I really couldn't stand the interaction between the two of them, especially with He Jun, that bastard. He sent a message that was called 'my darling, my love, Ning'er, Xiang Xiang', which gave me goosebumps all over my body.

However, although He Jun's message was corny, Li Xiang Ning didn't seem to pay much attention to him. It was more or less the same as when she was at school.

After watching for a while, I quit and continued watching my cousin's live broadcast.

After class the next afternoon, Sun Han and I came to her relative's house. Sun Han was afraid of the family's worries, so he lied and said that she had moved to live in school. Sun Han, who never lied, naturally made his family believe her words very easily.

On the way back, I looked at Sun Han and joked, "Although we're helping you move your house this time, I feel like we've eloped!" Sun Han looked at me and smiled but didn't say anything.

After Sun Han and I moved our things over, we cleaned the basement again. By the time we settled everything in, it was already dark.

Sun Han said he felt uncomfortable staying alone in this unfamiliar room, so he asked me to stay with her for a while longer.

I smiled as I agreed. I also wanted Sun Han to turn on the computer to do a live broadcast and see if there were any problems with the computer. If there were any problems, I would take it back.

Since I was young, I basically didn't have any friends by my side, so I'm especially concerned about this friend of mine. Sometimes, I feel like I've surpassed the limits between friends, but I feel like I'm just good friends with Sun Han.

After combing his hair, Sun Han sat in front of the computer, ready to broadcast live. I sat on her bed and watched her live broadcast from her phone. Sun Han, who had done several live broadcasts, was no longer nervous in front of the camera.

Of course, to obtain gifts and rewards, just chatting with others was not enough. Singing and dancing were very common, and besides, singing and dancing, Sun Han wouldn't either.

That was the story from her hometown, the story of an old grandpa. When the old grandpa was young, he had fallen in love with a girl, but because of that girl, he had never married until his death.

Of course, Sun Han's narration was even more detailed and touching, and even I nearly cried out in emotion after hearing Sun Han's story. I have to say that Sun Han's storytelling was very likeable.

In the end, it's clear that I'm not the only one who likes to tell stories to Sun Han, the audience also likes it. After hearing it, the audience let Sun Han tell a few more stories and even rewarded Sun Han with a lot of gifts.

Sun Han had probably learned a few tricks from her cousin. Seeing that the netizens had responded well, she decided to stop and let the audience pay attention to her and continue telling stories tomorrow night.

It was said that he had won the hearts of the people with his tricks, and this was true. Very soon, Sun Han added in a small group of fans. After the live broadcast, Sun Han looked very happy. He said that today's profits were pretty good, and now that there's a present and a fan, I was pretty happy for Sun Han.

At this moment, I looked at the time. If I didn't see him, I wouldn't know. It was already 11 PM. It's all my fault for listening to Sun Han's story just now. I didn't feel anything even after so long.

When Sun Han heard I left, her happy face immediately turned from smile to smile. I was just about to leave, but Sun Han whispered that if not, then she shouldn't leave. She can just sleep here for the night, she's pretty scared by herself here in the basement.

Thinking about it, it made sense. Sun Han would inevitably be scared and uncomfortable the first day he was here by himself. I, as a boy, don't even have to suffer a loss after staying over to sleep for a whole night, what's there to be afraid of?

Just like that, Sun Han and I stayed in the same room for the whole night.

The next morning we went to class together at the school. We walked side by side, and we both felt a little awkward when we saw the couple walking by hand in hand.

After we entered the classroom, Sun Han and I happily chatted about some interesting matters. As we were chatting, Li Xiang Ning came in from outside, and I don't know how she provoked Li Xiang Ning. When she came in and saw me and Sun Han happily chatting with each other, she disdainfully looked at me and said, "Idiot!"

In the past, I didn't get angry at Li Xiang Ning because I was afraid of He Jun. But now, I'm not even afraid of He Jun anymore.

"Who are you talking about?" Just as Li Xiang Ning took her seat, I stood up and looked at her with a bad expression.

"I'm talking about you, you're an idiot, what's wrong?" Li Xiang Ning slammed the book down onto the table before standing up, looking extremely proud. But even if she stood up, she would only reach my chin.

"I did provoke you, and you are really targeting me!" I had wanted to say this kind of thing for a long time, but today, I finally said it.

"I just don't like you, how can I drop it!" Li Xiang Ning looked at me and said disdainfully.

In this school, there are many boys who view her as a goddess. They wish they could embrace her and bring her up to the sky, but I, Guan Yihan, am not.

Seeing Li Xiang Ning's arrogant appearance, how could I bear with it? I shouted at Li Xiang Ning, who knew that He Jun would come in at this time. When He Jun came in and saw me, he pushed me to the ground without saying a word.

"Guan Yi Han your ass, I already warned you. If you dare to be impolite to Li Xiang Ning, I won't forgive you!" Saying that, He Jun punched me in the face.

It was clearly her, Li Xiang Ning, who was the one targeting me first, yet she acted as if I was bullying her, Li Xiang Ning.

I grabbed He Jun by the collar and flipped him away. I clenched my fist and punched him in the face. There was a muffled sound, and the corner of He Jun's mouth was bleeding.

"Guan Yihan, stop hitting me!" Sun Han urged me from behind.

After He Jun was punched by me, he grabbed my hair and threw the books on the ground towards my head. After two bangs, my face was in pain.

The pain stimulated my furious nerves. I snapped He Jun's pinky and took his hand from my hair, before fiercely punching him in the stomach. After this punch, He Jun curled up on the floor, and before He Jun could counterattack, I grabbed him and kicked him viciously in the stomach.

After a few ringing sounds, He Jun was kicked to the ground by me. The fallen He Jun smashed down a few desks, and books were scattered all over the floor.

Although we lost that fight last time, because of that fight, I became a lot bolder. I already had the advantage when fighting He Jun alone, and with Li Xiang Ning's initial flare up, my heart was thoroughly set ablaze.

I originally wanted to go up and teach He Jun a lesson. This bastard has suppressed me for so long, it's time to return it to him.

I was walking towards He Jun who was lying on the ground when the principal came. It was Sun Han who called the principal over. After the principal brought our professional teacher in, he called me and He Jun into the security room.

This time, the one who suffered the most serious injuries was He Jun, so the principal decided that this fight was my fault. This was what the principal had decided, and Li Xiang Ning along with her other classmates also complained about me, saying that I was the one who beat He Jun up first.

I don't really care whose fault it was, but I was furious when I saw them colluding together to frame me.

When He Jun came out of the security room, he gritted his teeth and glared at me viciously. Let me wait!

He Jun didn't return to the classroom after he left. He didn't take any of the classes in the morning. I thought it would be over just like that, but it obviously wasn't.

At noon, after school time, He Jun called his henchmen and Fat Brother Ma Tao to stop me on the sports field. He was even holding a wooden stick in his hand.

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