When I saw the smile on the black cow's face, I understood. I smiled and sat down and filled the black cow with wine. After the black cow picked up the glass, he looked at me and said with a smile: "what? You're not afraid of being spilled by me again!"

I shook my head and said I wasn't afraid. The black cow laughed and drank the wine in the glass. After drinking, the black cow looked at me and said: "I already know what Lei Gong told you, and I also know the terms you and Lei Gong put forward, so I know what you want after I heard that you took refuge in Tian Luozi. It happened that Tian Luozi invited me to dinner again, so I took my little brother on purpose. I don't know what Tian Luozi bastard wants to invite me to dinner. This bastard has always been arrogant, No It must have ulterior motives to invite me to dinner! "

I smiled and drank a glass of wine. It turned out that the black cow had known for a long time. No wonder I said that the black cow had some friendship with me. How could he treat me like that? It turned out to be so.

"After I took my little brother there, I knew what Tian Luozi's son of a bitch wanted to do. I played a good play for Tian Luozi to enjoy! I started harder at that time, so you should forgive me," said Heiniu, looking at me.

I smiled and said it was nothing but a slap. What if I could kill the snail, even if it was to cut me.

"Brother Liu's acting is really good. I really thought you were angry at that time. If you were an actor, the film emperor would not be captured!" I looked at Heiniu and smiled.

After laughing, Heiniu said I was good too. After talking and laughing, Heiniu talked to me about business. Heiniu told me that Lei Gong's body is getting worse day by day. Although Lei Gong claims that his body is still strong, in fact, Lei Gong's body is the end of the crossbow. Before long, Lei Gong may die.

Black bull said that now Lei Gong doesn't allow anyone in Sanlian hall to visit him in the hospital. In fact, he just doesn't want people to know his real situation.

Heiniu said that Lei Gong's time is running out. I have to seize the time and find a chance to kill the snail. It's bad for us if we keep dragging on like this.

Naturally, I know what's at stake. Tian Luozi has been eyeing the position of the leader of the triple hall for a long time. It's only a few days since I took refuge in Tian Luozi. It's not the time to kill Tian Luozi. We have to wait for a while. Now we have to pray that Lei Gong can live some more time, but if he has cancer, he can only wait to die.

After having two drinks with black bull, I went to the hospital to find sun Han. Lei Gong didn't allow anyone from Sanlian hall to visit him except black bull. I had to find sun han to find out the situation.

Sun Han said that Lei Gong was fine two days ago, but his condition has deteriorated too seriously these two days. Sun Han said that if Lei Gong's body continues to deteriorate like this, I'm afraid he won't live for a month. Of course, sun Han is not alarmist. Lei Gong has advanced cancer and is dying soon.

After asking about Lei Gong's physical condition, I asked sun Han if she had ever heard of Lei Gong's successor. I didn't care who was the hall leader. I just asked.

Sun Han looked at me and said blandly, "do you still need to ask me such a simple question? If Lei Gong dies, he will naturally hand over the power of the triple hall to Heiniu. The person he believes most in the whole triple hall is Heiniu!"

If black bull can take charge of the triple hall, I am naturally very happy. Black bull is also qualified to take charge of the triple hall. However, if black bull wants to succeed in becoming the leader of the hall, he must first let Tian Luozi die. Tian Luozi will not die. All this is empty talk.

After chatting with sun Han for a while, I went back. In the next more than a month, as long as Tian Luozi had something to command, I was always the first to stand up and do business for him. In this more than a month, I killed many of his enemies for Tian Luozi, and I had a lot of blood debt in my hand.

However, I also gained more trust from Tian Luozi. Among those partial hall leaders who subordinate to Tian Luozi, Tian Luozi is the best to me. He even handed over all his casinos to me, and the money he earned belongs to me. In addition, he paid for a big house for me.

I was not polite to him. I moved in with Li Xiangning and sister steel teeth. I had just moved to the new house. Less than three days later, there was news from the inside of the triple hall that Lei Gong's condition was getting worse and worse. Lei Gong would die in a few days at most.

Tian Luozi naturally heard the news, and I don't know who sent it. I asked sun Han and Heiniu, and they all confirmed it. Lei Gong's condition has indeed deteriorated, and Lei Gong's physical condition is indeed not optimistic. Lei Gong will die soon.

Black bull also called me out because of this. Black bull looked at me and said earnestly: "although Lei Gong's current physical condition is not very bad, he can't die for a while and a half. You have to hurry up and get rid of the snail!"

Originally, I wondered how the news of Lei Gong's deterioration came out. After black bull told me, I knew that Lei Gong deliberately let people spread it. Although Lei Gong's health is not good, he is still some distance from death.

The reason why Lei Gong asked people to spread the news that he would soon die is that he deliberately wanted Tian Luozi to know the news. If Tian Luozi knew that Lei Gong would soon die, he would certainly start to do something. Lei Gong asked me to kill Tian Luozi as soon as possible, and Heiniu would try his best to help me.

All these are Lei Gong's plans. If Tian Luozi starts to take action, I will kill Tian Luozi for the triple hall. In this way, Tian Luozi's men have no reason to seek revenge from me. On the contrary, if Tian Luozi hasn't taken action, I will kill him. Tian Luozi's men will definitely kill me, and I will implicate Li Xiangning and sister steel teeth.

Lei Gong is also making plans for me, for which I am also very grateful. As a little brother, it is really an honor to get such attention.

After discussing with Heiniu, I went back. In the evening, I went to tianluozi's residence to check the situation of tianluozi and see if tianluozi had started to act.

When I went, Tian Luozi was sitting drinking tea. After I went, Tian Luozi said with a smile that he was trying to find me. I asked Tian Luozi why he was looking for me.

After pouring me a cup of tea, Tian Luozi looked at me and said with a smile, "I heard from my men that you and Lei Gong's lover's name is sun Han. It seems that you know her very well. Did you know her before?"

I nodded and said that sun Han and I had really known each other before, but I didn't tell Tian Luozi about the process of knowing each other. I just said that sun Han and I had known each other before.

"Oh, that's what happened. To tell brother Guan, sun Han's girl looks really good. She's really wronged to follow Lei Gong. Lei Gong is so old that she can be satisfied there! I've already thought about it. After Lei Gong dies, I'll keep her up! Have a good time every night!", Tian Luozi said with a very obscene laugh, and the smile was full of debauchery.

After talking about sun Han, Tian Luozi asked me if I knew the news that Lei Gong was about to die. I said I knew. After that, I deliberately asked Tian Luozi what he should do next. Tian Luozi smiled and looked at me and said: "If I become the hall leader, I won't treat you badly. I have to let you be the main hall leader anyway! Lei Gong is dying, and it's time for me to prepare for action, but before taking action, I still have to make sure whether Lei Gong's body is really dead."

I asked Tian Luozi how to determine the law. After laughing, Tian Luozi said loudly to his little brother outside the door: "bring me people!"

As soon as Tian Luozi's voice fell, sun Han was framed in by two strong men, his hands were tied with ropes, and his mouth was stuck with strong tape.

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