After Sun Han heard what I said, he looked at me with some doubts and asked, "Online live broadcast? What do you mean online live broadcast?"

It's not Sun Han's fault that he didn't know about it. The live broadcast had just started and many people didn't know about it. If it wasn't because I was in contact with my cousin, I probably wouldn't know what live broadcast was.

I simply explained it to Sun Han and didn't explain it clearly. I simply took out my phone and opened up the live broadcast software for Sun Han to see. After Sun Han looked over, he casually opened up a female host's live broadcast room.

At this moment, I realized that the female streamer was broadcasting it for the fans to see. I was just lucky, so I accidentally clicked on it. A few nights ago, I went to several live broadcast rooms but couldn't find it.

I awkwardly put my phone back in my pocket and walked beside Sun Han. Sun Han lowered his head in shyness. The blush on his face hadn't faded yet as we walked along awkwardly, both of us silent.

"I'm sorry about just now, I didn't expect that meeting would be like this!" It would be best if I spoke first to ease the awkwardness.

Sun Han kept her head down, her face still red. She lowered her head and said in a low voice, "The live webcast you were talking about, was it like the one you showed others in front of your computer?"

I quickly shook my head, shaking it like a rattle. "No." "No, the live broadcast is actually very simple. You just need to dress well and chat with others in front of the computer. When the time comes, someone will give you a present as a reward. You can use it to buy clothes when the time comes."

Actually, I don't know much about the field of live broadcasting, but I know a bit. In my impression, online live broadcasts come with a lot of money. I have to admit that I was as short-sighted as a lot of people at that time. I only knew that those anchors would come with a lot of money, but I didn't know the effort they put in or the efforts they put in.

After Sun Han and I explained the situation, Sun Han didn't really believe that live broadcasts could make money. I talked to him for a long time like I did with sales. Sun Han didn't understand the gist of it, but after listening to my persuasion, he still decided to give it a try.

I took Sun Han to a Black Internet Cafe and registered her account with a computer. I also gave her the real name system and it would take two days for the audit to complete, so after registering and submitting the account for verification, we left that Black Internet Cafe.

In order to increase Sun Han's confidence, I ignored the high price of the traffic to let Sun Han take a look at the live broadcast format of those female anchors. Not only did this increase Sun Han's confidence, it was also to let her copy the live broadcast format of those female anchors and ask for the presents.

Looking at the presents and rewards that the female anchors received, I was also eager to give it a try. It's a pity that at that time, the people who were broadcasting were mostly women and I had not seen any male anchors. Thus, even though I admired the presents and rewards that the female anchors were receiving, I eventually gave up on this idea.

After sending Sun Han back, I walked back alone. By the time I got back, my uncle and aunt were already asleep. After I washed my feet, I returned to my room to chat with my cousin.

I didn't know what had happened to Cousin Sis, but even after sending her a few private messages, she still hadn't replied to me. At this moment, I found out that this seductive little bitch, Li Xiang Ning, was actually broadcasting a live broadcast again.

Out of curiosity, I once again entered Li Xiang Ning's live broadcast room. After I entered, I found out what it meant by 'three days apart from one another'. Li Xiang Ning actually had someone in her live broadcast room giving her a present.

Those who were watching her live constantly posted that she was their goddess. When Li Xiang Ning saw the praise others were giving her, her face was filled with happiness. Seeing her laughing made me feel especially uncomfortable.

Just as I was about to post curses at Li Xiang Ning, who would've thought that Li Xiang Ning would beat me to it? "Aren't you the one cursing me? You've got guts. You actually dare to come. This time, I'm not afraid of you!"

When Li Xiang Ning saw the notification for me to enter, her expression immediately changed. She stared at the computer while huffing and puffing. Those sharp little eyes of hers were clearly filled with anger.

I typed that I was in a good mood today, so I didn't scold you. Who knew that Li Xiang Ning would immediately swear when she saw this message. She pointed at the screen and cursed like she was pointing at me.

I scolded Li Xiang Ning for a while before stopping. I didn't reply to any of her curses, but she scolded me a bunch of times.

After the scolding ended, Li Xiang Ning looked at the camera and said proudly, "If you have the ability, come on, let's hurt each other!"

Originally, she felt very uncomfortable cursing me in my heart, but after she said those words that hurt each other, I felt an inexplicable urge to laugh. At this moment, it seems that Li Xiang Ning wasn't that annoying, and she was also a little cute.

However, when I thought about how she called me an idiot, the corners of my mouth immediately dropped. I typed that you were a lunatic, crazy woman. After sending the news, I left Li Xiang Ning's live broadcast room.

Who would have thought that the moment I left Li Xiang Ning's live broadcast room, she would close the live broadcast room as well and then immediately use her private message to bombard me, scolding me for having no butt, for having no children, for having all my family members dead and so on.

Originally, I planned to ignore her, but I don't know what was wrong with the situation at that time. I actually used a private message to curse at Li Xiang Ning. After a whole two hours of cursing, she sent a private message to me.

Just because of my scolding with Li Xiang Ning, I didn't see my cousin live broadcast. This made me even more angry, and I cursed at Li Xiang Ning for over an hour.

The next day, when we went to school, Li Xiang Ning and I had panda eyes. When Li Xiang Ning passed by me, she glared at me with a face full of resentment. It seems like I was really pissed off last night.

He Jun still did not come to class. The students in the class said that He Jun did not come to class because He Jun was preparing for a fight.

If I heard those words in the past, I might have felt some fear in my heart, but now, with Jiang Shan as my backer, I felt an unprecedented serenity.

At noon, I told He Jun about what happened when he called for people to fight with Jiang Shan. Jiang Shan nodded and said that he understood, and then he took his friends to play basketball.

I was planning to go back to the school when I met Ma Tao and his henchmen. If it was before, Ma Tao would have ridiculed me before leaving, but today, he left after giving me a look, not even saying a single fart.

I know that Ma Tao did this not because I have become stronger, but because of the rivers and mountains. I think that Ma Tao must have known about the matter of He Jun being beaten by the rivers and mountains, so he became like this.

From Ma Tao's actions, it is not difficult to tell that he is afraid of Jiang Shan and that Jiang Shan wants to protect me within the school. If I do not take advantage of this opportunity to properly punish Ma Tao, wouldn't it be too much of a loss?

"Ma Tao," Ma Tao, with his few dog gang members went far away, I chased after Ma Tao to stop him.

After hearing my shout, Ma Tao turned his head to look at me and said, "Guan Yi Han, is there something you need me for?"

Although Ma Tao's tone wasn't that good, it was clearly much calmer than before, confirming my guess.

"Why did you tell me why I wanted to see you when you were being so harsh on me in the past?" I shouted confidently when I saw that Ma Tao's aura had weakened.

"I was in the wrong in the past. I apologize to you. Let's forget about this matter." Ma Tao looked at me and calmly said. He wanted to settle this peacefully.

But when I was bullied by him, how could it be so?

"So what if I apologize? "F * ck you!" I cursed as I viciously kicked Ma Tao's stomach.

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