After hanging up, I packed up a bit and took a taxi to Brother Kun's Di Bar. The moment I entered, I was brought to a table. The people sitting next to that table were Brother Kun and my brother.

Compared to the first time I saw you, big brother's attire was clearly much better this time. After he saw me come, big brother Kun immediately told me to sit down and have a drink. When big brother saw me come, he just raised his head and looked at me very casually, then continued to drink without saying a word.

Seeing my brother's cold attitude, I actually felt very sad. After carefully sitting down, my brother calmly looked at me and asked me how was the student I was beaten up. Did the parents say anything?

Although I didn't like my brother's cold attitude towards me, he was still my brother after all, so I told him everything. But what I didn't expect was that not only did he not offer any help, he even spouted a bunch of things at me.

He said that he only knew how to fight when I wasn't in school properly. What was the point of fighting? Now that he was fighting, how was he supposed to end the fight?

I can stand his indifference to me, but I can't stand him coming to lecture me as an irresponsible brother.

I slapped the table and stood up. I looked at him and retorted righteously, "You're still my blood brother after all. It's fine if you don't help me when I have something to do, but you're still scolding me here. You don't even care about me. You don't have the qualifications to scold me!"

Originally, I was in a bad mood because of Madman He's matter, but when I saw his cold face, I could no longer hold back the anger in my heart. Although these are just angry words, but I've always wanted to say them to my brother.

My voice was so loud that my brother almost slapped me in the face, but he didn't do anything.

Seeing that, Big Brother Kun told me to go back first. If there's anything else, I'll call him.

I went back in a huff. After I went back, I washed my feet and fell asleep.

It was time for revenge after two days of peace and quiet.

It was an afternoon. Sun Han and I had just left the school, but just as we walked out, five or six yellow-hair stopped us. Those five or six had sticks in their hands and looked ferocious. It was obvious that they had come with ill intentions.

The leader of the group pointed his stick at me and asked if I was called Guan Yi Han, which made me nod in fear. When he heard that I was Guan Yi Han, he immediately told me his identity, saying that he was sent by Lunatic He to collect the debt and asked me if I had prepared the 500,000 dollars yet.

Only then did I remember that Lunatic He had said that he would give me two days to raise five hundred thousand yuan. If I wasn't unable to pay that much money, I would have been sent to the hospital.

Judging from the aggressive yellow-hair today, what Lunatic He said wasn't a joke. If I don't have the money, then today's fight is inevitable.

"Sun Han, run!" I shouted at Sun Han. Without thinking too much, I ran. The only thing I wanted now was to run. I had 500,000 yuan.

After Sun Han heard what I had to say, he immediately started to run away. Seeing that we had escaped, the rest of the yellow-hair was willing to give up. Holding onto a wooden stick, they chased after us, cursing loudly as they chased us, saying that if I dared to run, if they catch me, they would definitely break my legs.

It was also luck that we were caught by the yellow-hair just a few steps away. I'm afraid that the yellow-hair might think that Sun Han and I were in the same group and hurt him. So when I got caught, I let Sun Han run first.

After those yellow hair caught me, they didn't have the leisure to take care of Sun Han. After seeing Sun Han escape, my heart relaxed a little.

The leading yellow-hair caught me and grabbed my collar as he glared at me. "You little bastard! You still dare to run?! Today, I will definitely break your legs!"

After saying that, he kicked me away and swung the wooden stick towards my thigh. There was a loud and clear bang as I cried out in pain. My hand unconsciously covered my thigh and my entire body was trembling.

I felt that my leg bones were about to break. The piercing pain made me cry out in pain as cold sweat dripped down my forehead.

"Now do you know what the consequences are? Let's see if you're honest or not!" That yellow-hair fiercely looked at me and said, not intending to stop at all.

Unlike the fights in the school, the fights in the school were all based on one's calculations, and these social fights with yellow fur didn't care about the consequences at all.

Boom! *

The yellow-hair paused for a moment, then swung the stick at my other leg, which hurt so much that I almost fainted. The pain made me shiver, and my forehead was covered in cold sweat.

When the yellow-hair saw me lying on the ground, trembling in pain, he continued to laugh and even made a bet on whether my leg was broken as a bargaining chip.

"Little trash, do you still dare to run now?" The yellow hair leader held his wooden stick as he glared at me.

I was really scared this time and hurriedly said that I didn't dare to do it again. That yellow-hair laughed out loud after hearing what I said. Then, his expression changed as he glared at me and said, "It's too late! Boss He said that if you can't get the money today, you must be sent to the hospital! "

After saying that, that yellow-hair swung the wooden stick towards my already hand and ruthlessly smashed it on my thigh. Where did I howl in pain?

Just as that yellow-hair was about to hit me on the head with a pole, Sun Han called for Anda Bao. Sun Han had already run away, but she couldn't stop worrying about me.

Seeing that I was beaten to such a state, An Dabao took out his baton and swung it towards the yellow hair. The yellow hair didn't want to let anything happen to me anymore. Seeing An Dabao running towards him, he threw down his wooden stick and ran.

After the yellow hair ran away, he squatted down and looked at me. He hurriedly asked how I was doing. I said in pain. I felt that my leg would hurt if I moved it.

Without a word, Anda Bao rushed me into the hospital. After checking in the hospital, the doctor said that there were cracks in my femur and that I didn't need surgery. I just needed to recuperate for a while.

After uncle and aunt found out that I was beaten up, they didn't set up their stall anymore. After closing up the stall, they went straight to the hospital. When I went back, it was uncle who helped me back.

Uncle and Auntie originally planned to tell Mom and Dad about this, but I begged them not to. Uncle and Auntie finally put down their phones and didn't call Mom and Dad.

My aunt and uncle took a leave of absence from school for me to recuperate in my room. Walking on the floor after getting hit in my thigh was a problem, and I would feel excruciating pain whenever I moved.

Uncle originally planned not to set up his stall and take care of me at home. However, since the county's consumption rate is so high, it's impossible not to earn money.

After discussing it with my uncle, my aunt told my cousin to take care of me at home. My cousin stayed at home every day, and my cousin obviously didn't want to take care of me, but she didn't dare disobey my uncle, so even though she didn't want to, she still nodded and agreed.

I couldn't move my thigh due to the injury. I just lay in bed all day, while my cousin only buys me food outside. She doesn't care about anything else.

Actually, I didn't want to trouble my cousin, but I had no choice but to ask her for help. After eating, I wanted to go to the toilet, so I had no choice but to ask my cousin for help to help me go to the toilet.

Cousin was very reluctant, but it seemed that I was too busy to do anything. In the end, she could only reluctantly accept it.

After helping me into the bathroom, my cousin put me down and was about to leave, but as soon as she let me go, I fell to the ground like a pillar that had lost its support.

As I fell to the ground, I instinctively clawed my surroundings. Just as I was about to fall to the ground, I stopped my cousin. However, as my cousin was too light, I pulled her along with me and she fell down.

"Cousin, are you alright?" Seeing that my cousin had fallen down, I hurriedly used my hands to ask.

"How is it going to be okay? "Are you crazy? Why did you pull me down?" My cousin looked at me furiously and asked.

Just as I was about to explain, I saw that my cousin's expression changed. At this moment, I realised that I was already riding on my cousin's body.

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