Just when I thought that victory was decided, An Dabao appeared with a baton in his hand. Seeing that I was being suppressed by He Junjun Ma Tao, An Dabao shouted loudly and knocked Ma Tao down. In the end, An Dabao was already an adult and was not even slightly stronger than us students.

After Ma Tao was knocked down, I counterattacked in stages. After kicking He Jun away, I stood up and charged at him with a punch.

Under the leadership of An Dabao, the scene that had originally been a foregone conclusion rekindled once more. The violent nerves of the crowd burned with the boiling blood.

Everyone was fighting as if they had gone mad, and the scene was a mess.

The fight went on for another five to six minutes before it was stopped by the principal who arrived late. By the time the principal arrived, I was already beaten into a pig's head. My face was covered with bruises and there were even bloodstains at the corner of my mouth.

But I didn't regret it, because He Jun, this bastard, wasn't any better off. After An Dabao came, He Jun was beaten up by me.

The headmaster called everyone who participated in the fight into the security room. The usually large security room was now full of people, and during the headmaster's speech, it was unknown who stepped on the foot of the other person. Because of this, we almost got into another fight inside the security room.

All the students who participated in the fight were criticized, but the criticism was like fart to us. After a while, we would do whatever we needed to do and it wouldn't affect us.

The pitiful one should be Ann Dabao, because he got fined by the principal when he participated in the fight and felt that he had let him down. The reason why all of this happened is because of me.

When he walked out of the security room, He Jun looked at him coldly. Gritting his teeth, he said angrily, "Guan Yi Han, you can consider yourself lucky today. You won't be so lucky in the future!"

"What happens in the future is not up to you to decide. Who will cry then is not certain." I looked at He Jun and said, unwilling to be outdone.

Although I got beaten up badly today, I don't regret it at all, because today, I have tasted the feeling of fighting side by side, and the taste of dignity, and the feeling of not admitting defeat, it's so good!

After coming out, I repeatedly said that I was sorry to have caused him to be deducted from the money. He smiled and said that it was fine, it was just money. I will just earn more in the future.

An Dabao told me not to be courteous with him, because he is my brother's brother, and I am just like his brother. Although this is more or less an exaggeration, I am still quite grateful to him.

"You can do it today, I thought you were a coward in the past!" After walking out, Jiang Shan looked at me and said with a smile.

Although those words weren't very pleasing to the ears, but there was praise for me in those words, so I accepted it with a smile.

Although Jiang Shan didn't suffer as badly as me, he wasn't much better off than me.

We supported each other as we walked out of the school gates. Just as we walked out of the gates, Sun Han appeared. Seeing me beaten up like this, he told me to quickly go to the clinic and take a look.

After all, Sun Han was doing this for my own good, so there was no way I wouldn't go. Jiang Shan and Big Treasure and I walked off on different roads, so I went to a clinic to clean some medicine with Sun Han's help. After the medicine was done, Sun Han said that he would send me back.

I took the opportunity to tell Sun Han what my cousin had said. Sun Han agreed after hearing it, but she also didn't know how to be a qualified female host.

When we arrived, my cousin was in the living room watching television. When my cousin saw me like this, she asked if I had fought in school again. I nodded, but she just looked at me with a resentful look and didn't say anything more.

This was the first time Sun Han had been here, so he couldn't help being a little nervous. Coupled with his cousin's nonchalant expression, this made Sun Han feel even more embarrassed.

I hastily introduced Sun Han to my cousin. After Sun Han was introduced, my cousin sized him up before telling Sun Han to follow her into a room. Sun Han followed my cousin into a room, and the door was tightly shut.

I don't know what my cousin and Sun Han are doing inside, but after a while, my cousin opened the door and let me in. I don't know what my cousin wanted me to see, but since she said so, I had to go in.

When I went in, Sun Han was sitting on his cousin's soft but clean bed. The only difference was that Sun Han had already changed into a maid costume. Sun Han and his cousin were about the same height, so Sun Han could wear his cousin's clothes.

Because of her bashfulness, Sun Han sat on the bed with her back facing me, but just her back was enough to make people want to look at her.

"Don't be shy, you can't be a host just because you're shy!" "Turn around, turn around and take a look," said his cousin calmly as she looked at the shy Sun Han.

After my cousin said this, Sun Han turned around like a frightened little white rabbit. But, Sun Han still didn't dare to raise his head and look at me shyly.

Dressed in maid attire, Sun Han was clearly more captivating than before. Most men would have the impulse to press her down on the ground. Looking at Sun Han's appearance, I felt my face redden a little, and the stones below me more unconsciously.

Although Sun Han's attire was very seductive, it didn't suit her. Sun Han wasn't like her cousin, with his proud captain and his perky little butt, which didn't add much points to her outfit. It was more suitable for her than for Sun Han.

Sun Han made a small circle in front of me before raising his head and asking, "How is it?" Does it look good?

At this moment, Sun Han's face has already turned into a genuine red apple, giving me the urge to kiss him. At that time, I was also stunned for a moment before hurriedly nodding my head like a fool.

"But I don't really want to dress like this. I think just a bit more casual is enough. Dress like this is too revealing!" Sun Han said in a low voice.

Sun Han nodded his head and soon changed into a set of clothes that his cousin was more conservative. That set of clothes was very pretty, with a small black and white shirt and black slacks.

After changing her clothes, her cousin switched on the computer and broadcast live with Sun Han using Sun Han's account. If Sun Han refused to show his name, then he could only follow the literary path. Her cousin then sang along with Sun Han.

With his older cousin, an experienced streamer, people quickly entered Sun Han's broadcast room. Seeing such two beauties sharing the same frame, quite a few people began to post gifts, asking for Sun Han's contact details.

"If you want to contact the beauties beside me, then give me more tips. Whoever gives the most rewards will have the greatest chance!" His cousin was, after all, a female host who frequently broadcasted live, so she immediately started playing with the audience.

However, because of what his cousin had done, Sun Han's popularity had increased by quite a bit. The number of fans broke through a thousand in a day, and the number of gifts and rewards in the live broadcast room added up to over 60.

Sun Han was very happy to see the presents flying up on the screen, and I was also very happy to see him at the side.

After Sun Han and my cousin broadcasted for a while, my cousin left, leaving Sun Han to do the live broadcast by himself. My cousin pulled me outside, saying that she had something to tell me.

"This classmate of yours has quite a good figure and is also quite pretty!" My cousin said to me after pulling me out.

I don't know what my cousin and I mean by that. My cousin saw that I didn't understand, so she explained it to me.

Cousin asked me to delete the video I recorded back then. If I did, she would help me get Sun Han. Cousin said Sun Han was not bad, and it wouldn't be the same if I got Sun Han.

I said that Sun Han and I were just classmates and ordinary friends, so there was no possibility of that.

When I said that, my cousin's expression immediately darkened. She unhappily said a bunch of things about me, saying that I was too petty, that I was different from that woman who did the thing and had to keep an eye on her.

Then my cousin went into the room and locked the door and wouldn't let me in.

I've waited so long just to get her to give up, no way!

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