After Sun Han used his cousin's computer to stream for a while, the sky turned dark. Sun Han used his cousin's computer to stream for a while before the sky darkened.

On the way, I asked Sun Han if she had the money. The reason why I asked her like this was not because I wanted to borrow money from her, but because I felt that if Sun Han wanted to be a female host, the computer was definitely essential. Sun Han is currently living in a relative's house, so if possible, it's best if he rented a room outside.

I treated Sun Han as my best friend in the school and didn't dawdle. I went straight to the point and told her what I thought.

Sun Han listened to what I had to say and pinched the tip of his chin. After thinking for a while, he looked at me and said, "I only have about a thousand yuan on me right now. I don't even have enough to buy a computer!"

A thousand yuan was enough to buy a second-hand computer. The average second-hand desktop computer only cost six or seven hundred yuan. The remaining three or four hundred yuan to rent a house for a month was enough.

I told Sun Han to buy the computer first and rent the house properly. I helped her think of a way to deal with the issue of broadband.

Sun Han hesitated for a moment after looking at me, then told me the reason why she was in a difficult situation. Sun Han said that she had never spent so much money in one go, and if she could earn money from live broadcasts, then that would be fine.

Sun Han's unwillingness to speak was within reason. After all, she had saved up this money for so long.

I didn't know how to persuade Sun Han either. After Sun Han finished his sentence, he went silent and walked on without a word.

"I just can't bear to spend money, don't be angry. "Tomorrow, take me to buy a computer!" Seeing me not saying anything, Sun Han thought I was angry.

After hearing Sun Han's words, I also hesitated. If Sun Han were unable to make any money after buying the live broadcast computer, then I would feel very guilty. After all, I was the one who suggested for Sun Han to be a female host.

During class the next day, I kept thinking about Sun Han's live broadcast. Like my cousin said, fans were like money to the streamer, which is also commonly known as the fan economy.

Just as I was thinking, the bell for the end of class rang. When He Wu walked out of the classroom, he intentionally bumped into my desk, causing it to sway and almost collapse.

Originally, I wanted to stand up and curse at He Jun, but the wounds on my body still hurt, so I didn't say anything in the end.

I am also very clear that He Jun will not let me go, just like how I will not let him go. But because I was scolded by the principal yesterday, He Jun will not be rash in the next few days.

The reason why the principal went yesterday was because Sun Han told the principal that we gathered to fight with the principal. I only found out today when I heard Sun Han say that the principal wasn't willing to go in the beginning.

I knew it, the principal usually knows how to get into a relationship with female teachers. Since when did he start paying attention to the security of the school? So that's the reason.

At noon, I met Pangzi on the sports field after school. Pangzi and his people were squatting under the basketball hoop and chatting about something. From time to time, they revealed lustful smiles.

As I walked past the playground, Pang Zi looked up at me, then looked at me before shifting his gaze to another direction. It was clear that someone like Pang Zi was looking down on me, so I didn't pose any threat to him.

Jiang Shan and I have said a little bit about Brother Fatty, who is a 107th class student. His major is different from ours, but he is two classes older than us.

Brother Fatty was almost invincible in this school. He was not like He Junjun, Ma Tao, and the others who bullied and bullied the weak. Brother Fatty rarely fought in the school.

Brother Fatty helped He Jun because of his relationship with his father. He Jun's father was a famous hoodlum nearby, and he knew all the hoodlums and students nearby. Brother Fatty helping He Jun was equivalent to giving face to his father.

This was also why Brother Fatty did not hit out at the school. Of course, the reason why Brother Fatty did not hit out at the school was largely because Brother Kun, a person from the society like Brother Kun, would not cause trouble in the school. However, if Brother Kun got beaten up badly, it would be a different story.

Therefore, even though this chubby brother was fat like a pig, he was not stupid. The only reason he had such a position in the school was partly because of his strength, and partly because of his nimbleness.

Of course, although Brother Fatty isn't bullying the weak like He Jun and Ma Tao, in the end, he still stands against me. Such a smart and powerful fellow is a great threat to me, if I want to trample He Jun and Ma Tao under my feet, the first step is to finish this troublesome role.

However, there is a huge difference in strength between us. It is easier said than done, we can only wait for an opportunity.

After school in the afternoon, I sent Sun Han home first. After Sun Han put down his books, he followed me to a small alley. A few days ago, I saw a notice that said "Recruitment" here.

After searching for a long time, we finally found the landlord. The landlord said that there was still a basement left, and if we wanted to rent it for 180 months, although the basement wasn't big, it was quite a good price. At that time, we first paid a month's deposit, and after receiving the money, the landlord happily gave us the key and told us to tell him when we moved over.

After the landlord gave us our keys, he wanted to leave. I quickly pulled him over and asked him if he had a broadband system. The landlord said that he did, and the internet was running fast, and if we were willing to share, we could just give him 60 yuan a month.

This was exactly what I wanted. After discussing it with the landlord, Sun Han and I went to a second-hand shop. This shop only sold used computers and computers that had been secretly stolen.

After bargaining with the boss for a bit, we spent seven hundred yuan on a desktop computer. After moving the computer into the basement, I sent Sun Han back. Sun Han said that she would move out from her relatives' house tomorrow and asked me to help her when the time came.

After sending Sun Han back to his room, I returned to my own room. When my cousin started broadcasting live, I watched my cousin's live broadcast. The cousin with a proud figure got a lot of rewards from the rich people, and quite a few people even threatened to support her and make her name on the price.

Cousin was already used to this, so she politely refused with a smile. Cousin's clothes were as sexy as ever, and I was looking at her with excitement. At this moment, the software prompted me that Li Xiang Ning had started a live broadcast.

The moment I saw the notification, I clicked on it and entered Li Xiang Ning's broadcast room. Although Li Xiang Ning had just broadcast live, the presents in the broadcast room had already flown up. Seeing the screen full of presents, Li Xiang Ning was naturally very happy.

Compared to her cousin's live broadcast, Li Xiang Ning's live broadcast was completely to satisfy her sense of superiority. At the same time, it was rather novel at the time, so Li Xiang Ning had come here to play with this idea of tasting something new.

Otherwise, with Li Xiang Ning's family background, how could she possibly lack the small rewards and gifts from the live broadcast room. To her, these were merely the gratification of her vanity and her sense of superiority.

However, I sincerely suspect that the audience who gave Li Xiang Ning the gift might have too much money. For a seductive bitch like Li Xiang Ning, not scolding her would already be considered not bad.

Later on, I found out that the person who gave Li Xiang Ning the gift was not someone who had too much money, but someone who had other intentions towards Li Xiang Ning. Because the person who gave the gift to Li Xiang Ning was none other than He Jun.

It was only when I watched Li Xiang Ning's live broadcast that I realized the person who had given Li Xiang Ning this gift was He Jun.

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