Sun Han looked at me pitifully after he was brought in. I was also stunned at that time. I didn't expect that Tian Luozi would be brought here by sun Han. Before I thought about it, sun Han was directly thrown to the ground by Tian Luozi's men. Sun Han was wearing a dress without silk stockings. After being lost, sun Han's knees were worn out, And bleeding.

Tian Luozi walked up to sun Han with an obscene smile, and then tore off the strong tape on Sun Han's mouth. Tian Luozi raised sun Han's chin with his hand, looked at Sun Han and said with a smile: "tut Tut, it's a pity for such a beautiful girl to give to Lei Gong. How nice it would be for me!"

After Tian Luozi released sun Han, sun Han looked at Tian Luozi and said angrily, "Tian Luozi, what do you mean? If you dare to treat me like this, are you not afraid of Lei Gong looking for you?"

Tian Luozi stall looked at Sun Han and said helplessly, "I'm afraid! Of course I'm afraid, but the premise is that Lei Gong has to get up from bed! By the way, there's still something important to do. I ask you, there's news that Lei Gong is about to die. Is it true?"

Sun Han closed his mouth tightly and didn't talk to Tian Luozi. I couldn't make any moves when Tian Luozi was present. He sat there and drank tea honestly.

Seeing that sun Han didn't answer, Tian Luozi snorted coldly, and then slapped sun Han's small face directly. The slap made a special noise. After this slap, the corners of sun Han's mouth were fanned out with blood, and a palm print immediately appeared on his white face.

"You'd better answer me frankly, otherwise you don't think I dare not touch you!" Tian Luozi said fiercely looking at Sun Han.

After being slapped by Tian Luozi, sun Han burst into tears in his eyes. After Tian Luozi asked, sun Han nodded and said yes, Lei Gong's physical condition is really not very good, and his condition has been deteriorating.

After hearing this answer, Tian Luozi nodded and said that it was almost the same. After drinking a cup of tea, Tian Luozi squatted down and looked at Sun Han sitting on the ground, with an obscene face and said: "Just now I started to focus. I'm here to apologize to you. Since Lei Gong can't live for a few days, you can follow me in the future. I promise to make you popular and spicy. I'll make you refreshing every night! How about it?"

Sun Han quickly shook his head, looked at Tian Luozi and said with some fear: "Lei Gong promised me that if he died, he would give me a sum of money. I can do whatever I want at that time!"

"That's Lei Gong's promise to you. It doesn't have anything to do with me. You have to promise or not. You don't want to go back tonight!" Tian Luozi looked at Sun Han coldly and said. It seems that Tian Luozi has a lust for sun Han. He doesn't intend to let Sun Han go back tonight.

"You take her to my room, tie her up well, and I'll teach her myself later!" Tian Luozi told his men.

After Tian Luozi finished, his younger brothers put sun Han on the shelf and prepared to escort sun han to Tian Luozi's room. Sun Han quickly looked at me pitifully and wanted me to help her.

"Brother Tian, wait a minute!" I looked at Tian Luozi and said. Tian Luozi asked me what's the matter. I went to sun Han and asked Tian Luozi's younger brother to loosen sun Han. Then I looked at Tian Luozi and continued: "brother Tian, you may not know the origin between me and sun Han. I'll talk to brother Tian today."

After I swallowed my saliva, Hotan Luozi talked about the gratitude and resentment between me and sun Han. I also deliberately exaggerated the fact that sun Han abandoned me. After I finished, Hotan Luozi looked at me and asked, "what do you mean, brother Guan?"

"I want to ask brother Tian to give sun han to me! In fact, I hate her in my heart for a long time. Just because she is Lei Gong's lover, I have to greet her with a smile and pretend that the past has been written off! In fact, I can't wait for Lei Gong to die soon, so that I can take good revenge on her!" , I looked at Tian Luozi and said. When I said this, I deliberately pretended to be very angry.

After nodding, Tian Luozi said he understood, "since you have such a dispute with her, brother Guan, I'll give her to you! Or let you vent your hatred!"

After that, Tian Luozi asked her younger brother to push sun han to me. I was very angry. After saying the previous things, sun Han looked at me with tears in her eyes. After she was pushed to me by Tian Luozi's men, she ran to Tian Luozi herself. She looked at Tian Luozi and said pitifully: "Just let me follow you in the future! I don't want to fall into his hands!"

"You abandoned my brother Guan at the beginning. You must pay back this account!" Tian Luozi pushed sun han to me violently after saying that.

I'm also speechless to sun Han. Can't she see that I'm acting? She's really stupid enough to believe what I just said.

Tian Luozi asked his younger brother to drive me back in his car and help me pick up sun Han. After Tian Luozi ordered, sun Han was tied up and carried into the car. I also got in the car and was ready to go back.

When he was in the car, sun Han refused to look at me. After seeing me to the door, Tian Luozi's younger brother left, leaving sun Han and me there.

After I carried sun Han up the corridor, I untied her. After I untied sun Han for her, sun Han looked at me and said angrily, "I didn't expect you Guan Yihan to be such a person. You are so hypocritical. I really thought you underestimated the past. Unexpectedly!" when sun Han said this, there were tears in his eyes and almost cried.

I looked at Sun Han and smiled. "I thought you were very smart. Your grades at school were much better than me, but I didn't expect you to be so stupid. If I didn't tell Tian Luozi so much, do you think Tian Luozi would let you go so easily?"

"Well, it's getting late today. Hurry back to take care of Lei Gong! I have to go back to bed," I said blandly looking at Sun Han. After that, I yawned and prepared to go upstairs and go back to my room.

At this time, sun Han trotted to the front, and then blocked my way with open arms. She looked into my eyes and hurriedly asked, "that means you didn't hate me because of the previous things?"

"Why do I hate you? I'm full. How long has it been? Why do I still hate you? Do you really think Guan Yihan is the kind of person with a small stomach! Well, come back quickly, I should go back to bed!" then I bypassed sun Han and walked up from her.

I just got on the two steps, and Sun Han ran up and down again. He looked at me seriously and said, "no, I don't want to go back. If you want me to go out now, if I go out now, if the snail is to arrange an eye liner, what will he think of if he sees this scene? If Da Ko knows you are playing him, will he let you go?"

What sun Han said is not unreasonable. I took a look at Sun Han and asked her to go to the house with me. She will go back to take care of Lei Gong tomorrow morning.

Sun Han followed me to the door. After I knocked on the door, gang Ya Mei and Li Xiangning came to open the door for me, but to my surprise, gang Ya Mei and Li Xiangning were waiting for me in a nurse's uniform. As soon as the door opened, Li Xiangning and gang Ya Mei smiled and took a fake stethoscope and said they wanted to see a doctor for me.

Originally, Li Xiangning and steel tooth sister were smiling, but when they saw sun Hanzhi behind me, the smiles on their faces disappeared. Li Xiangning threw the stethoscope to the ground and went to watch TV without a good face after humming.

I know that steel tooth sister and Li Xiangning are angry about why I brought sun Han home, but I brought sun Han, so I can't drive others out.

After I went in, I took sun han to our big bed, "we have always slept together. You can squeeze with them tonight!"

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