After my brother finished speaking in my ear, I prepared. What my brother ordered is not easy to do. I should hurry to prepare. The next day, I took my two younger brothers to find a Tangkou elder brother of the green dragon club. I also know that Tangkou elder brother. His nickname is Chen Manzi. How can I say that I was once a member of the green dragon club, I still have this eyesight.

When I came to the door of Chen Manzi, I was stopped by his little brother, but after his little brother informed us, Chen Manzi ordered us to be put in.

Chen Manzi was tasting tea in the room. When he saw me coming in, he quickly asked me to sit down and drink tea. I didn't be polite to him. I sat down and drink tea. I've heard that Chen Manzi likes tea for a long time. It's true today. The tea is very delicious. Just smelling the taste, I know that the tea he brews is valuable.

After drinking the tea, I feel very comfortable. This is not because his tea is good, but because since he is willing to give me such good tea, what I have to do today must be twice the result with half the effort.

Chen Manzi hasn't been in the Qinglong club for only one day or two. He is about 40 years old today. He has been sitting as the eldest brother at the entrance of the Qinglong club for seven or eight years. He has been an old bastard like him. He probably guessed the purpose of my coming today. Otherwise, he wouldn't give me such good tea.

They are old bastards like them. Observing their speech and appearance is their strength. I told them about the fat chicken in the conference room of the green dragon Association. They see it in their eyes. People like them say it sounds good to observe their speech and appearance, but it doesn't sound good. That is the grass on the wall. When the Phoenix blows over there, they fall over there.

I believe Chen Manzi must have inquired about me. They all know the energy behind me. When I come to Qinglong meeting this time, the sword edge refers to the dead fat chicken. It's not clear who wins or loses with me, but they have begun to panic because they are with fat chicken now. If fat chicken wins in the end, it's OK, If the fat chicken loses, they will also be implicated. This is because Chen Manzi is willing to open the door and let me in today.

I didn't talk to him and asked my men to put the leather bag in front of Chen Manzi. "It's a little fun. How can we say that we used to work together for the green dragon club, and I hope you must take it!" I looked at Chen Manzi and smiled, and then pushed the leather bag to his elbow.

Chen Manzi looked at the bulging bag and didn't stretch out his hand to open it. He just looked at me and asked, "I heard you're here to avenge your brother?"

"Fat chicken killed my brother. I should avenge my brother. Otherwise, how can I get out of Guan Yihan?" after that, I looked at Chen Manzi and said: "I heard that all of you eldest brothers seem to have taken refuge in fat chickens. I'm still young. I may say something vigorous. I hope you don't care! If you continue to associate with fat chickens, if fat chickens fall down this time, you won't live long. Let's not say whether my brother will kill you. If fat chickens die, you think Mr. Jiang will let you go Do you like them? "

Chen Manzi is obviously frightened by me. He has an abacus in his mind. He knows how to calculate this account better than I do. I just need to wake him up. In fact, this is not just a threat. If Chen Manzi goes along with the fat chicken again, let alone Jiang Xiansheng, if the fat chicken falls, I will get rid of them together.

Chen Manzi hesitated after listening to me, then looked at me and said with a smile, "Oh, what's your opinion?"

When Chen Manzi asked me this, the balance in his heart actually fell to me. I looked at Chen Manzi and said calmly: "Let me be frank. The reason why you take refuge in fat chicken is that you think it is profitable and that fat chicken is in power. It was really a smart act to take refuge in him at that time. People can't help themselves in the Jianghu. But now it's different from the past. The good days of fat chicken are coming to an end. If you follow fat chicken for the tiger again , there is no profit to be gained, and we have to take great risks. "

After that, I opened the bag, took a wad of money out of it, looked at Chen Manzi, smiled and continued: "Let's just go out for money. Personally, I think you might as well take the money for the time being. You won't help the fat chicken deal with us or help us deal with the fat chicken at that time. Stay neutral. In the end, when you see that the other side wins, you can give full support to the other side. Isn't that good? The money is also in hand, and neither side will offend you. I promise you here, if the fat chicken wins If you fall down, Qinglong will forget your past grievances. We will work together in the future! "

After that, I pushed my bag in front of Chen Manzi again. What to do depends on his Chen Manzi's consciousness. He is not a fool. I have made it clear what to do. He has a good mind.

People like them put interests first. They may mix well, but they are always just followers behind others. They belong to the type that can't go up but can't fall down.

After listening to me, Chen Manzi was still hesitant there. I directly took the bag in my hand. "Since you won't accept it, there's no need to talk. I'll see you later with the guy!"

I pretended to be angry and prepared to leave. At this time, Chen Manzi quickly stopped me, looked at me and said, "take it. Of course I take it! Everyone used to work together, and I don't want to see you with guys in the future!"

I handed the bag to Chen Manzi, and then sat down to continue drinking tea. Sure enough, as my brother thought, Chen Manzi would definitely take it. My brother told me before I came. My brother said that Chen Manzi was mercenary and gave them more benefits. They would naturally leave the fat chicken, which is really the same as my brother said.

I asked Chen Manzi to contact other big brothers at the entrance of the hall and help me make an appointment with them. In the evening, I arranged wine and vegetables in the hotel to wait for them.

After that, I left. If I told my brother, all the hall brothers must be present at night, and I should prepare.

In the evening, I was waiting in the hotel. Before the time I agreed, Chen Manzi came with the other Tangkou brothers. After they entered the hotel with a smile, they filled a large round table.

When they came, I politely filled them with wine. After filling them, I didn't be polite to them. I sat down and said what I should say, "It's estimated that everyone knows well today. I won't talk more nonsense with you. All of you here are big brothers. It's not a day or two to hang out. You can think about it. If the fat chicken falls, how can we get more benefits?"

As soon as I mentioned the word interest, the big brother at the entrance of the hall began to be silent. They were all playing their own small calculations in their hearts.

"Everyone already knows, and I won't hide it from you. I'm not sure Guan Yihan can bring down the fat chicken, but if you wish me a hand, can he be arrogant? If you help me bring down the fat chicken, don't you share all his territory and industrial property when the fat chicken dies?" , I looked at the big brother at the entrance of the hall and said, I have said everything I should say.

Although fat chicken is only a big brother in Qinglong club, he can hold four or five big brothers in his hand. They are not fools, so I don't need to say more.

After that, I asked my men to pour all the money in the three boxes on the table. The whole table was full of money. I pointed to the money and smiled: "This is my little thought of Guan Yihan. If you think what I just said is OK, you will take your share. If you don't think it's OK, you can help yourself. We have only two relationships! Either friends or enemies!"

After I finished, the hall brothers were silent, but after a moment of silence, they silently stretched out their hands and took their share.

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