At noon, after school, I put down my books and walked out of the classroom. Just as I walked onto the sports field, He Jun stopped me. The morning, He Jun was beaten badly by me, the blood at the corner of his mouth and the bruises on his face were still clearly visible.

This time, not only did He Jun call his henchmen, but he also called Brother Ma Tao. The people that Brother Ma Tao brought along, along with He Jun and the rest, amounted to fifteen people, while I was alone.

"Guan Yi Han, you have guts! Today, I will f * cking kill you!" He Jun glared at me while gnashing his teeth. His eyeballs were about to pop out from his eye sockets.

He originally had a large number of people, and adding on the wooden stick, I would definitely die. Although my courage is much greater than before, that doesn't mean that I'm not afraid of being beaten up. From the looks of it, He Jun's going to kill me today.

Not long after I came out, Sun Han and Li Xiang Ning came out of the classroom. Li Xiang Ning saw He Jun bringing so many people to stop me. Not shouting out encouragement was already an extremely benevolent action on her part.

Sun Han saw the situation unfolding before his eyes and immediately wanted to drag me away, but with today's situation, how could I possibly escape?

"Hurry up and help me call for Jiang Shan An!" "Hurry up," I whispered into Sun Han's ear. After Sun Han heard what I said, he gave me a look before trotting away.

"Guan Yi Han, before, I just thought I could teach you a lesson, that's why I didn't teach you a lesson. But today, you are f * cking brave, killing me is good!" "If I don't break your legs today, then I won't be called He Jun!" He Jun looked at me and roared. I don't know if it was because his mouth was opened so wide that the wound at the corner of his mouth was torn open, but it flowed down the corner of his mouth, causing him to look even more angry.

He Jun's words weren't a joke. Based on the current situation, if no one helped me, breaking my legs would be considered as a light move.

I was silent the entire time, because I knew that the enraged He Jun couldn't stand the slightest bit of fanning fire. Any spark would make him even more furious, resulting in a very unfavorable outcome for me.

"F * cking mute!" He Jun pointed at me and cursed. The moment he finished speaking, he ruthlessly kicked me.

I was kicked to the ground by He Jun. Originally, I could have resisted, but I was very clear in my heart that retaliation was not a wise move. It would only make He Jun's attacks more ruthless. After kicking me to the ground, He Jun walked towards me with the wooden stick. Without saying anything further, he viciously swung the stick at my thigh. My thigh was in so much pain from the swing that I unconsciously let out a cry.

Ma Tao, the chubby brother and the rest looked on coldly from the side. Li Xiang Ning glanced at me with disdain before she left. She wasn't interested in this kind of fight scene.

Those students, upon seeing someone fighting, rushed up to watch as if they were looking at a rare object. There were many spectators, but not a single one tried to persuade them otherwise. Most of them were cheering for the best.

After He Jun hit me once, he didn't stop. He swung the wooden stick on my body and hit me a few more times.

I held my head so that He Jun's stick wouldn't hit my head. He Jun hit me a few more times before Sun Han and Jiang Shan An arrived.

When Jiang Shan saw that I was being fanned by military wooden sticks, he rolled up his sleeves and was ready to go to war.

"Stop right there! Otherwise, don't blame me for being impolite!" An Dabao looked at He Jun fiercely, but He Jun was not threatened by He Da Bao.

Just when Jiang Shan and Big Treasure wanted to clean He Jun up, they were stopped by Ma Tao and his men just as they were about to make a move.

Obviously, the reason He Jun called Fat Brother Ma Tao over wasn't to let them watch the show, but to let Fat Brother Ma Tao restrain Jiang Shan, An Dabao, and the rest.

The number of people that Jiang Shan called over wasn't as many as He Jun's group. After being stopped by the chubby brother Ma Tao's group, Jiang Shan and the rest were unable to protect themselves, so how could they still control me?

"You'd better scram, or else I'll be rude to you!" Jiang Shan threatened.

However, with Brother Fatty supporting Ma Tao, how could he feel even the slightest bit of fear? After Jiang Shan finished speaking, Brother Fatty said indifferently, "Jiang Shan, this is a matter between them. It's better if you don't interfere. Let them settle it themselves!"

"Are you f * cking joking with me? He Jun, that bastard, is holding a stick. "Get out of my way!" This time, Jiang Shan was truly worried, his teeth were chattering and his eyes looked as if they were spewing fire.

After the chubby brother saw the mountains, he did not say anything else. He walked in front of them and blocked them with his body. The meaning was very simple. If you want to help, then hit me first.

Jiang Shan didn't waste any more time with the chubby one. He swung his fist and started fighting. The chubby one also didn't hold back and clenched his fist tightly in a counterattack.

Jiang Shan and An Dabao were blocked by their chubby brother Ma Tao and his men, leaving only He Jun and me.

"Student He Jun, stop hitting me!" "Stop!" Sun Han, who couldn't be of much help, saw that I was being fanned by military wooden sticks and tried to persuade him.

However, in the entire school, only Li Xiang Ning was able to persuade He Jun. He Jun's words were completely dismissive.

There was no point in persuading Sun Han. He wanted to snatch the wooden stick from He Jun's hands, but he was pushed away by He Jun. He threw Sun Han onto the ground with his elbow broken.

Seeing the blood on Sun Han's elbow, how could I bear it? I grabbed the wooden stick in He Jun's hand and kicked him away while He Jun and I were pulling on the wooden stick. Then, I climbed back up from the ground.

I was really angry, and without caring about the consequences, I clenched my fist and shouted as I charged towards He Jun.

At that moment, my mind was blank, and all that was left was anger. At that moment, all the pain in my body had completely turned into strength.

I grabbed He Jun's collar and punched him hard in the face. After that punch, He Jun's nose was bleeding like a faucet.

If I resist now, it will only make my fate worse. But it's different now, with Jiang Shan and the others coming, even Ma Tao and the others won't be able to help He Jun. If I don't fight now, when is the time for me to fight back?

After getting a nosebleed from me, He Junhui used his hand to wipe the blood off his nose. Then, with a gloomy expression, he pointed a wooden stick at my head and viciously swung it.

Fortunately, I reacted quickly and blocked He Jun's menacing wooden stick with my hand.

However, although He Jun's wooden stick didn't land on me, it almost made my fingers go short. The piercing pain caused the anger in my heart to skyrocket.

"F * ck!" I shouted and snatched the wooden stick from He Jun. After I snatched the wooden stick from him, I didn't think much and swung the wooden stick at He Jun's head.

After swinging the pole, He Jun was almost knocked down by me. At that time, I was on the verge of going berserk, how could I think so much. Seeing that He Jun didn't fall, I swung the pole at his head again.

Boom! * A crisp sound rang out as the wooden stick broke into two.

He Jun fell to the ground. After he fell, He Jun closed his eyes and didn't move at all. He didn't even scream out in pain.

Seeing the fallen He Jun's head continuously bleeding, I was stunned as if I had been injected with a tranquilizer. I stared blankly at the collapsed He Jun.

"He's killing someone!" Someone shouted.

Big Brother Tao, Big Brother Jiang Shan An and Big Brother An stopped when they heard this loud shout. There was a huge disparity in strength between Jiang Shan and Fatty. In the brief fight just now, it was obvious that Jiang Shan's side was at a disadvantage.

After everyone stopped, they saw the unconscious He Jun lying on the ground. They saw the blood that was spurting out of He Jun's head like a fountain. My entire being was stupefied.

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