Ma Tao almost fell to the ground after my kick. Honestly speaking, I felt guilty after kicking Ma Tao, so I was not sure if Ma Tao would dare to retaliate. If Ma Tao had tried to retaliate, I would have been in a miserable state today.

"You're so fucking cocky!" Ma Tao's henchmen were obviously unhappy to see me kick him. They pointed at me and cursed, then clenched their fists as they prepared to fight back.

However, just as they were about to attack, Ma Tao stopped them. I was already prepared to escape, but seeing that Ma Tao had stopped them, my nervous state stabilized.

"Guan Yi Han, I was in the wrong at that time. Now that you've fought with me, we can live peacefully." He Jun looked at me with a bitter expression. I could tell from Ma Tao's expression that my kick wasn't light.

"A well doesn't interfere with a river? Heh, when you teamed up with He Junjun to play with me, why didn't you think of making a fuss about nothing? Back then, in order to curry favor with you, I even cheated my uncle of his money. "If you were me, would you just stay out of it?" I asked.

Ma Tao looked at me but couldn't find anything to say. He just remained silent, but silence isn't the way to avoid it.

When I thought back to when I was bullied, the anger in my heart erupted like a volcano. I rushed up to Ma Tao and mercilessly punched him in the face, knocking him to the ground with a punch.

Ma Tao, who was knocked down by my punch, didn't resist. He laid on the ground like a dead dog, dejected and dejected. This scene was familiar to me. Oh right, this is my previous appearance.

All the grievances from the past immediately surfaced in my heart. I rushed up and ruthlessly slapped Ma Tao's face a few times. Originally, I wanted to take care of Ma Tao, but after thinking for a while, I stopped. So even though I couldn't get over it, I stopped.

"It's just as you said. In the future, we will not interfere in each other's business!" I said coldly as I looked at Ma Tao, who was lying on the ground.

I'm not a brave and ruthless person. If it wasn't for He Junjun, Ma Tao, and the rest's bullying, I wouldn't have attacked them. In the end, I hope to not fight in the school.

Ma Tao looked at me as he gritted his teeth and nodded. It was obvious that he was unwilling, but who didn't?

After taking care of Ma Tao, my heart finally felt a lot better. The pressure that I had accumulated in the past finally eased a little, so when I went back to make food, my appetite was very good.

At the end of the meal, there was a message on my phone. I took out my phone to have a look. It was the result of the verification of the live broadcast qualification. Without a doubt, it was passed.

After the registration and approval are done, we can start a live broadcast. After accumulating our popularity, we can sign a contract with the live broadcast platform, and after signing the contract, the live broadcast platform will package the host to promote the broadcast. Since the promotion effect is good, we will naturally earn a lot of money.

After reading the text message, I happily came to the school. I impatiently told Sun Han about the news, which made him a little happy because not everyone could go through the verification. After all, the requirements were clearly typed out by others, including their good looks, good looks, and fair skin.

After the verification, Sun Han can start the live broadcast. In the afternoon, after class, I took Sun Han to a distant black Internet Cafe, where the computers were configured and, more importantly, there was a room. Sun Han doesn't have a computer, so he could only try it out live in the cubicle inside the black Internet Cafe.

The conditions of this Internet Cafe was better, but the fee compared to the regular Internet Cafe was much higher. The people who came to this Internet Cafe were basically some elementary school students, because the regular Internet Cafe was too small for them.

After I brought Sun Han in, I found an Internet Cafe and entered it. After downloading the software and opening the live broadcast room, I had Sun Han sit in front of the camera, ready to broadcast live.

After a while, her pretty face appeared in Sun Han's live broadcast room. Sun Han, who had never seen a live broadcast before, was obviously shy and didn't know what to do as he looked at the computer screen. I whispered to her, "Relax, take it slow."

As Sun Han was a rookie, she had been waiting in the broadcast room for more than 20 minutes without anyone coming in. This made Sun Han want to give up.

I said wait a little while.

Looking at Sun Han, he was a little disappointed. I said that I went to the toilet, and after I went in, I took out my phone and entered Sun Han's live broadcast room. Sun Han saw that there was someone in the live broadcast room, and was a little excited, but after the excitement passed he only felt at a loss of what to do, because she had never broadcast live, and was not familiar with live broadcast at all.

I typed and chatted with Sun Han, talking about very normal questions, like asking Sun Han your name. Sun Han stared at the computer and said, "Sun Han, you're 17 this year. In a few days you'll be 18."

Afterwards, I asked Sun Han some questions, such as how long she had been a female broadcaster. The reason why she asked Sun Han these seemingly brain-damaged questions was all because I wanted her to relax and not be nervous.

I chatted with Sun Han for about 20 minutes. In order to make Sun Han happy and at the same time give her the confidence to be a female anchorwoman, I used the phone bill to rush a gift to her. When Sun Han saw the gift, he was very excited and came over after a while before reacting, hurriedly saying, "Thank you for your gift."

Due to staying in the toilet for so long, my legs were numb when I got up. I almost couldn't walk and had to take a long time to recover.

When I returned to the booth, Sun Han looked at me happily and said, "Just now, a person entered my broadcasting room and gave me a 10 dollar reward. He even became my fan."

I looked at the excited and happy Sun Han and smiled, saying that he had improved. If this continues, you might become a very famous female host in the future. However, what Sun Han doesn't know is that all of her breakthroughs were bought by me.

At first, I thought the live broadcast was very simple. I only needed to sit in front of the computer for a while to make a lot of money. But now, it seems that it's not the case.

Hearing me praise her, Sun Han looked at me with a smile, his eyes full of smiles.

After staying for a while longer, we'll head out. Just like yesterday, I sent Sun Han back home.

When I came back, it was already quite late and my cousin's door was tightly shut just like before. Thinking about how Sun Han had just started broadcasting live, I subconsciously walked up to my cousin's door and knocked. My cousin asked me what was the matter, and I said that I had something to ask her before she opened the door for me.

My cousin was wearing a set of pink, fluffy clothes. After opening the door, she looked at me warily. Before I could say anything, she said, "Didn't I already tell you? I'll let you do it in the future!"

I really don't understand. Could it be that in my cousin's eyes, I'm only looking for her for that thing? Although I really want to do it with my cousin, it really isn't for that thing right now.

"It's not cousin. I'm not looking for you for that. I have a question to ask you." I looked at my cousin and said sincerely.

"Ask me a question?" My cousin gave me a look and asked me what it was about.

Cousin's attitude towards me was not very good in general, but it was still better than before.

I told my cousin that I had a female classmate who also wanted to be the host, but she had never been in contact with her, so I wanted to learn something from her.

My cousin said oh and then very seriously told me about the means to attract fans in live broadcasts. The simplest way for a female anchorwoman to attract fans is to show off her sexy figure and beautiful breasts and beautiful buttocks and legs. Anyway, she has to do all sorts of attractive things in order to attract the attention of the fans.

Of course, if there were none of these, then he could only follow the literary path. However, in this materialistic society, literary skills were basically worthless.

When my cousin told me all of this, she was like a teacher teaching a lesson. She was extremely serious, causing me to be a little mesmerized. If I could, I really wanted to get rid of her tonight.

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