a bottle of drinks.

Jiang Shan drank his drink and said that they would be leaving first. I said that you guys would leave first.

At first, my impression of him was only average, but now his impression of me has soared.

I took the drinks and went outside to play with my phone while waiting for Sun Han.

I waited for more than two hours before Sun Han came out of the restaurant. When he saw me still waiting outside, he said in surprise, "Are you really waiting? I thought you had already left!"

I smiled dumbly before walking beside Sun Han. On the way, Sun Han constantly massaged his neck and back, his face full of fatigue.

Are you tired? Sun Han nodded and said that he was indeed quite tired.

Sun Han said that although he was tired, there weren't any temporary workers in the restaurant every day. He only did it every few days, but the Lady Boss treated Sun Han pretty well and would call Sun Han in advance whenever there was a need for temporary workers.

This temporary worker is so tired and unstable, I feel sorry for Sun Han. As I was walking down the road, I suddenly thought of an idea.

"Have you heard of the live broadcast online?" I asked Sun Han.

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