Fighting in a school was unavoidable, but if there was a human life accident, then it would be a big problem. It wouldn't be as simple as a fight.

Although I hated He Jun, I never thought of beating him to death. I blankly stared at He Jun, who had fallen to the ground, with the half of the wooden stick still in my hand.

Seeing this, Brother Fatty hurriedly came over to listen to He Jun's heartbeat. After lying down to listen to He Jun's heartbeat, he called his men to carry He Jun to the infirmary. Before he left, he coldly looked at me and said, "You've gotten into a lot of trouble this time!"

Big Brother An Dabao, Jiang Shan and the rest of us all suffered from varying degrees of injuries. After Brother Fatty led his people to carry He Jun away, Jiang Shan led us to the outside of the school.

There's no other way. Jiang Shan picked up the phone and called Brother Kun. After Brother Kun connected, Jiang Shan told Brother Kun about the situation here, and Brother Kun told him to bring me over to his side. He tried his best to think of a way to resolve this matter.

I told Anfey and Sun Han to go back first. Sun Han was worried that something might happen to me, but she still obediently went back after I told her to go back.

When we went there, Brother Kun was sitting there smoking. After Jiang Shan brought me in, he told Brother Kun in detail about the situation at that time.

After hearing this, Brother Kun nodded and asked us if He Jun was really dead? Jiang Shan said he didn't know, but looking at the situation, even if He Jun didn't die, it would be impossible for him to stay in bed for one or two months.

Brother Kun wants us to go back to class as usual. He wants us to think about it and see if there is any way to resolve this matter.

When I went back to class in the afternoon, before I could even step into the classroom, I was called in by the teacher to the principal's office. When I went back to class in the afternoon, before I could even step into the classroom, I was called in by the teacher to the principal's office.

After criticizing me for a while, the principal angrily said, "The He Jun's parents are coming to the school tomorrow to seek an explanation. Call your parents here tomorrow morning!"

I nodded my head before being chased out of the building by the principal. After class, I went back dejectedly after the end of the afternoon. I had beaten up He Jun to such a state, so it was obvious that the matter had blown up.

If I could, I would rather let He Jun beat me up and go to the hospital, but all of this has already happened.

When my aunt and uncle returned in the evening, I hesitated for a moment. In the end, I told my aunt and uncle that after they heard that I had finished, they would call their parents.

When my parents heard about it, they didn't scold me nor did they yell at me. They only said that they would take the bus to the county city tomorrow.

It takes a lot of time to get to the county town by car from my hometown, so the next day was when my uncle accompanied me to school.

I didn't take any classes in the morning and just stayed in the principal's office. Uncle was an honest man, and after entering the principal's office, he was scolded like a pig by the principal.

As this matter is all my fault, my uncle who was lectured like a grandson could only smile and nod his head. He had the principal help him in explaining it properly to his parents later on and settle this matter.

After we stayed in the principal's office for a while, He Jun's father came over. He Jun's father had a mental illness before, so they all called him Crazy He. Crazy He came into the principal's office under the lead of my professional teacher.

Madman He was wearing a black short-sleeved T-shirt with tattoos on his arms and arms. Lunatic He was especially strong. Her arm was like an ox's thigh, and she also had a ferocious expression. There were some scars on her face, and her ferocious appearance coupled with her blue tattoo made her look even more frightening.

Crazy He walked straight to the principal after he entered, knocking over the principal's desk with a kick, grabbed the principal's tie and cursed: "F * ck, the son of a labourer was beaten into the hospital, f * cking became the principal who hanged himself!"

The middle-aged headmaster was lifted up like a little chicken by Lunatic He. After a few fierce curses from Lunatic He, the headmaster who had crossed his legs a moment ago suddenly became like a grandson. He didn't dare to say much and just pointed at me and said, "This. This parent, he's the one who beat up your son. If you have any problems, you can discuss it with his uncle! "

Crazy He heard the principal throw him aside and came in front of me with a face as dark as Rakshasi's, "You little bastard, you're the hospital where you beat my son into?"

I nodded and said that He Jun was the one who made the first move, and the wooden stick was also his. Crazy He impatiently yelled, "I don't care about that much. I'm just going to ask you, how do you plan to settle this matter?"

"Since your son is hospitalized, then let's discuss this and see if we can compensate for the medical expenses!" Uncle said quietly on the side. People like Madman He didn't want to offend anyone.

"Medical expenses? "Then I'll give you the medical fees. I'll send this little bastard into the hospital, do you think it's okay?" Crazy He shouted.

Uncle humbly asked Crazy He how he planned to solve this problem. Crazy He's eyes slanted as he impatiently said, "I won't be wasting my time talking to you. This little bastard beat up my son. There's no room for negotiation until he takes out 500,000 yuan!"

Five hundred thousand was an astronomical number for me, and a large sum for my uncle.

"We really can't afford the five hundred thousand." Uncle said awkwardly as he looked at Lunatic He.

"You can't take it out?" Crazy He's expression turned completely pale when he heard his uncle's words. He grabbed his uncle's collar and viciously said, "I don't want to waste my breath with you. Even if it's five hundred thousand, you still have to take it, no!" You have to take it too! I'll give you two days. If you don't have five hundred thousand, then I'll also bring this little brat into the hospital. That'll be even! "

Madman He gritted his teeth as he pushed his uncle away and left the room in a rage.

Seeing how the principal, Madman He, was bullying me to the point that I almost cried … Uncle, I feel really sour inside. If it wasn't for me, Uncle would never have been humiliated like this.

After exchanging a few words with the principal, uncle left for home. I returned to the classroom to continue my lessons. Uncle told me to study properly inside the school so he could leave first.

When my uncle said this to me, I felt even more guilty. In school, I had never really listened to a single lesson and had always been muddling along.

After returning to the classroom, Sun Han saw my bitter face and asked me how things were going. I sighed and said it was useless. Seeing that I was in a bad mood, he didn't say anything more.

At the end of class at noon, Jiang Shan came to find me and ask me what had happened. I told Jiang Shan what had happened, and Jiang Shan told me to be careful when I was outside the school, Lunatic He is a famous hoodlum in this area, he has a bunch of hoodlums under his command, if I beat up his son He Jun, he would definitely find trouble with me, and at that time he would not send people to deal with me.

After school, my parents called me. They said they were going to come to the county town, but my brother called them to tell them not to use the town anymore. My brother said he would help think of a way to deal with the situation here, so Mom didn't worry.

When I heard my mother say that, I really had mixed feelings, an indescribable feeling in my heart.

Last time, my brother clearly told me not to look for him anymore, why did he change his attitude this time?

After hanging up from my mother's call, an unfamiliar phone call came into my phone. After I picked up the call, I realized that my brother had called me.

Big brother only nonchalantly told me to go to Brother Kun's Di right? Where is he waiting for me?

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