After we stayed with my brother for two days, my brother went out with us. Originally, sister Qian stopped my brother from going out, but after my brother's hard advice, sister Qian didn't stop. My brother asked sister Qian to wait for childbirth. He came back after he finished his work.

That is, we came to the green dragon club in most of the day. The first thing to do when my brother came was to worry about his original younger brothers, as well as brother Hu's younger brothers. It is reported that some of brother Hu's younger brothers and brother's younger brothers took refuge in fat chickens after my brother went to the countryside, and some followed brother Kun. When my brother came back, he waved the flag and shouted, His younger brothers and brother Hu's younger brothers came to take refuge one after another.

Brother Hu's younger brothers and his brother's younger brothers add up to more than 100 people. After these younger brothers come to take refuge in his brother, fat chicken has less power than more than 100 people. Fat chicken is so angry about this. Fat chicken still wants someone to kill his brother, but fat chicken wants to be the leader of the green dragon club more than kill his brother.

When brother Kun heard that his brother came, he came with his little brother to help. In this way, the power of his brother suddenly rose.

In the face of the rising power of his brother, fat chicken chose to ignore it in the future, but it was strange that Liu Haonan of the white tiger club asked someone to suppress his brother as soon as he heard that his brother's momentum was rising. Dozens of younger brothers were injured by the people of the white tiger club.

This matter makes us a little confused. It's reasonable to say that it has nothing to do with the white tiger society. Why did he interfere with the white tiger society?

Now the main thing to deal with is the fat chicken. I'll put it aside for the time being. My brother asked me to go to the green dragon meeting with him tomorrow. My brother said that this time it mainly depends on me. He just tried to think of some ways for me. Most of the things still depend on me. After all, I'm from the triple hall now, so it's more convenient to deal with things.

The next day, my brother and I packed up and set out. We went straight to the conference room of the Qinglong club. Brother Kun said yesterday that fat chicken would force Mr. Jiang to give up his seat with other big brothers at the entrance this morning, and we just had to wait for their meeting.

Brother looked at the time. The time was just right. At this time, fat chicken and other Tangkou brothers had just arrived in the conference room. The time was almost up. We also accelerated our pace and went straight to the conference room of Qinglong club.

I used to follow my brother in the meeting room of the green dragon club. I was familiar with driving. At the door, we were stopped by fat chicken's men. Fat chicken is now powerful, and his younger brothers are contemptuous, but we don't care. My brother looked at fat chicken's men and said righteously: "Mr. Jiang asked us to come this time. Is it possible that his fat chicken is more powerful than Mr. Jiang?"

After we said that, the fat chicken's men still refused to let us in. We had no choice but to fight. After we beat them, the fat chicken's men were honest and let us in.

When we went in, feiji and others and Mr. Jiang were having a meeting. The content was nothing more than asking Mr. Jiang to step down. When we went in, feiji was threatening Mr. Jiang: "Mr. Jiang, if the green dragon club wants to continue to survive, it will have to change the Dynasty and the leader. If it is not for the green dragon club, it may be pushed away at any time. I hope you, Mr. Jiang, focus on the overall situation and abdicate!"

Mr. Jiang sat in the first place with a thoughtful face and no voice. Just at this time, my brother and I walked in.

When the fat chicken saw my brother and I coming in, his face was unconsciously gloomy. The other big brothers at the entrance were silent. He just watched me and my brother come in. When Mr. Jiang saw me and my brother coming, he put on a smile and looked at me and my brother with a smile.

"This is the meeting room of our green dragon club. If you are not from our green dragon club, you'd better get out quickly! Otherwise we will see off the guests!" said the fat chicken, looking at me and my brother, in a tone of disdain and arrogance. Before Mr. Jiang spoke, he began to beep. He really thought he was the leading brother of the green dragon club.

I went straight to the fat chicken. Now, unlike in the past, I won't give him any face. I looked at the fat chicken and said to him loudly, "I know this is the green dragon club, but Mr. Jiang hasn't spoken yet. What are you worried about? The emperor is not worried, but the eunuch is worried!"

The fat chicken clenched his teeth, pointed at it and said fiercely, "you little bastard, I really think you're great after going out for a while! This is the green dragon club. Be careful, or you don't know how you die!"

The fat chicken is still like that. His body is as fat as a big fat pig. His face is shiny. I haven't seen it for a long time. The fat chicken seems to have lost a little weight, but his arrogant tone hasn't changed at all.

"You frighten me? Just because you are as tall as a dead fat pig, you should be careful. Be careful when your cholesterol is too high and you suddenly die!" after I said this, the fat chicken was very angry, but I didn't intend to argue with him here. After I finished, I looked at the fat chicken and said with disdain: "Well, I won't talk nonsense with you. I'm here today to talk business with the leader of the green dragon Association on behalf of the triple hall. You're not qualified!"

After I said this, the fat chicken was so angry that his face was livid and his teeth were clucking. Although I didn't meet the fat chicken for a while, it's also excellent to have a mouth addiction. I've been unhappy with the fat chicken bastard for a long time. It's a breath when I said it today.

After finishing the fat chicken, I went to Mr. Jiang and talked with Mr. Jiang about the cooperation between Sanlian hall and Qinglong society. In fact, Sanlian hall has the intention to cooperate with Qinglong society. These are all the strategies of my brother to interrupt the fat chicken's pressure on Mr. Jiang and let Mr. Jiang continue to sit firmly in the leading position, In this way, our work will be much more convenient in the future.

Mr. Jiang is a smart man. Naturally, he guessed these things. He talked with me there quietly. At first, fat chicken and those big brothers at the entrance were still sitting there listening to me talk with Mr. Jiang, but after listening for a while, he found that the things I talked with Mr. Jiang were really boring. Then fat chicken left with those big brothers at the entrance, which is also the result we want.

After the fat chicken left, Mr. Jiang took my brother Kun to his villa. After we sat down, Mr. Jiang told us about some things he had investigated these days. Mr. Jiang said that brother Hu was killed in the suburbs, probably by insiders, that is to say, his men had been bribed before brother Hu died, As for who bought it, it was undoubtedly a fat chicken.

However, Mr. Jiang's conclusion is only his inference after all. There is no evidence, but what can be done even if it is evidence? Fat chicken will plead guilty and commit suicide. Fat chicken is now powerful. It's not easy to deal with him.

Mr. Jiang said that he had been watched by the fat chicken all the time, and his every move was under the control of the fat chicken. Mr. Jiang asked his brother to deal with the affairs of the green dragon club. He would try his best to cooperate with his brother. Mr. Jiang couldn't do anything. Only his brother could be competent for such a big event.

After a simple meal in Mr. Jiang's villa, I went to see Liu Lang with brother Jiangshan fat. It's time to see my brother after coming for so long.

When we went to see Liu Lang, my brother also came to see brother Hu. Brother Hu and Liu Lang were buried in the same cemetery. We went to see my country, and my brother also stopped by to see brother Hu.

When I saw Liu Lang's tombstone, I thought of what happened on the day when Liu Lang was killed. When I thought of the eyes Liu Lang looked at us before he died, I unconsciously felt some pain. Everything seemed to be in front of me. I was thinking, if only we hadn't set foot on this road at the beginning, everyone would go to find an ordinary job and get together at leisure, although it was ordinary, But it's many times better than that day when people never know.

Just as I was recalling those things before, my brother came and patted me on the shoulder and told me what I should do next.

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