Cousin saw that something was wrong with her gaze and looked at me warily, afraid that I would do something that would harm her. Actually, I was only thinking about it, after all, a great beauty like Cousin is someone a man would want to mess with.

My cousin told me about the female anchorwoman. She probably didn't think I could understand her with my intelligence, so she asked me to bring my classmate over when I had time. She taught her by hand. Of course, that would be for the best.

The next morning, He Jun came to the school. If it was before, he probably would have ridiculed me, but now, he was only giving me a vicious look. The anger in his eyes made me feel great, and if he wasn't happy, it would be me who was happy.

He Jun, who was standing in the back row, glared at me before shifting his gaze elsewhere. He seemed to be thinking about something, probably thinking about how to deal with me.

But I'm not too worried about that, because there are mountains and rivers here.

After the first lesson, He Jun rushed in front of me, looking at me as he said indifferently, "You go tell Jiang Shan that after the class ends this afternoon, I'll be waiting for him in the small forest behind the school. Oh right, kindly remind him how many people he can order, and at that time, don't say that I have too many people bullying me!"

Looking at He Jun's confident expression, I could not help but to be worried. But what I need to do now is to pass He Jun's message to Jiang Shan and remind him to be prepared.

When I found Jiang Shan at noon, I passed on He Jun's original words to him. When Jiang Shan heard it, he casually nodded his head, and even I suspected that he didn't hear it. I asked, "Brother Jiang Shan, do you have confidence in this match?"

After Jiang Shan heard what I said, he casually looked at me and said, "What confidence? If you can't beat me, you'll be beaten. What, are you afraid of being beaten?"

I shook my head and said no, after staying in school for so long, it was time for me to straighten my chest.

Jiang Shan nodded his head and told me to go back first. Just remember to come back in the afternoon.

In the afternoon class, Sun Han asked me if I was going to fight after class. I nodded and replied, "En, Sun Han told me not to go. He said that I couldn't beat He Jun and the others, so I would be beaten if I went."

I know that Sun Han is doing this for my own good, but no matter what, I must go up this time. The reason for the war between the military and Jiang Shan is still because of me.

Li Xiang Ning, who was sitting behind me, clearly heard my conversation with Sun Han. Li Xiang Ning, who was sitting in the back, said to her female classmate, "This damn idiot in front is going to fight with He Jun in the afternoon. At that time, let's go take a look and see how that damn fool has been beaten up!"

The reason why Li Xiang Ning had raised her voice when she was speaking was because she wanted me to hear her. Although I could hear her clearly, I didn't want to argue with her.

I spent the whole afternoon thinking about the fight after class. During class, I was distracted for the most part. Soon, the bell for the last class in the afternoon rang.

After class, I went to find Jiang Shan, as if I was afraid that Jiang Shan would run away. Including me, there are nine of us.

He Jun and the rest of us have already been waiting there for a long time. When we went to He Jun's side, there were only five people there, but everyone knew clearly in their hearts that He Jun must have prepared something for the future. He Jun couldn't possibly only have sent so few people.

"Jiang Shan, you only brought so few people!" He Jun stood up and said arrogantly.

"There are indeed a little less people, but it's enough to take care of you!" Jiang Shan walked up to He Jun and said with a sharp expression.

He Jun was still somewhat afraid of Jiang Shan. After exchanging a glance with him, He Jun shifted his gaze away and pointed at me with a sinister smile, "I thought you, an idiot, wouldn't dare to come? "Don't worry, I will make you regret coming here." He Jun gritted his teeth and said coldly.

In the past, I didn't talk back to He Jun because the situation made me outnumbered. But now that I have backup, how can I let him go?

"Try it!" "If you, He Jun, have the guts, then fight me one on one!" I'm confident in dueling with He Jun, but it's clear that He Jun doesn't want my provocation.

Our two groups of people stood facing each other in the small forest. At this time, another group of people arrived in the small forest. Their arrival made He Jun smile happily, but it also made our hearts feel even more uncertain.

The one leading the group was a fatty. That fatty's physique was as fat as a sow, and with every step he took, the fat on his body would tremble. His arm was even thicker and thicker than my thigh.

Without a doubt, this fatty was the fat man that He Jun had spoken of. Not only was he fat, but he also had a bad appearance. He had the physique of a raging bull and looked ferocious. Most people would run away in fright.

Brother Fatty brought a total of six people. Including He Jun's people, the number of people has already surpassed us. With Brother Fatty as a trump card, we must lose.

Just as Brother Pang and his men stopped in the woods, Ma Tao brought another three people with him. It was obvious that Ma Tao had come to help He Jun.

When Ma Tao brought his men and passed by me, he gave me a look that said, "Today, you are dead."

I had already guessed that Ma Tao would go back on his word. Last time, he clearly told me to not disturb the river, but now that He Jun's victory was in his hands, how could he sit still?

"Jiang Shan, I heard that you beat He Jun, right?" The chubby brother looked at him and said in a weird tone.

Jiang Shan nodded and said yes, the chubby brother continued, "We never had anything to do with each other in school. If you apologize to He Jun in front of everyone today, it would be over."

"He Jun, that bastard, always bullies this brother of mine in school, this matter won't end well!" Jiang Shan pointed at me as he said to Brother Fatty. My heart was very touched when I heard Jiang Shan call me brother; originally, I wasn't very confident in my heart, but after hearing Jiang Shan's words, I decided that whether I live or die today, it all depends on one word!

"If that's the case, then don't blame me." After saying that, the fatty's expression immediately changed. He led his men and rushed towards Jiang Shan. Seeing that he had already made his move, He Jun and Ma Tao smiled sinisterly and rushed towards me.

Of course, I wouldn't just sit there and wait for death. I made the first move and kicked He Jun. I landed on He Jun's body and swung my fist randomly before he could even stand up.

Ma Tao grabbed me by the neck after two punches. Ma Tao threw me to the ground with force. Before I could react, Ma Tao punched me in the face and shouted, "Aren't you being very arrogant when you hit me? Come again! Let's see if you can still be arrogant!"

While Ma Tao was speaking, I flipped over and knocked Ma Tao down. But the moment I stood up, I was kicked in the butt by He Jun behind me.

Under the pincer attack of Ma Tao and He Jun, I was defeated. He Jun got angry from the humiliation from my punches and gave me a violent beating. One punch caused my nose to bleed.

But He Jun didn't have any intention of stopping. He stood up and kicked me in the back a few times, while cursing at the same time.

There was a gap between Jiang Shan and Brother Fatty, and in a few moments, he was beaten by Brother Fatty. However, after Brother Fatty beat him down, he stopped.

The lightest was Jiang Shan, and the most miserable was me. The others were beaten up, but not by much.

I was beaten badly by He Junjun and Ma Tao. It felt like all the bones in my body were about to break.

"Stop right there!"

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